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Husband won't put me on title for new home

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I just want the addresses of all the great places that people are allowed to move into & live totally rent free :laugh:


Hey lady if you reach a land where it's paradise please let me know.:laugh:


Unfortunately until then, I have to work for the things I want, unlike some folks here.

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Hey lady if you reach a land where it's paradise please let me know.:laugh:


Unfortunately until then, I have to work for the things I want, unlike some folks here.

Please tell us who isn't working for the things they want.

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Mme. Chaucer
Don't act as if you don't know who.


I'm not acting as if. I don't know.


Well, I own my home free and clear, and I don't make my husband pay rent. Does that mean I've said that paying bills is voluntary, according to your (ahem) "reading style"?

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Mme. Chaucer


Quotes, please. I don't believe he's ever said that.

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Please tell us who isn't working for the things they want.


The people here who are trashing OP's husband for his considerable amount of work and the people who are currently trying to shove their freeloader view down SS's throat.

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I'm not acting as if. I don't know.


Well, I own my home free and clear, and I don't make my husband pay rent. Does that mean I've said that paying bills is voluntary, according to your (ahem) "reading style"?


Nice score for your hubby! Around here rents start at 1K per month, he's saving some serious money!

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I'm not acting as if. I don't know.


Well, I own my home free and clear, and I don't make my husband pay rent. Does that mean I've said that paying bills is voluntary, according to your (ahem) "reading style"?


That's exactly what you said to SS, along with the boring "bitter" comments you constantly repeat when one's view doesn't align with yours.

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This is what I said:


In my relationships paying the bills is voluntary. "I'll get it this month." We care about each other's feelings do our parts voluntarily. Money isn't the only currency. Bills aren't the only cost. I'm happy with, "Did you pay the phone bill? Let me make dinner."


The meaning, of course, is that we volunteer between us to pay certain bills when they come due. Obviously paying them isn't voluntary, if you want to keep your house and your credit rating. As long as both people are contributing and feel things are being handled fairly, you don't have to add the overhead of being all administrative about it.

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This is what I said:




The meaning, of course, is that we volunteer between us to pay certain bills when they come due. Obviously paying them isn't voluntary, if you want to keep your house and your credit rating. As long as both people are contributing and feel things are being handled fairly, you don't have to add the overhead of being all administrative about it.


That's right, admit that you said it, but don't try and backtrack.

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The people here who are trashing OP's husband for his considerable amount of work and the people who are currently trying to shove their freeloader view down SS's throat.


Oh yeah, Johan sez I better alter my POV, after all a lot of people "don't see it" my way, I'll have a hard time finding a relationship if I don't agree to allowing a guy to move in rent free while I continue on paying all the bills to keep the place up.

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Mme. Chaucer
That's exactly what you said to SS, along with the boring "bitter" comments you constantly repeat when one's view doesn't align with yours.


You're completely clueless, and evidently a poor reader, too. Waste of time.

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That's right, admit that you said it, but don't try and backtrack.


Nope. I stand by what I said. I'll let others be the judge.

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This is what I said:




The meaning, of course, is that we volunteer between us to pay certain bills when they come due. Obviously paying them isn't voluntary, if you want to keep your house and your credit rating. As long as both people are contributing and feel things are being handled fairly, you don't have to add the overhead of being all administrative about it.


And you've made it VERY clear that if the one with the assets isn't willing to "volunteer" to fork them over that they're going to have a hard time finding relationships.

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The people here who are trashing OP's husband for his considerable amount of work and the people who are currently trying to shove their freeloader view down SS's throat.

What makes you think they don't work for what they want? :confused:

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Oh yeah, Johan sez I better alter my POV, after all a lot of people "don't see it" my way, I'll have a hard time finding a relationship if I don't agree to allowing a guy to move in rent free while I continue on paying all the bills to keep the place up.


I guess only people can get a relationship by sitting on their asses with their hands out, eh?:laugh:

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What makes you think they don't work for what they want? :confused:


The OP of this thread isn't working, hasn't worked for 2 years & has zero money to put on a down payment for a house & no timeline in the immediate future as to when she'll be able to pay for half that down payment or ongoing monthly mortgage payment. Yet she's all butt hurt because she isn't on the title & he won't just give her half of his house.

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You're completely clueless, and evidently a poor reader, too. Waste of time.


Yea go ahead with more personal attacks. You're just proving my point about your agenda.:rolleyes:


It's a waste of time being with a lazy person who only cares about money, when they don't even work themselves.

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Nope. I stand by what I said. I'll let others be the judge.


Good then fully stand by it, instead of trying to play both fields.

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I guess only people can get a relationship by sitting on their asses with their hands out, eh?:laugh:


Frankly, I'm amazed at the number of people who will allow romantic partners to just move into their houses totally rent free, it's mind blowing to me.

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Mme. Chaucer
Nice score for your hubby! Around here rents start at 1K per month, he's saving some serious money!


As I have said many times here on this thread and other places, I don't believe that contributing $$ is more valuable than many other contributions people make in a union.


He's not a freeloader, and he has to work long and hard at a job he does not love because he was not as successful and fortunate as I was in earlier life. His job also provides for our health insurance. Still, the financial stuff in this marriage are not equal; I brought and continue to put in more $$. He brings a lot more of other stuff than I do. Like hard labor on this 60 acre working farm. And if we did divorce, he would not have any equity in this home despite his ridiculous amount of work here, because I owned it before I knew him and no, his name is NOT on the title.


I could go a lot further explaining the ways that this particular relationship feels equitable to BOTH of us, but I really don't feel like it.


I just want to keep the idea alive that it is possible to have a fair give and take without dividing every single thing smack down the middle. AND, I don't care about $$ that much. AND, I still believe in love. Though I had an experience practically as bad as yours (but with the saving grace that it did not go on forever with the financial drain, as yours is. I was told that if I kept our successful and lucrative family business, I would be paying alimony to my drug addicted ex husband who had stolen many thousands from that business and from our daughter's savings for school. So I chose to walk).

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What makes you think they don't work for what they want? :confused:


Their selfish lazy attitudes are a good indicator they're freeloaders.


The comments about how one doesn't love them because their partner isn't sharing all of their assets is ridiculous, when one has the elementary state of mind that paying bills and actually having a job is voluntary, and claiming that's the way to have a good relationship.:rolleyes:

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