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i'm addicted to chapstick

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My sisters addicted to the stuff. Carmex mostly, but she'll use Chapstick as well. Personally, my lips seem to get worse off if I use anything but blistex. And then I only use it in the winter.

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hey, chapstick makes your lips worse... unless you get the right kind. cause if u stop using it.. doesn't ur lips like get really chapped??? i got the medicated kind once and that worked better than the bonebell* stuff or any of the kid stuff. your dehydrated - you need to drink more water.. yeah thats what i think... my lips are never really chapped.. and i dont use chap stick cause whenever i do. i get addicted to it to just because it doesn't last very long u know.. so u reapply it alot just to try and keep ur lips moist. so I would drink more water and if u want good chap stick look for the medicated kind.

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