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Am I being difficult here?

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I recently ended a FWB situation. Though I strangely maybe could've liked my friend, I knew it could never be. Anyway, he lives in another city about 3 hours away. He comes up a lot on weekends for work. When he's here, he stay with me. Now, we're both dating other people...his more serious of a "talking" than mine. Even though he talks about her and says he could really love this girl, he still proceeded to hook up with me this weekend. Whatev. That's not the issue.


When talking about coming backup next weekend he mentioned bringing the girl he's dating/his gf. I was kind of thrown off guard.


Am I crazy that it might bother me that he'd be staying in my house, in another room, with another girl? Even though I know I'd never be able to be with him?


He kinda looked at me like it was a normal request?!


( I think he wanted to bring her bc she was upset when she found out I was a girl...I'm not a good liar, either so she'd know just by my face if she asked)


Please- anyone??

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Sorry, that was automatic reaction, anyway, he's a horrible person, he's dating someone and still sleeping with you. GOD if I was that other girl, I would be extremely bothered. How would you feel? Just tell him no.

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That's a flat out no. Regardless of your current relationship with you, he basically decieved his new 'love' interest by sleeping with you recently and now wants to bring her to the place where this happened?! Shady.

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thank you both! Sometimes I second guess myself when I shouldn't. Who asks that of someone? lol. Not lol, actually- i guess it was just so "out there" or ballsy of him that it sent my head into a wtf meltdown.


Anyway, we're friends now. I do love him as a person and he is a truly good friend to me. I'm kind of thankful he made this ridiculous request because it took any shred of potential feelings and made it disappear. hallelujyer.

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