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freaky friend?

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My question may seem strange but i have a difficult time decoding guys message. I'm seeing this wonderful man who respects me and cares for me. The other day we were talking about some friends and he mention how 2years ago he used to hang out with a girl whom he refer to her as being "freaky" and a "wild child" what does he mean by that? he said they were good friends and that during that time she was engaged to some guy. she is married now and he doesn't keep in touch with her anymore. However, i'm still curious about what he meant with the terms of those words. i didn't want to ask him because i don't want to look like a snoop. would somebody tell what he tried to say?

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It is perfectly normal to ask a wonderful boyfriend to define his terms for you. If he used these words in front of you, you would hardly seem like a snoop for asking what he meant.


Asking any other person in the world what your boyfriend meant by a certain statement is a very serious mistake. I hope you will work on more effective communications skills in the future. If he respects and cares for you as you say, he will have absolutely no problem with your efforts to fully understand what he says. He will probably be extremely flattered.


My take on what he meant by "freaky" and "wild child" with regards to the girl he hung out with several years ago is that she was difficult to understand, driven to odd behavior and mannerisms, most likely did not conform to the general behavior of others her age, and at times used language and displayed behavior that was unique, weird, or difficult to understand. Usually, a girl who is wild is disposed to flirting and seeing numerous guys without regard for her reputation, etc. Usually this is a perception rather than reality based.


You better check this out with your boyfriend, though. And don't tell him you put up this post. He's likely to be very offended because you didn't ask him personally for clarification at the time you needed it.


You are certainly not a snoop for wanting to know what he meant. I hardly consider this a matter of decoding a guy's message. You simply didn't understand what he meant. Men, as you probably well know, are always VERY clear about what they say and mean(LOL).


And congratulations on having such a nice guy for a boyfriend. Don't see that often enough on this forum.

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