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Motivation for guys going through a breakup

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I read this advice article on handling breakups and breaking out of the cycle and I thought this could be good motivation for guys who are struggling.




Losing a girl feels worse than a kick in the nuts. You would do anything to leave this site and just have her back and all your pain would go away!


Listen man, I know this doesn't help now and it will only help if you’re the kind of guy who takes massive action in the face of crippling pain. But, I'm telling you I was dating an amazingly hot, cool, smart girl. She dumped me. I thought I was going to die!!! bla bla bla right?


Worse year of my life. Guess what though man.... I know this is cliché, but I'm glad we are done. Yeah, I still miss her at times, but look where I've come. If I had her back now, I'd be the same guy. I've pushed myself to new heights in so many areas of my life.


IF you get back with that "perfect" girl, your pain will leave for a while, but when your old someday, you will wonder what life would have been like if you would have let go and became who you are about to be. She was and is holding you back.


Let it sting only for a few moments per day. She is controlling you and she doesn't even want to be. Bitch slap yourself and decide that only you will control your happiness. You enjoyed that girl, you miss her, you are sad at times, but you wouldn't change thing. GET THERE GOD DAMN IT!!!!! Don't lay in this feeling. I've been there. I almost lost my job over it. I almost didn't go to Law School over it. What a joke. Take full responsibility for who you are and don't look back. In 1 year, if you put in the work, you will laugh at this girl.


Listen man I know it hurts, I spent an entire year suffering over a girl. Lost weight, neglected my life, and burned a FULL YEAR of my short life hurting over a girl!! WHAT?!?!?!?


Understand that there are literally BILLIONS OF GIRLS. The guy you will be in a year is not the guy that this girl rejected. ONLY if you take proper action. Don't let that fool you though. Don't change and become better for this girl. DO IT FOR YOU!!!! I know. You hurt and you only want to know what will make you feel better in this moment. Take the pain, recover and move forward. THERE ARE BIGGER AND BETTER THINGS OUT THERE!


But but I love her!!! She's different, you don’t' understand!!!!" Every guy has said that weak ****. You don't find this site on accident.


No Goddamn it, step up to the plate and tell yourself NO MORE! This girl better enjoy today, cause it's the last day I will giver her my power and allow her to choose how I will feel about myself and life. I will better myself everyday and one day I will reflect on this and realize that she was a cool chick and I hope she is happy. I have taken myself to a new level and it's all for the better that she dumped me, cause at my new level I would have had to dump her.


Respect yourself and allow her no more real estate in your head and lets start moving to positive things. The work will be hard and you will have highs and lows. Decide that you are going to better yourself a little today. A little everyday and all of a sudden you will look up and you won't recognize who you are. You won't need this girls validation. You will be battle hardened and you will love the new you. Right now that is hard to believe. Fine. Don't believe me, just trust me. Every day when you wake up and your chest hurts, just close your eyes and say, "Today might be tough, but I'm going to take at least one step toward making myself a better person than I was yesterday." Do this for a full year and you won't even remember who you were.


The alternative is to wallow and moan and wish things were different. "Only if you had her back your life would be perfect. IF only you had her back, your grades would be good. If only you had her back, you would work out and get the body you've always wanted." BULL****!



Accept who you are and kill that weak person that was rejected. Tell yourself you are sad about her, but that something has to die for something new to grow. I miss her but it had to happen for the new me to become a reality.


Step up hommie! It hurts. It hurts bad! I know it does. But what you choose to do right now will determine who you are for the rest of your life. Step up to this challenge and take it head on like a man.


There is no other option. Take the pain and push through it. The only way through hell is straight through it.



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I'm not a guy but this was awesome. Now if only this guy could stand next to me everyday and be my personal mental trainer lol I really don't want to give my ex so much credit for the way I feel. I'm a lot stronger than I think I am, my heart just needs to catch up with my head. The day that me and my ex broke up, I went kayaking lol (I'm not outdoorsy at all and haven't worked out since I took P.E. in high school) then 6 days later, I hiked a volcano. This Saturday, I'm going parasailing. Hah! I bet my ex would have never thought my lazy a** would be doing any of this, if he only knew. I deactivated my Facebook so he won't see the photos, but whatever, this is for me. Now, I definitely won't be signing up for the gym, but I do want to continue challenging myself and do things I wouldn't normally do, and who knows, maybe i'll meet someone new :)

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This is cool and all but you will keep getting dumped if you don't understand how to keep a woman. No matter how much you change, if you don't understand what makes a woman's puvsy tingle and her heart beat, you will keep getting dumped. Over, and over, and over again.

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This is cool and all but you will keep getting dumped if you don't understand how to keep a woman. No matter how much you change, if you don't understand what makes a woman's puvsy tingle and her heart beat, you will keep getting dumped. Over, and over, and over again.



I agree....and that's the "Change" he talks about. You need to address that issue. I definitely do.

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