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Is living together before your married a good or bad thing???


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Hey, okay.. so here goes.

I've been with this guy almost a year. We love each other, we're pretty serious. We're with each other every hour and second that we aren't at work.

My daddy is a preacher so he and my mom are totally against living together, having sex, whatever before your married. Let it be said, I'm a 21 year old with a daughter, so I'm quite an adult now and not some teenager.


Is it a good thing to live together before you get married? I mean, do you have anything to look foward to if you do that? you know what I mean? Is it good to get to see each other inside and out before you get married.. or wait and let that be part of the whole marrying process, learning to know each other etc...

If you DO live together before you get married...... what do you have to look foward to if anything? I just want ya'lls opinions.

Would you do it or not? Have you done it? Did it work out?? Advice please??

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This question really only breaks down to the couple themselves. It works for some and it doesn't for others.


In my personal experience and opinion, it's better to live with someone before you marry them. You should most definitely get to know someone inside out before marrying them. Getting to know them shouldn't be part of the marrying process because once you're married, you're married. Say you then discover that there are certain things you just cannot live with about the other person? Then you're pretty much screwed and heading towards divorce court.


I've been with my boyfriend 1 and a half years and living with him for 6 months. We definitely plan on getting married but we wanted to have more time together as a couple before tying the knot. Living with him has been awesome! You discover the little things about a person when you wake up and go to bed with them every night.


To live successfully with someone, you have to be on the same wavelength. Like me and my boyfriend are both people who like to sleep in, are both relatively messy, and are pretty good with keeping up the housework as a team. Believe it or not, he will take the initiative and do the laundry, wash the dishes, and take out the trash. I, in turn, will cook dinner, pack our lunches, feed our kittens, and clean. There's no nagging or disharmony between us. We just work.


I think something like that is important when you live with someone. There are so many things that could potentially go wrong. There will be couples that never lived together, married, and are happy. Then there are the one's that went that route and aren't happy. There are also people that lived together before marriage and went on to marry and be happy. Of course there are the people that lived together before marriage and never ended up making it to the alter. So it really depend on you, and your relationship alone. My opinion is that it's important to see if you two CAN live together first, but that's just me.

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