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Help, I am confused.....

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Hi: I need Help, I have been seeing a guy for the

past 7months. He is single, very attractive. has a

good job, no kids, owns his own house, drives a

new Jeep, and treats me like a queen, but here are

the problems or you could say my hang ups.


1. He is short about 5'61/2-- 5'7', I am 5'4, I have

never dated some one that short

2. He is small penis wise, sometimes its good other

times I feel fustrated.

3. I am not sure he can have kids, even though he

says he can, he states he will go to a dr. for my

sake, but he has yet to do so.,

Am I being just petty or should I continue to search

for Mr. right whoever that maybe, This guy has also

expressed to me that he wants a future with me, marriage etc...


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  • 3 weeks later...

My mother always told me to find a man who was good to me and bouth me everything I wanted. Basicly a guy who worshipped the ground I walked on. But for me that wasn't what I wanted I didn't want some guy to follow me around like a lost puppy helping me with every little thing. I am a dependant person. So I think if you are unhappy with his hieght and penis size then you should just move on. Find the right guy. No matter how shallow people may think you are. I mean I know I'm shallow but you know what at least I'm happy and not with some guy just because people say i should be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi: I need Help, I have been seeing a guy for the past 7months. He is single, very attractive. has a good job, no kids, owns his own house, drives a new Jeep, and treats me like a queen, but here are the problems or you could say my hang ups.



1. He is short about 5'61/2-- 5'7', I am 5'4, I have never dated some one that short


2. He is small penis wise, sometimes its good other times I feel fustrated.


3. I am not sure he can have kids, even though he says he can, he states he will go to a dr. for my sake, but he has yet to do so.,


Am I being just petty or should I continue to search for Mr. right whoever that maybe, This guy has also expressed to me that he wants a future with me, marriage etc...








I want you to do something. I want you to carefully read what you wrote. Read over those things that make you unhappy about him and those things that you find are positive about him. I'll break it down here:



Things that are positive:



  • Single
  • Attractive
  • Good job
  • No kids
  • Owns his own house
  • Drives a new Jeep
  • Treats you like a "Queen"



Things that are negative:



  • He is short
  • He has a relatively small penis that does not always satisfy you
  • May be unable to have children



Consider this: Every item on both of those lists is a physical quality. They're all materialistic in nature. What he has, what he lacks, what he owns, and what he does. Not once did you mention anything remotely resembling "love" or any sort of emotion or feeling other than physical gratification. Your relationship with him seems to be founded solely on material possessions. If you find that most of your relationships are of that nature, then perhaps you should consider focusing on the deeper qualities of your partners. Rather than judge them by their wealth or the type of car they drive, focus on how they make you feel and how you respond to them emotionally, as well as on how they respond to you emotionally. Cars break down. Houses deteriorate. People come in all different sizes. But love transcends all physical bounds. Love need not be physical in nature at all. You need to explore your emotional and spiritual relationship to this man and to all of your partners. Find out who they really are inside! Mr. Right might be driving a used Yugo, be 4 feet tall, and live in a rat-infested one-bedroom apartment. None of that matters. You need to quit digesting the details and start to take in the much bigger, deeper picture of exactly who these individuals truly are. Until you can learn to do that, you'll never be fully happy. Best wishes to you!






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