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Why do female have to be extortionately shallow?

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Why do female have to be extortionately shallow?



Is that when you threaten to harm somebody in some way if they don't given in to your demands or wishes, but you're too dense to figure out how to pull it off??

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Some men are shallow too.. I'm just saying. And not all women are!


I'm not sure why some people are shallow though, it's not really fair. No one should think they're better than anyone else.

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Is that when you threaten to harm somebody in some way if they don't given in to your demands or wishes, but you're too dense to figure out how to pull it off??


I think it's when you threaten to harm somebody in some way if they don't given in to your demands or wishes, but your wishes are things like a year's subscription to People and framed photographs of yourself.

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Is that when you threaten to harm somebody in some way if they don't given in to your demands or wishes, but you're too dense to figure out how to pull it off??


I just want to get along with everyone, don't even ****ing care about dating, but shallow women with ther shallow obsession with looks won't even be friends with me. Males are superior to women in every conceivable way. They hit you with this confidence bullcrap but that's just an excuse because you don't meet their superficial requirements. Considering thin men date 400 pound women all the time, their unwillingness to be friends with me is an absolute ****ing disgrace


Do you hear what I'm saying? Good guy here outcasted by women. If I were a female with the same looks I'd have no probs making lots of male friends

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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I just want to get along with everyone, don't even ****ing care about dating, but shallow women with ther shallow obsession with looks won't even be friends with me. Males are superior to women in every conceivable way. They hit you with this confidence bullcrap but that's just an excuse because you don't meet their superficial requirements. Considering thin men date 400 pound women all the time, their unwillingness to be friends with me is an absolute ****ing disgrace


Do you hear what I'm saying? Good guy here outcasted by women. If I were a female with the same looks I'd have no probs making lots of male friends

Hmmm... and that was the edited version?


Go sleep it off, man. Drink lots of water - some Gatorade if you've got it - to minimize the hangover in the morning.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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Why do female have to be extortionately shallow?

Why can't they just be more like males? Is it genetic?



Do you mean 'extraordinarily'...?

If you're going to ask a question - at least make sense! :rolleyes:


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Women are shallow because they have an instinct to make the best babies and want the "top" men to do so.


They are no different from any other animal on this planet.

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I know plenty - but plenty - of women who definitely do NOT want to make babies.

in fact, that number outweighs the 'wants'....

Women are resisting parenthood in higher and higher numbers.


Which kinda leaves the guys with paternal feelings - helpless.


if a woman wants a child, there are a great number of options open to her.

If a man wants to be a father - and i've met a few - his options are limited. Not to say virtually zero.


now THAT IS an injustice. Talk about that if you want, not some scatter-gun-approach of fatuous opinions which hold no water.



I've given you a real topic of discussion.

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Women are shallow because they have an instinct to make the best babies and want the "top" men to do so.


They are no different from any other animal on this planet.


Yeah but do they have to be shallow all-round? Lots of young females are right ****ing nasty to guys like me, so are some young males, but at least lots of other young males are actually ok once they get to know you. Women are heartless bitches, they don't give two ****s what you're like inside, they just keep on hating (or alienating) even when they know you're a good person inside. The difference between men and women is that men will like you as a person if you're good inside whereas as women don't give a **** about that to begin with

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even when they know you're a good person inside.


You are not a good person inside though and I think women are more tuned to that than men because we have to look out for guys like you.

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You are not a good person inside though and I think women are more tuned to that than men because we have to look out for guys like you.


How am I not good inside? Because I'm complaining because bitches hate me even though they know I'm a good guy?


I'm not a good guy you say? Do you want me to pm a link to one of my popular friends on Face and you can ask him why he liks me? I'm a bad guy? They will laugh at you, I equal good in every sense of the word

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Even if you had video evidence of me doing something bad, you'd need more than that because I'm that good inside



Stop making excuses, I know some REAL cruel males and all the young females LOVE them merely because they think these males are good looking, not a care in the world about anything else, don't give two ****s that they're bullies and cruel to animals and whatnot, heck even the 'ok' women LOVE them, females with high respectable jobs, doctors, nurses, etc


I find it ****ing laughable that nearly all women post anti animal cruelty **** on their pages, and yet they hang about with guys that do that sort of stuff

Edited by danmorisson
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I know plenty - but plenty - of women who definitely do NOT want to make babies.

in fact, that number outweighs the 'wants'....

Women are resisting parenthood in higher and higher numbers.


Which kinda leaves the guys with paternal feelings - helpless.


if a woman wants a child, there are a great number of options open to her.

If a man wants to be a father - and i've met a few - his options are limited. Not to say virtually zero.


now THAT IS an injustice. Talk about that if you want, not some scatter-gun-approach of fatuous opinions which hold no water.



I've given you a real topic of discussion.

Even if they don't want to have children, they still have the instinct of only wanting to be with the "best" men.


Also, lets not forget that the whole career first thing, is a very recent phenomena. For the past few million years, women didn't work.

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Even if they don't want to have children, they still have the instinct of only wanting to be with the "best" men.


Also, lets not forget that the whole career first thing, is a very recent phenomena. For the past few million years, women didn't work.

"The whole career thing" as you put it, took off during and just after WWI.

while the men were conscripted to join the forces and fight for their countries - someone had to keep the factories and countries going.

And when the war was over - women wanted to keep on working.

But many were forced to return to the home, and keep house.


but don't tell me that women didn't work.

women have always worked.

Our prime minister actually admitted that if women were paid a decent living wage for staying at home and being - as Americans put it - a 'home-maker' - the economy would be bankrupt overnight, because hour for hour, labour for labour, women would be earning a higher salary than their husbands.....


Furthermore, it's an established fact that women do more of the housework than their male counterparts - even if both hold a full-time job, the household chores still fall to the women.


So actually - on the whole and in general - women seem to

work a darned sight harder than you do.


Working women 'still do housework' | Mail Online


Eight out of ten women do more housework than their partners - AOL Lifestyle UK


Forty years of feminism


pop kettle on sweetie.....:cool:

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Ever heard of woman not wanting to or putting off having kids so she could focus on the housework?

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what the hell does that mean?


I've heard of women putting off having kids for all kinds of reasons - but the common denominator is that they have no maternal feelings or desire to have kids - regardless of what they do.

They decide to not have kids - because they don't want kids.


there's nothing wrong with that.

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what the hell does that mean?


I've heard of women putting off having kids for all kinds of reasons - but the common denominator is that they have no maternal feelings or desire to have kids - regardless of what they do.

They decide to not have kids - because they don't want kids.


there's nothing wrong with that.

The whole reason I said the career thing, is that the most common reason for women to put off having kids or not wanting kids at all, is so they can do their career first.


Then you come in and start talking about housework.

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My comments were fuelled by the fact that you said


For the past few million years, women didn't work.


not every woman during the past 'few million years' who as you put it, 'didn't work' actually wanted to stay at home and have families.

Many were obliged by all manner of social mores, to comply with that stereotype.

that doesn't mean that they wanted it, or enjoyed it.

A prime example is my mother.


she didn't describe herself and my father, as 'parents'.

she described herself and my father as 'a couple with children'.

At least three of her sisters felt the same way.


there is also the factor that many women today, who have children, are obliged to work because they need the money.


so there are all kinds of different mitigating factors here.

which goes to prove - you can't generalise.

women should be able to work, if they want to, and they should be able to not have children, if they don't want to....


But this work ethic has been around a lot linger than 'Women's Lib'. it's just that they were prevented from doing so by social custom.

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The women vs male arguments are just plain silly, especially in this day and age.


OP: My guess is that your attitude about women shows in real life and that is a major turn off. Being so blatantly prejudice towards any group of people, no matter the circumstances, is not an attractive quality to many folks. It's also not a characteristic many would associate with a "nice guy", so trying to prove that to others is a waste of time. Show that you are a nice guy by simply not judging others like that.


You may be good compared to lots of guys though, and everyone has different thresholds, so don't worry too much about it. I'm glad you seem to be against hunting, for example.


Just remember it works both ways, men can also be the shallow and hypocritical ones. Be aware of it and let go of the anger and just try to be a happier/healthier person. Good luck.

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I just want to get along with everyone, don't even ****ing care about dating, but shallow women with ther shallow obsession with looks won't even be friends with me. Do they deserve a punch or two for being inhumane cunts? I'd say yes, but I'm just not a violent person. Males are superior to women in every conceivable way. They hit you with this confidence bullcrap but that's just an excuse because you don't meet their superficial requirements. Considering thin men date 400 pound women all the time, their unwillingness to be friends with me is an absolute ****ing disgrace


Do you hear what I'm saying? Good guy here outcasted by women. If I were a female with the same looks I'd have no probs making lots of male friends




Listen, you cannot punch women a time or two... being extortionately shallow... unLESS you have established whatever demands you have of them, and they fail to adhere to your demands FIRST. Otherwise it just counts as assault and abuse.



PS - if you were a tabby cat, you'd have far more tomcat friends than you would have tabby cat friends IF you were a tomcat. Do you hear what I'm saying??



Edited by SincereOnlineGuy
If you're here 4yrs from now- this is my post to quote out of context (or even IN context)
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I thought men were generally thought of as more shallow then women?!


But as any rational thinking person knows, women and men can both be shallow, and both can be 'deep,' because we are all capable of any character traits no matter what our gender is.



Why can't they just be more like males? Is it genetic?
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Wow! You really don't come across across as likeable :confused:


Take a good look at yourself and figure out why you're not such an attractive personality yourself.


Yes there are horrible people out there, you're not the only person on the planet who has been treated badly, but don't tar everyone with the same brush, it's downright insulting.


I just want to get along with everyone, don't even ****ing care about dating, but shallow women with ther shallow obsession with looks won't even be friends with me. Do they deserve a punch or two for being inhumane cunts? I'd say yes, but I'm just not a violent person. Males are superior to women in every conceivable way. They hit you with this confidence bullcrap but that's just an excuse because you don't meet their superficial requirements. Considering thin men date 400 pound women all the time, their unwillingness to be friends with me is an absolute ****ing disgrace


Do you hear what I'm saying? Good guy here outcasted by women. If I were a female with the same looks I'd have no probs making lots of male friends

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Great post!



The women vs male arguments are just plain silly, especially in this day and age.


OP: My guess is that your attitude about women shows in real life and that is a major turn off. Being so blatantly prejudice towards any group of people, no matter the circumstances, is not an attractive quality to many folks. It's also not a characteristic many would associate with a "nice guy", so trying to prove that to others is a waste of time. Show that you are a nice guy by simply not judging others like that.


You may be good compared to lots of guys though, and everyone has different thresholds, so don't worry too much about it. I'm glad you seem to be against hunting, for example.


Just remember it works both ways, men can also be the shallow and hypocritical ones. Be aware of it and let go of the anger and just try to be a happier/healthier person. Good luck.

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