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she cheated after 2 years (long story)

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You said she had cheated twice in previous relationships before you met her. Then she cheated on you. This is serial cheating and those people never change. She cannot change so walk away for good or be ok with sharing her. She will never be faithful to any man.

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You said she had cheated twice in previous relationships before you met her. Then she cheated on you. This is serial cheating and those people never change. She cannot change so walk away for good or be ok with sharing her. She will never be faithful to any man.


She will never be faithful for any man, tru... But not only that.


If she wanted to be polyamorous, she could have talked to him first, trying to convince him, giving him the chance to say no and to break up. So, i would say that this woman always sh)t on every man. She will never be loyal to her own words.

She is just a piece of **** person.

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Just want to say thank you to all who took the time to warn me about this crazy girl 3 years ago... I should have listened.

Yet they never do.

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Just want to say thank you to all who took the time to warn me about this crazy girl 3 years ago... I should have listened.


You do realize your girlfriend is the scumbag... not the photographer, right?

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doktabuddha: she is a mess and you know it, she needs help a lot of it and it seems that she is counting on you to provide the support. if you care for her do not leave her right now she will kill herself specially now after she left her college and transferred to yours. keep in mind that:

1 you are only 23 she is 20 you are both young and this could be just an experience for both you so do not overthink this.

2- you have chosen to forgive with that comes a commitment that you would make all the effort needed to make this works.

3- she should understand that she must put an effort from her side too, you said that she showed remorse and sacrifice, but that's not it you are still hurt and feel betrayed, she will have to continue assuring you that you are the one and only those feeling will eventually fade away.

4- communication and honesty is key to any relationship in your case is beyond that it is a must. she needs to understand that she cannot be fully trusted yet due to her issues,

remember this is an experience that will make you a better person if you act upon it the right way, whether you stay with her or not

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doktabuddha: she is a mess and you know it, she needs help a lot of it and it seems that she is counting on you to provide the support. if you care for her do not leave her right now she will kill herself specially now after she left her college and transferred to yours. keep in mind that:

1 you are only 23 she is 20 you are both young and this could be just an experience for both you so do not overthink this.

2- you have chosen to forgive with that comes a commitment that you would make all the effort needed to make this works.

3- she should understand that she must put an effort from her side too, you said that she showed remorse and sacrifice, but that's not it you are still hurt and feel betrayed, she will have to continue assuring you that you are the one and only those feeling will eventually fade away.

4- communication and honesty is key to any relationship in your case is beyond that it is a must. she needs to understand that she cannot be fully trusted yet due to her issues,

remember this is an experience that will make you a better person if you act upon it the right way, whether you stay with her or not


You gotta be kidding, right? Sounds like you might be just the guy for this chick.

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Well you had to try. Most have to decide and find out there own way too so your not alone.


Now you know. I personally would just say no thanks and go No contact with her. She will never understand what she has done because she is not the one being hurt. It sucks but your better off without her in your life.




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Don't mean to be committing hindsight bias, but you really should have listened to those people 3 years ago. I guess that's irrelevant now.


Hopefully you have more of a backbone now and are able to focus on yourself for now. Best wishes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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The last two weeks have been hell - I've lost 6 lbs, missed days of work, had daily panic attacks accompanied by vomiting, suffered the worst case of bronchitis in my entire life due to a compromised immune system... I've been getting inebriated every night just to fall asleep for a few hours before waking up at 6am or earlier. After 2 weeks of this sh*t I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm ready to move on with my life.


I actually don't regret giving her a 2nd chance 3+ years ago. She really did make significant changes to regain my trust and we had a good run for awhile. There will absolutely be no 3rd chance going forward.


Thanks to all for the kind words and good advice (with the exception of qubist).

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Stop drinking and get out of that funk this instant!



Please refer to my post above and make her insignificant. It is not something you will ever get over entirely, it's just something you get through as best you can.

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The last two weeks have been hell - I've lost 6 lbs, missed days of work, had daily panic attacks accompanied by vomiting, suffered the worst case of bronchitis in my entire life due to a compromised immune system... I've been getting inebriated every night just to fall asleep for a few hours before waking up at 6am or earlier. After 2 weeks of this sh*t I'm finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm ready to move on with my life.


I hope that the light that you are seeing is not the light on the front of Engine 99 heading towards you.



As bad as things are they do get better. Though you may not notice improvements on a day to day basis. Healing takes a lot of time.

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Hang in there. Every day you are getting closer to breaking free from your hell. When you do you'll be free to live your life for yourself. If you take her back you'll feel better for a while but you'll know you betrayed yourself and feel like sh*t. And then she'll cheat again and you start this whole nightmare over again. Hang in there now - you'll be free very soon.

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Well at least you learned a had lesson. You got your bumps, lumps and bruises but you retained your scalp.


The girl has more problems then you could handle and she has to be the one to get it not you. When her girlfriend said you were a good fit, I kept thinking that the world waas a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes.


Move on friend and find someone with less problems.

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