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Help w/ Kissing Please!


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I've been serous with this guy for the past 8 months, we are friends but we usually hanging out together. At the movies he'll hold my hand and woul caress me. My question is, at this point I kiss him alot! I mean he touchs me everywhere but I need like "Alternatives" to sex. We have had sex a few times but I mean those days when we don't have enough time together and stuff! help me! I want to know how and experiment but i'm kind of shy. even tough i'm 21 I'm not sure how to start w/ this! please help me with some ideas or advice because i don't want to look stupid. you know like how to touch and stuff! thanks!

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Anything that stimulates you sexually can be called sex. It seems like you and your boyfriend are on the right track. First, go to a bookstore and find an illustrated book about lovemaking and see what you might like to try. There are some great books, particularly the Kama Sutra, that will challenge you in many ways.


Being outdoors at night, under the moon and the stars and away from people (hopefully) is always exciting right off the bat. Then begin experimentation. If you are looking for things to do that can be done hurriedly and be satisfying, I think you will run in to a brick wall. Sex is something that must take place in the time required, without deadlines.


Give yourself more credit than you do. You seem to have some of the basics down and a good "feel" for where you want to go from here. And also, please don't try to learn all the tricks so quickly. You could become sadly bored with the whole sex thing by the time you are 25, you know...there are only so many parts of the body and so many ways of approaching this thing.


Be cool and work with your boyfriend to make your sexlives fun and adventurous...but save some of the good times for a rainy day.


I'm sure there are others on the forum who will venture some creative suggestions for you.

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