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Is this emotionally heavy for a FWB?

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Howdy. Well, I accepted a gentleman's offer for the FWB and neither of us have had this situation before. Actually, I had guys I dated that wanted commitment with me, I just NEVER committed/never gave them the title of "boyfriend" etc....I suppose that's the closest thing to a FWB I've had.


This new guy, Bryan. He is my FWB now. He's still smarting from his last relationship. So he said he wants to "ease" into a relationship. HA! Let me tell yall... this one, SO much emotional talk, he is insanely open about everything. Very very honest, upfront, et al. I was mentioning in txt why I left all my last few BFs. (He asked, btw..) And so he replies, "well, if you feel you need to you can give me a call to elaborate, I'm always here to listen" ..yada yada. i hold back with my past, because i honestly just dont care to talk about it. i mean if i do, its in jest or to review a point (i.e. what im NOT looking for in a man..) And I did call him, just because i LOVE talking with him. I did not feel like talking about exs.:sick: So we had nice laidback chat.


He loves the thoughts of a possible relationship. but, eum. I kinda like the arm's length approach.....


SINCE i always see the good in people i give sincere compliments. I mean, its who i am. So i have NO qualms about reviewing what I like about him & all his good traits. which this sort ties into the former approach, I feel like this is a VERY emotionally invested rship. How is it going to be different from a real one? I dont want a real one now...just like with how i compliment, i really would go above and beyond for a BF and make scarfices. but i am SOOO burnt out. just dont care atm.


He is eating up the compliments like hogs on slops. And said no one has ever been into him this much because. HAHA, Yall. HE THANKS me for complimenting him and being interested...he THANKS me for caring and calling him pet names. He's just so eating that up like a giddy schoolgirl. I just feel he was a sweetheart of a guy that got his heart trampled... he is literally SO sweet. but i REALLY feel like he doesnt know what he's doing.........


Actually, I'd very much enjoy LESS of the emotional jibba-jabba from him and more humour related things. LAWD. because this is NOT like my other friends. it's just the wild west with my friends. anything goes. yano. anything is said, all jokes humour. looove it.


But, let me say this, i did originally want a BF. But this guys meets all my needs (then some)... so i duno... im enjoying it SO much i now worry he'll try to take it to the next level. and that will ruin my sweet time now......


So is this how the FWB supposed to go?

Edited by R1TE0N
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He is eating up the compliments like hogs on slops. And said no one has ever been into him this much because. HAHA, Yall. HE THANKS me for complimenting him and being interested...he THANKS me for caring and calling him pet names. He's just so eating that up like a giddy schoolgirl. I just feel he was a sweetheart of a guy that got his heart trampled... he is literally SO sweet. but i REALLY feel like he doesnt know what he's doing...


Er...are you just messing with him? You do not want to have an emotionally invested relationship with him, but you're still knowingly playing on his emotions with all your compliments and pet names. You really seem to be getting a kick out of this, and the way you talked about him here, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


So is this how the FWB supposed to go?



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