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insecurity leads to devestation

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one of my good friend's recently broke up with her boyfriend, well about two months ago. Our other best friend started dating him about a month latey - saying "she was over him", (She wasnt) and "she should move on and give another guy another shot"


He was the one who dumped her, and I am just starting to realize that she is an insecure bitch who would be willing to jeapordize her relationship with our best friend, all for the sake of having her first boyfriend.


What would you say to her to make them break up??

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Damn! That's the #1 friendship rule! I think that if your friend is still not over him, then if she wants to not speak to her other "friend' for awhile it might show her what can happen when you do that.


This girl seems too selfish and I wouldnt trust her after this

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Yea... That's the thing though, our other friend is so nice about the whole situation, she still talks to her like everything is fine because she says that she doesnt want to "be the bitch who stands in the way between her best friend and her boyfriend."


I dont know, i guess i feel like i don't have the 100% right to call her up and yell at her because basically, i really am not involved in the situation.


I just dont understand how some people can be so self-centered :(

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