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i think he left me now

no name again

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no name again

well i posted the post about "heart broken and confused, oh so confused. well my b'f never came home from the game. i think we both over reacted and i am hurting so much! ! !


i don't know what to do, i've looked every where for him and i can't find him any where! the house is so empty and i feel so lost and alone. i don't even know how to act, my head is reeling. all i want is for him to come home and for things to be as they were this morning when we were laying together on the couch and napping. that's all!


now i have to face the fact that it may be over. i don't know if i can deal with it. i don't have any friends or family out here, i am from another state. it is just my daughter and me. what would i do? i clean houses so i work alone and don't even have co-workers.


i feel so lonely and alone.....................

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Let this be a call to you to make friends...to have a circle of support for yourself in this journey through life. If you have trouble making friends, you need to work on yourself. Friends are a treasure and if you have none, you will feel lonely and desolate all the days of your life.


Get a good night's sleep and promise yourself that tomorrow you will do all that is necessary to get yourself out and meet people, make friends, reach out to those you can help and who can help you.


We love you here at the forum but we cannot touch you, we cannot talk to you, we cannot see your circumstances in three dimension and we cannot know exactly what to say to you to help you get through this. This forum will never be a subsitute for real, live, close, wonderful, loving friends.


Make them, and share with them.


You will be fine. If you begin to feel worse, there are national religious organizations that do telephone couselling and have 800 toll free numbers. Get those numbers by watching religious programming in your area. One good source is Unity Village. You can get their number by calling 800 information. 1-800-555-1212. They may have numbers of other resources where you can get help and support to help you get through your situation.

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It's not a good thing to center our lives around a love-mate. They are sure to feel a heavy burden from being our only source of emotional support. And they can feel smothered by our neediness.


I agree with Tony. This is your time to build a great life around friends, volunteering to help others less fortunate, and getting involved in the world.

well i posted the post about "heart broken and confused, oh so confused. well my b'f never came home from the game. i think we both over reacted and i am hurting so much! ! ! i don't know what to do, i've looked every where for him and i can't find him any where! the house is so empty and i feel so lost and alone. i don't even know how to act, my head is reeling. all i want is for him to come home and for things to be as they were this morning when we were laying together on the couch and napping. that's all!


now i have to face the fact that it may be over. i don't know if i can deal with it. i don't have any friends or family out here, i am from another state. it is just my daughter and me. what would i do? i clean houses so i work alone and don't even have co-workers. i feel so lonely and alone.....................

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