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Peculiar situation with old friend.

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First off, I'm new here, so hello to you all.


Now to get into it. Here's how it is:


I've known this girl for about 5 or 6 years now (We graduated high school together) and though we never hung out or spent much time together during the time we went to school, we were friends. We've kept in touch occasionally over Facebook in the past, just to catch up and say hello. Several months ago, we began to talk regularly at night, sometimes for hours. After a while we decided we should just meet up for old-times sake, so we did. This continued for a few weeks and after spending time with her, I began to feel the vibe that she had developed some sort of interest in me.


As it turned out my instincts proved accurate and I found myself sharing her feelings. We watched a couple of movies together, spent some time hanging out with another couple, and we seemed to be starting off well. Sitting together, we'd just hold hands and I'd caress her a little a bit, and nights would usually just end with a kiss goodnight. I didn't have much time or the opportunity to get much more affectionate than that.


Anyways, several weeks pass where we don't see each other and I sense the mood of our conversations to be a little less enthusiastic; her making little if any attempt to get in touch or make plans. I mentioned how I thought it would be nice to see her again and she responded somewhat coldly, which gave me the impression that whatever interest she may have had in me had faded. After that I just stopped making an effort to reach her just to wait and see if anything happened.


After a week or so, she hits me up on facebook chat and jokes about how I'm "dead," I'm assuming because I hadn't tried to talk to her like usual. A few days later she invites me to go hang out with her and her friends at her school sometime, and one week I take her up on her offer. I arrived having put the majority of the feelings I had for this girl behind me, so when I heard (from her, personally) the news of her one-night-stand with some dude at her school, it didn't have much of an effect on me other than confirming my suspicion that she had lost interest in me as anything beyond an old friend from high school.


Later that same day, I end up going to her house for a small get-together of about a dozen people or so. As it got late and people started leaving, I was putting the guitar I brought back in its case and she comes up behind me and says "Hug me!" So I do, and she kisses me on the cheek and tells me she misses me. This came as a bit of a surprise considering the situation, so I didn't have much of a reaction. I just smiled, wished her a good night and went home.


I didn't talk to her again for a few days until she called me that weekend and asked me if I wanted to hang out with her and the couple we used to spend time with when we seemed to have something going on, but those plans fell through.


It seems like she's trying to get in touch with me again, and more often. She invited me to her house for another one of her get-togethers and I also spent some time with her and some people a few days ago. She seems to be giving me the same signals as before when we're around each other: smiling at me, making and maintaining eye contact, laughing at my stupid jokes, touching me, complimenting me, calling me out of the blue to tell me nothing important, etc. I just find it all very strange.


Am I being jerked around? Is she insane? Does this girl just have no idea what or who she wants? I'm not even sure if I still care about her the way I was starting to at one point. This whole thing is just beyond me.

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