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Don't you hate when SHORT women require TALL men???


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If you actually believe this then I know why you are single.


*Shrugs* I just thought it echoed the trolls who post here so frequently. That men deserve beautiful women, that women are nothing but their looks, that women hold all the cards/power because of their attractiveness, and that men aren't allowed to be men anymore. Heck, I wondered if the author had read some of the threads here before writing the article.

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*Shrugs* I just thought it echoed the trolls who post here so frequently. That men deserve beautiful women, that women are nothing but their looks, that women hold all the cards/power because of their attractiveness, and that men aren't allowed to be men anymore. Heck, I wondered if the author had read some of the threads here before writing the article.

I see.....well, I suppose it kinda makes sense why you would post it. Still, I doubt even they would like it. It presents that theory as an excuse, but at the same time paints us all with the same brush and then uses it to do this half hearted kind of pandering towards the end.

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*Shrugs* I just thought it echoed the trolls who post here so frequently. That men deserve beautiful women, that women are nothing but their looks, that women hold all the cards/power because of their attractiveness, and that men aren't allowed to be men anymore. Heck, I wondered if the author had read some of the threads here before writing the article.


I changed my post because I realized you weren't being serious.

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That men deserve beautiful women, that women are nothing but their looks, that women hold all the cards/power because of their attractiveness, and that men aren't allowed to be men anymore. Heck, I wondered if the author had read some of the threads here before writing the article.


You would agree that what trolls say is specifically calculated to irritate a specific audience? I imagine there are trolls on cooking boards that argue the merits of margarine over butter, and trolls on cat and dog boards who post that Siamese cats and Pit Bulls are inherently vicious animals. Whatever it takes to get a reaction. Don't make the mistake Mr. Wong makes in the article that just because trolls say it, it is representative of some underground zeitgeist. It may very well be by coincidence, but just because a troll says something is no reason to believe it is.


And other than trolls, other than the last "men aren't allowed to be men anymore," I don't see many male posters here harboring those attitudes, except by way of gross distortions of what the post.

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You would agree that what trolls say is specifically calculated to irritate a specific audience? I imagine there are trolls on cooking boards that argue the merits of margarine over butter, and trolls on cat and dog boards who post that Siamese cats and Pit Bulls are inherently vicious animals. Whatever it takes to get a reaction. Don't make the mistake Mr. Wong makes in the article that just because trolls say it, it is representative of some underground zeitgeist. It may very well be by coincidence, but just because a troll says something is no reason to believe it is.


And other than trolls, other than the last "men aren't allowed to be men anymore," I don't see many male posters here harboring those attitudes, except by way of gross distortions of what the post.


*Shrugs* I see a lot of nerd guys with these attitudes, particularly that they deserve a beautiful woman, that women are judged almost entirely on their looks, and that women hold all the power.


Obviously nerds aren't the majority, but I recognized a lot of the things I hear in nerdy circles in that article.

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and because of some non sequitur concerning "powerlessness" that a person who consistently scores in the 99th percentile on reasoning tests can't even puzzle out, men have been trained to "hate" women. Really?

I didn't get that men have been trained to hate women.


I got there are ways men are trained to hate women.


Not that men automatically follow this training or all/most men are susceptible but that the training exists.


To me there are plenty of ways society attempts to train people to hate others. Quite interesting that many men who bemoan how feminism and society teaches women to fear and/or hate men balk at the suggestion that there are ways society teach men to hate women. Note the difference the guys suggest that women are trained while the suggestion is there are ways society trains.


Interesting how when it comes to making mention of negatives of men, flaws in men, bad men, or how men can be capable of having flaws/being bad there tends to be an uproar and statements of how it's only a few or adolescent teenage boys. Seems to be for many men the norm is the majority of women are bad & minority are good while the majority of men are good & minority are bad. Always amusing since it tends to be many men with this mindset accuse feminism, women, and society for having a majority bad/minority good view of men.


That's the one sentence deconstruction of the article, and it suffices nicely for a reasonable audience.


But let's look at some specific points in the article and draw them out into the glorious light of day.


The article claims that Hollywood, comic books, television "train" men to "hate" women in creating fantasy worlds where the man always gets the woman without effort at the end. This is the most dishonest and puerile section of the article.

The dishonest part here is that the article claims there is a trope creating a fantasy world where a man always get a woman who is far more attractive than him based solely on his virtue/qualities whatever it may be.


It's not far fetched that some men may buy into that. Many men seem to bemoan how women don't give guys they aren't attracted to chances, think women should overlook things that he wouldn't based on he's nice/decent/good, or think that whatever qualities he has should outweigh any of her standards that rule him out.


Movies directed at a male audience often insert the "boy gets girl" and romantic elements gratuitously as a misbegotten method of trying to attract a female audience. Women, not men, are the main audience of "happy ending" romcoms.

It may be intended to attract a female audience however that doesn't mean that men don't enjoy it seeing a guy get a hottie based on his character. After all plenty of men seem attracted to dating advice entialing how to get beautiful, pretty, hot, younger gals.


Comic books rarely contain any romantic interests or romantic elements at all, as despite there being lots of adult enthusiasts, their intended audience consists mainly of prepubescent boys.

True to my experiences as they rarely contain any romantic interests/elements but do contain sexual interests/elements or a sexual object.


Ask Jon Cryer's character on 2.5 Men whether he "always gets the girl," or Al Bundy or Louis CK or Jerry Seinfeld or George Costanza or Cosmo Kramer or Frazier Crane or Sam Malone or...

Yet there are plenty of movies where the male character be it a lead or sidekick always gets the gal and the gal is the designated more attractive partner as he is rewarded for his virtue with beauty.


Different genres. The article seemed to be focused on movies following the trope "Getting The Gal".


Moreover, the article is particularly dishonest here in its notion that the girl is merely "awarded" to the hero at the end. In fact, movie heroes tend to do fantastically extraordinary things during the movie, many such feats involving needlessly supplicating to and kissing the ass of a female character to demonstrate his true lurv (but of course men are the primary audience for that particular device :rolleyes:), and the women are not sported off to a cave by the hair, but willingly run into his arms.

The article wasn't dishonest as it detailed that the gal may protest and etc but in the end she'll end up with him because he is rewarded with his virtue with beauty it's the expected of persistence pays off.


As far as what trolls on the internet do, so what if 3500 or 35,000 men (more likely the aforesaid teenage boys seeking to disrupt "the class" in any way possible) say a woman is fugly or a "bitch?" 3.5 billion didn't.

The point of the article was that some guys did and was explaining the ways that society teaches/enstills that behavior.


But I suppose, in Wong-land, that because some man somewhere spends his entire adult life trying to stretch his back enough to be able to lick his own balls, or do the cinnamon test, all men must do it, and that must be all men care about.

More like in Wong-land he was making note of the ways that society trains men to hate women not that all/most men hate women or are trained to hate women by society but that these ways exist.


Doesn't that sound remarkably similar to the kind of generalization that when applied to women, puts you all right into "crusader" mode?



Different experiences.


I have yet to see a guy go into crusader mode or white knight mode.

From what I've seen, heard, experienced, and observed most guys tend to jump right into the generalization of women and tacking more onto it.


Then again it seems to many men being a crusader or white knight can range from not labeling women bitches or saying something nice about women or to a woman.


Isn't the linked article in fact cram packed full of generalizations about men that women would shriek like scalded cats if and when such are/were applied to them?

Yet the response to when women do this shrieking tends to be:

"it's true"

"don't listen to women to what women say listen to what they do and this is what they do"

"women don't even know what they want so they don't know themselves"

"a guy can't even state some negatives without the man hating feminazi lesbos"

"it's true about American women foreign women are better"


But interestingly enough, I don't see a -single- female commenter to the article disagreeing with it on the grounds of egregious, sexist generalizations. I mean women here and elsewhere claim to find sexism repugnant, so why aren't any complaining? Where are the placards? I know where.

Interestingly enough I do.


Did you click the more comments?


I saw female commenters disagreeing to the article.






And to preempt, regardless of the domain name, the article is neither satirical nor parodic, just one more "effort" in a tediously long line of white knight p-ssy placation. I hope it gets Mr. Wong laid. He must really be desperate.

Interesting the talk of white knight p-ssy placation and he wrote it to get laid sounds an awful like the behavior of misogynistic crapola spewing males reaction anytime a guy says something nice about women, negative about men, or doesn't partake in degrading/insulting women as a whole.

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I didn't get that men have been trained to hate women.


I got there are ways men are trained to hate women.


Look, I'm all for linguistic precision, but the above is as far as I got in your reply. You tend to take "hair splitting" to a whole new level, and I'm not going down that path with you this time. So feel free to have the last word in this case. Readers are welcome to decide for themselves.

Edited by dasein
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Mme. Chaucer
Readers are welcome to decide for themselves.


Hurrah! This has got to be a first. Usually you are all about 'splaining what is written by others; liberally spicing up your explanations with derisive adjectives, in most cases.


This is such a positive sign of growth from you, my man!

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My reactions to that article:


1. I'm not personally offended by it at all, but then again, virtually nothing offends me.

2. With that said, it was a blatantly sexist and over-generalized diatribe that contained virtually no facts and made some weird, if not grossly inaccurate, conclusions.

3. It wasn't particularly funny.

4. If a man had written an analogous article about women, it would have been attacked as being sexist and misogynistic (some males would call it this as well) and the author's inbox would have been littered with such charges. The majority of women on LS would have probably equated it to being sexist and overgeneralized. A select few would have probably equated it to hate speech.

5. It doesn't surprise me that no LS posters have yet dismissed the article for any reason, but instead have called it "entertaining."


6. Verzhn only liked it because it falls in line with her warped view of dating and reinforces her own frustrations. By the way, stop dating nerds. They ARE bitter, over-entitled rejects just based on the circumstances of their youths and current lives. Why do you expect such a person to act in any manner other than bitter and over-entitled?

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Hurrah! This has got to be a first.


Stop lying.


Anyone who reads these forums, regardless of how they feel about what I post, knows that I regularly bow out of discussions or even entire threads once I've had my say. That's not the only reason I am doing so now, but suffices.

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serial muse
Stop lying.


Anyone who reads these forums, regardless of how they feel about what I post, knows that I regularly bow out of discussions or even entire threads once I've had my say. That's not the only reason I am doing so now, but suffices.


Stop lying. Ten bucks says you'll be back.

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*Shrugs* I see a lot of nerd guys with these attitudes, particularly that they deserve a beautiful woman, that women are judged almost entirely on their looks, and that women hold all the power.


Obviously nerds aren't the majority, but I recognized a lot of the things I hear in nerdy circles in that article.


Listen to TBQ, and I have posted about "nerds" before in one of your threads also. They are generally maladjusted. Most of the smartest, coolest, most "alternative," creative people I've met in life are the polar opposite of nerds.


You gotta get out more and meet some normal men. :laugh:

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serial muse
Listen to TBQ, and I have posted about "nerds" before in one of your threads also. They are generally maladjusted. Most of the smartest, coolest, most "alternative," creative people I've met in life are the polar opposite of nerds.


You gotta get out more and meet some normal men. :laugh:




(ten chars)

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Stop lying. Ten bucks says you'll be back.


Where did I say I was leaving the thread? I refused to talk about the article further with a specific poster, any reasonable reader without your trademark animus can see that intent.

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Mme. Chaucer
Stop lying. Ten bucks says you'll be back.


Do you think you'll get your 10 bucks?

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On the whole, I do think that men are much more forgiving of women's physical "shortcomings" than women are of mens. I do think men are much less picky in the looks arena than the average woman.


The height thing is clearly a touchy subject. I am 5'8 and have dated exactly my height (many times). Not a problem. I have been taller than MOST of my BFs when I wear heels. The "he must be taller than me when I'm in my heels" thing kills me. As does a 5'4 woman who requires a guy to be 5'11 or whatever. I guess I like a guy to be at least my height but that's all.


I wonder if the women with the super specific height requirements (must be 5 in taller than me!!!) are the same ones with the 120k salary requirements, lol.


eh, i'm no brad pitt by any means, and i do fine. i would say there are plenty amongst both sexes that find a wide range of physical traits "ok".


but height for women is like flat asses/chests for men. it's a thing most women will find unattractive, just as flat women men will for the most part find unattractive.


just as women have the option of getting a fake tan and huge plastic boobs to attract douchebags with, men have the option of getting a convertible or motorcycle and a couple of tattoos to attract skanks with.

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As always, I find your analysis to be mind-numbing but nonetheless extremely interesting (sometimes I have to read it twice :laugh:). Some parts I particularly wanted to reply to:


I didn't get that men have been trained to hate women.


I got there are ways men are trained to hate women.


Not that men automatically follow this training or all/most men are susceptible but that the training exists.


To me there are plenty of ways society attempts to train people to hate others. Quite interesting that many men who bemoan how feminism and society teaches women to fear and/or hate men balk at the suggestion that there are ways society teach men to hate women. Note the difference the guys suggest that women are trained while the suggestion is there are ways society trains.


Interesting how when it comes to making mention of negatives of men, flaws in men, bad men, or how men can be capable of having flaws/being bad there tends to be an uproar and statements of how it's only a few or adolescent teenage boys. Seems to be for many men the norm is the majority of women are bad & minority are good while the majority of men are good & minority are bad. Always amusing since it tends to be many men with this mindset accuse feminism, women, and society for having a majority bad/minority good view of men.


This is simply a case of perception in my opinion. This will sound wishy-washy but in my observation, I tend to see a bit of both varying in frequency, almost like a cycle. Dasein's example resonates with me in terms of how I can sometimes see things without further analysis, and what you have gleaned from this article also makes sense when one considers the grand scheme of things, but it is not my experience that men's "norm" consists of the majority of women being bad, and majority of men being good. In fact, I'd go as far as to say I know many men who either believe the complete opposite, or they attribute the failings of both men and women to simple humanity and attempt to get on with it.


Sure, you will have a significant portion who will adhere to the dogma about feminism and the like, but I have never known them to be a majority. And for the record, I have also never observed Dasein to be particularly disrespectful in his comments about the vast majority of what he talks about.



The dishonest part here is that the article claims there is a trope creating a fantasy world where a man always get a woman who is far more attractive than him based solely on his virtue/qualities whatever it may be.


It's not far fetched that some men may buy into that. Many men seem to bemoan how women don't give guys they aren't attracted to chances, think women should overlook things that he wouldn't based on he's nice/decent/good, or think that whatever qualities he has should outweigh any of her standards that rule him out.


I can certainly see how one could come to that conclusion, I have often began to see that as I have gotten older. As I understand it, you are 21 so I am only slightly older than you and have certainly seen a trend of guys doing the very same bellyaching you are describing, even I in my misguided youth had my couple of moments where I thought along this pattern.


However, I think this analysis tends to occur mostly on the internet. In my immediate environment, I do not know guys who bemoan their lack of success, in fact, I do not know any guys who are particularly unsuccessful with women, bar myself. And I have nothing to bemoan IMO. To me, this phenomenon occurs on the internet more than it does in real life, although the entitlement has probably manifested itself more and more these days simply because women are exercising their choices based more on attraction, resulting in many guys struggling to meet requirements, much to the ire of a significant number of guys who for some reason do not seem to want to adapt, rather peddling nostalgic fantasies of how it used to be when their fathers were younger. I have always been of the view that men of true character have the right amount of flexibility to adapt to any situation and make the best of it while maintaining stability and balance.


Anyway, I digress....


It may be intended to attract a female audience however that doesn't mean that men don't enjoy it seeing a guy get a hottie based on his character. After all plenty of men seem attracted to dating advice entialing how to get beautiful, pretty, hot, younger gals.


This is true. I don't think that there is as much significance attached to this feeling as the article writer seems to emphasize however. Although, that may just be me :cool:.


Yet there are plenty of movies where the male character be it a lead or sidekick always gets the gal and the gal is the designated more attractive partner as he is rewarded for his virtue with beauty.


Different genres. The article seemed to be focused on movies following the trope "Getting The Gal".


Granted. But when have Hollywood movies ever been an accurate reflection of reality? ;)


The article wasn't dishonest as it detailed that the gal may protest and etc but in the end she'll end up with him because he is rewarded with his virtue with beauty it's the expected of persistence pays off.


The point of the article was that some guys did and was explaining the ways that society teaches/enstills that behavior.


Well, I think we'll have to disagree on that one. The point of the article at it's core MAY be pointing out that it is some men, but it doesn't do a good job of outlining this, merely exaggerating the point where it does not specify roughly the amount of men who think along these lines. I'd imagine not too many. If the article really wanted to make a point, it would have cut the bull****, scrapped the faux-satire and specified exactly how we could allow ourselves to be dictated by a false reality and how we can better take control of our subconscious life for the betterment of ourselves and our relations with women and take the messages into context. The article does not do that. It may be nitpicking, but if I was writing the article, that's probably what I would have done.



More like in Wong-land he was making note of the ways that society trains men to hate women not that all/most men hate women or are trained to hate women by society but that these ways exist.


They exist, but do they reflect/dictate the majority, or a select number of men who cannot disengage from the sweeping mind**** that society is capable of delivering from time to time? Again, I feel like the article did a poor job in distinguishing some with all/most. That you gleaned "some" out of this article says much about your ability to analyze and intuit your own theory. As much as I admire that, I'm not sure as to whether others will glean the same from such an article, which is written in such a way that it merely reinforces the dogma that it describes. I could be reaching :laugh:, but that's how I see it.....



Different experiences.


I have yet to see a guy go into crusader mode or white knight mode.

From what I've seen, heard, experienced, and observed most guys tend to jump right into the generalization of women and tacking more onto it.


Then again it seems to many men being a crusader or white knight can range from not labeling women bitches or saying something nice about women or to a woman.


THIS is where you and I are in agreement. I find that guys are quick to tear down another guy whenever he does or says something nice to a woman for whatever reason he may have for doing so, labeling him a white knight. I detest that kind of thing personally, and I have never chastised a man for doing so. Obviously, the sycophantic nature of some men is so much so that it can grate on both men and women. But generally there are some men who believe that men who for whatever reason are particularly nice about women are "white knights", something I do tend to disagree with a little, even though there are some guys who take it way too far, especially when it's clear there are ulterior motives at play.


Yet the response to when women do this shrieking tends to be:

"it's true"

"don't listen to women to what women say listen to what they do and this is what they do"

"women don't even know what they want so they don't know themselves"

"a guy can't even state some negatives without the man hating feminazi lesbos"

"it's true about American women foreign women are better"


The bolded I hear sometimes in real life. Otherwise, this is mostly an internet thing, and I personally don't believe that this is a widespread thing. I didn't even think about feminism and stuff like that until I came to the internet personally.



Interesting the talk of white knight p-ssy placation and he wrote it to get laid sounds an awful like the behavior of misogynistic crapola spewing males reaction anytime a guy says something nice about women, negative about men, or doesn't partake in degrading/insulting women as a whole.


Again, some guys do this a lot, and I tend not to follow.

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just something that has begun to anger me. i'm 5'8, so not terribly short, but short(er). most of my girlfriends have usually been between 5'2 and 5'5, no taller than that. maybe it's an insecurity thing, most likely in fact, but i don't like girls that are close to my height (heels would put them taller). so basically i'm already picking from say half of the girls (5'5 and under). then i see so many of these shorter girls, on dating sites, say they need a tall man.


like who the hell are you? lol that's my initial reaction, most likely irrational (i guess we can all demand certain qualities and shouldn't be judged for them). but i just find it a little ridiculous, that these short girls refuse to date shorter guys. it's a bit lame.


Dunno... sounds suspicious to me that these guys would be attracted to child-size women. :eek: Naughty, naughty!!!


I, OTOH, give the lie to the line that women are attracted to tall men.

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but it is not my experience that men's "norm" consists of the majority of women being bad, and majority of men being good.

Different experiences.


I didn't that it's men's norm I stated it's for many men. i don't do most or majority unless I state statistics/studies or say generally in my experiences.


In fact, I'd go as far as to say I know many men who either believe the complete opposite, or they attribute the failings of both men and women to simple humanity and attempt to get on with it.

Different experiences.


I seem to encounter that mindset most often from guys under 21. As for men over that age my encounters with such mindset have been very few.


Sure, you will have a significant portion who will adhere to the dogma about feminism and the like, but I have never known them to be a majority.

Different experiences.


It's quite uncommon for me to encounter a guy without a bitter/resentful/hateful/misogynistic dogma about feminism.


I have yet to hear, see, experience, or observe in any scenario the majority of men over the age of 21 not adhere to a bitter/resentful/hateful/misogynistic dogma about feminism.


And for the record, I have also never observed Dasein to be particularly disrespectful in his comments about the vast majority of what he talks about.

I never stated, suggested, or implied he was.


Just made note of his white knighting etc was quite similar to those that do.


However, I think this analysis tends to occur mostly on the internet.

Seems to be increasing in occurrence and by amount of men.


I have always been of the view that men of true character have the right amount of flexibility to adapt to any situation and make the best of it while maintaining stability and balance.

To me that's people of true character. ;)


Granted. But when have Hollywood movies ever been an accurate reflection of reality? ;)

Yet many people take it as such especially when there's other influences promoting that message. :sick:


Well, I think we'll have to disagree on that one. The point of the article at it's core MAY be pointing out that it is some men, but it doesn't do a good job of outlining this, merely exaggerating the point where it does not specify roughly the amount of men who think along these lines.

Which is why I found the uproar by some male commenter amusing.


It didn't specify the amount so to me and it wasn't stating men hate or are trained to hate just stating influences.


My common experience has been:

When insulting/degrading women as a whole with words such as all/every/majority/most the uproar tends to be mostly women and a few men who tend to be labeled white knights/betas by others. With the exception of if the insult had spiraled into deserving rape etc.


When there's mention of negatives/flaws in men or how men can be bad/wrong if it's not implicitly stating that it's only a very very very small few men there's quite a large uproar mostly men and a toss of women.


Hence why I put it seems to that many men have a mindset of majority of women are bad & minority are good while the majority of men are good & minority are bad.


I'd imagine not too many. If the article really wanted to make a point, it would have cut the bull****, scrapped the faux-satire and specified exactly how we could allow ourselves to be dictated by a false reality and how we can better take control of our subconscious life for the betterment of ourselves and our relations with women and take the messages into context. The article does not do that. It may be nitpicking, but if I was writing the article, that's probably what I would have done.

The article mostly likely didn't do that because it's on cracked.com and meant to be insightful humor.

I highly doubt there would have been a majority positive reaction from men unless said article came with the disclaimer only a very very very few men should take this into consideration.


That you gleaned "some" out of this article says much about your ability to analyze and intuit your own theory.


To me it says that unless the article states amount it's talking about a generalization and to me without statistics/studies to back up generalizations it's some or many.


Then again I don't have male genitals so I'm unlikely to feel under attack.


As much as I admire that, I'm not sure as to whether others will glean the same from such an article, which is written in such a way that it merely reinforces the dogma that it describes. I could be reaching :laugh:, but that's how I see it.....

Reading the comments some did & some did not.


The bolded I hear sometimes in real life. Otherwise, this is mostly an internet thing, and I personally don't believe that this is a widespread thing. I didn't even think about feminism and stuff like that until I came to the internet personally.

Different experiences.


I heard plenty of anti feminism crapola bordering full of hate, bitterness, and resentment and overt misogyny from men quite often before I came to the internet.


Hence why I stated it's not common for me to see a guy without such a dogma about feminism.

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I know there are plenty of women like this which is why I always make sure to say that not all women think like this but I do notice a lot of women who are tough as nails in the day that want a strong men to make them feel feminine because they are so take charge in other aspects of life. These are the kind of women I see who really have a thing about height.


I agree with this to an extent. When it comes to short women, who go with guys a foot taller than them, its a mixture of short women with a bit of attitude but there's also the coy insecure women. I used to think WTF when cute feminine girls would go out with guys way bigger than them, and say how they liked it that way because if made them feel more girly or feminine. If they were chunky girls I'd totally understand that logic, but if the girls are already petite & girly, its like well if you are like that now at 23 then dont blame guys if they have issues with your feminity when you're older.

The other segment of women that I have noticed have a strong preference for tall guys is university educated career women. There's been a massive increase with such women over the past 3 decades and I'm sure this is part of the reason for the increased desire for tall guys. Again this could align with what you say woggle, but its not because uni educated women are tough, just more alpha, maybe see themselves as less feminine so require a more masculine man. These women are higher achievers so they higher expectations in a mate, and taller is superior mentality (studies on earnings show taller men earn more).

With the 'tough as nails' girls I've known, the non-university educated ones, definitely had a preference for muscular guys or tough bad boy type guys, as opposed to tall guys.

I've also noticed it more of an anglo thing as well, which is why I think short guys should consider girls with other ancestry. I also think they will be better off landing a great girl for life in their early 20s when they are in what could be described as thier 'cute' years, rather than postone that till they are 30. Just my observation that short guys I've known have had it harder in the 25 to 37 prime baby making years compared to when they are younger or older.

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Different experiences.


I didn't that it's men's norm I stated it's for many men. i don't do most or majority unless I state statistics/studies or say generally in my experiences.



Different experiences.


I seem to encounter that mindset most often from guys under 21. As for men over that age my encounters with such mindset have been very few.



Different experiences.


It's quite uncommon for me to encounter a guy without a bitter/resentful/hateful/misogynistic dogma about feminism.


I have yet to hear, see, experience, or observe in any scenario the majority of men over the age of 21 not adhere to a bitter/resentful/hateful/misogynistic dogma about feminism.


As I thought, it may just be that our perceptions are spot on with regards to the environments with which we have been situated in. The most bitter (and pretty much only) criticisms that I have ever heard about feminism was from my own mother, who often said that she felt embarrassed by the level of disrespect that English women seemed to have/display for their husbands. Granted I come from an Afro-Caribbean family that did things slightly different according to heritage where men and women were concerned.


Quite different our experiences seem to be :laugh:




I never stated, suggested, or implied he was.


Just made note of his white knighting etc was quite similar to those that do.


I know, that comment was for the benefit of those reading who believe that he [dasein] is an inflammatory poster, something that I believe is blown out of proportion in my observation.


Seems to be increasing in occurrence and by amount of men.

It would appear so, although to be perfectly honest I do not know why. I personally feel there are better ways of expressing ones grievances with another gender, and if I'm honest, I don't really understand why an individual today would have a grievance with an ENTIRE gender. An exaggeration on my part probably but it seems like that at times. Still, like I say, I find this is an internet thing in my experience.


Different experiences as you would say ;)



To me that's people of true character. ;)


Agreed. Why some people don't seem to comprehend the idea of personal expansion and growth is baffling to me.


Yet many people take it as such especially when there's other influences promoting that message. :sick:


I would put that down to people not really understanding their subconscious mind and what they feed it. You could apply that to everything really, music, diet etc.


Which is why I found the uproar by some male commenter amusing.


It didn't specify the amount so to me and it wasn't stating men hate or are trained to hate just stating influences.


My common experience has been:

When insulting/degrading women as a whole with words such as all/every/majority/most the uproar tends to be mostly women and a few men who tend to be labeled white knights/betas by others. With the exception of if the insult had spiraled into deserving rape etc.


When there's mention of negatives/flaws in men or how men can be bad/wrong if it's not implicitly stating that it's only a very very very small few men there's quite a large uproar mostly men and a toss of women.


Vastly different experience to mine. Men where I am from tend to be completely passive to the criticism leveled at them from women, no matter what. Except black men, they (or should I say we :cool:) can be notoriously defensive at times, sometimes for good reason, other times they get a little too heated. Women don't really seem to be criticized a great deal where I am from, which is interesting, as some seem to be doing a lot of the criticizing, which I often find amusing and don't let it affect my personal judgement of either men or women.


With regards to the article, I think uproar was probably an inappropriate reaction as it's just a silly article. My opinion was just that it was a crappy article that tried to be funny and was very hit and miss :D. Perhaps pointing out the inaccuracies of the dogma he was describing is just my way of mentally masturbating for my own amusement :lmao:.


Hence why I put it seems to that many men have a mindset of majority of women are bad & minority are good while the majority of men are good & minority are bad.





The article mostly likely didn't do that because it's on cracked.com and meant to be insightful humor.

I highly doubt there would have been a majority positive reaction from men unless said article came with the disclaimer only a very very very few men should take this into consideration.


Possibly. Seems like a number of guys on the internet these days appear to be a sensitive bunch :rolleyes:.


To me it says that unless the article states amount it's talking about a generalization and to me without statistics/studies to back up generalizations it's some or many.


Then again I don't have male genitals so I'm unlikely to feel under attack.


I'm surprised anyone feels under attack. It's one thing to poke holes in the piece, it's another to declare war on it :laugh:.


Different experiences.


I heard plenty of anti feminism crapola bordering full of hate, bitterness, and resentment and overt misogyny from men quite often before I came to the internet.


Hence why I stated it's not common for me to see a guy without such a dogma about feminism.


:lmao: Unlucky.


Seems unfortunate that you have encountered this kind of behavior, but I would caution you from falling into the belief that this is normal behavior from men, even though it's likely you do not think this.

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It would appear so, although to be perfectly honest I do not know why.

I think it's because it tends to be easy, fast, reach a wide network and people tend to find it easier to place the blame on others.


Vastly different experience to mine. Men where I am from tend to be completely passive to the criticism leveled at them from women, no matter what.

Women don't really seem to be criticized a great deal where I am from,

I'm guessing you're not from America. UK?


Possibly. Seems like a number of guys on the internet these days appear to be a sensitive bunch :rolleyes:.

Egh I wouldn't use sensitive more like angry, violent, hateful, etc


:lmao: Unlucky.

To me not really.


I don't have the same idealized view of men that many women from my experience have which often causes them to get screwed quite heavily and not in the good way .


Nor do I have a majority good/minority bad view of men that some women from my experience have which often causes them to fall flat on their face quite hard.


Seems unfortunate that you have encountered this kind of behavior, but I would caution you from falling into the belief that this is normal behavior from men, even though it's likely you do not think this.

I don't think this is normal behavior but that's due to lack of evidence aka studies/statistics not any faith/trust/belief in men.


I view men as a whole as good and bad. I judge on a case by case basis since the male gender doesn't come with a code of conduct there's no good or bad as a whole or normal behavior for me to apply as I would with the KKK which has hateful code of conduct.

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I think it's because it tends to be easy, fast, reach a wide network and people tend to find it easier to place the blame on others.


Agreed, much like the illuminati/occult theory that seems to pervade the internet. It's funny because it's so 2006 :rolleyes:.


I'm guessing you're not from America. UK?


Yep, London, England.


Egh I wouldn't use sensitive more like angry, violent, hateful, etc


Hmm, sounds heated. Definitely a rising phenomenon then. UK tend to copy America sometimes, I wonder how long it will be before we start seeing guys popping up on these shores crying about not getting laid and feminism destroying their lives. I only know of one person whose views I tend to resonate with, but mostly with regards to divorce/child support and matters like that. However, as I have no such worries I am yet to be bitter about such things.


To me not really.


I don't have the same idealized view of men that many women from my experience have which often causes them to get screwed quite heavily and not in the good way .


Nor do I have a majority good/minority bad view of men that some women from my experience have which often causes them to fall flat on their face quite hard.


I lol'd at the bolded, although I probably shouldn't have :laugh:


I know what you are talking about though, has happened to many girls I have encountered. Their outcome usually varies in its manifestation, sometimes they mistrust all men, other times they fall into the pattern of opening up sexually to men early in order to keep them around, and in one case with a girl I was hugely interested in, the man she loved had died tragically and I don't think she believed that there were many men who matched up to him. Certainly I didn't think I did at the time.


I don't think this is normal behavior but that's due to lack of evidence aka studies/statistics not any faith/trust/belief in men.


I view men as a whole as good and bad. I judge on a case by case basis since the male gender doesn't come with a code of conduct there's no good or bad as a whole or normal behavior for me to apply as I would with the KKK which has hateful code of conduct.


Good answer :)

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I actually do see truth here. Am I the only one? :confused:


#5. We Were Told That Society Owed Us a Hot Girl


Don't a lot of the "nice" guys believe that they deserve a hot woman? How many average guys strive for the unattainable girl instead of just going for the plain average guy? I mean, Somedude recently posted how below average he is in some important areas like social skills and self-confidence, but yet, he still thinks an overweight girl is way below his self-worth and he can do much better.


#4. We're Trained from Birth to See You as Decoration


Are women not used in advertising as nice decoration to sell products? And women get way more criticzed for being overweight than men.


#3. We Think You're Conspiring With Our Boners to Ruin Us


Are women not being sometimes blamed for men's sexual urges? I thought the example of women being forced to hide their body under tentlike clothes in some Islamic countries was fitting.


#2. We Feel Like Manhood Was Stolen from Us at Some Point


One word: Dasein :laugh:


#1. We Feel Powerless


Ok, I don't know anything about that one. I never really thought about men that way, but it's an interesting idea. Actually, wasn't it Heathcliff in "Wuthering Heights" who said something similar to Catherine, that everything he had done, he had done for her?

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lol, the last six men I've been involved with have been Capricorns or Virgos. It's crazy.


It's made me believe that I like those signs. I mean, I must...?


Not embarrassing, I've spent more time on those sites than I can remember. Never posted really, just lurked. I like Aries girls too, but I have an Aries brother who gets angry really quickly :laugh:


I absolutely love Scorpio girls though, I suspect I will probably end up marrying one :laugh:


:laugh: I wonder if you've lurked on the two that I participated in. :)


I'm an Aries. who tends to like Taureans and Sadges.


My best friend from high school is a cancer. We hit it off right away.


I knew it :D. Water sign girls (or Taurus) sometimes gravitate towards Virgos. Depends on the rest of the chart and all that though :)


A Taurus friend of mine was just saying that she adores Virgos. :D

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