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Dating two women

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I am dating two women. My ex-gf knows that I have another gf. However, my new gf does not know.

My ex-gf has no problem with me having another gf, but my new gf would not allow that if she found out.

Back to my question...... Is this a relationship that I should sustain for long period without my new gf finding out that I have someone else? I know I should tell her, but I don't want to lose neither one.

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average guy

You should tell her. It's one thing for your first gf to say she doesn't mind you sleeping around, but it's another for seomone else whom you have not made such an agreement with. You need to tell her, and then you may have to choose her or your previous gf.


Good luck :)



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Which one do you want? It seems doubtful that you could ever have a true relationship with your ex, if she's already submitting to you being with someone else. And it sounds like you are scared of admitting the truth to to the new girl for fear of her leaving you.


You know it can't keep going like this. Decide what you want. If it's the new girl, break it off with your ex--trust me, your ex is expecting it. And come clean with the new girl. Maybe you'll have a shot if she hears it from you first--because, I promise, she will find out from someone eventually.


You got yourself in kind of a mess. The sooner you take charge and try to salvage it, the better. The longer you wait to make it right, the more problems you'll run into.


Just remember. You can't have both. Be a man and make a decision.

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