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your views on "me and my left hand"


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so THAT'S why i have a fast heart rate!






but seriously Tony, ur comment:


"Masturbation is really meant for those times when a partner is not available."


what if the partner is there, but wont go the whole hog?


my gf and i both 18, and she's not ready.


so we do "clothes on" type stuff.


now where's all that raw sexual energy gonna go eh??? =)


also, just wanna thank u pple for ur help b4.


u guys get like a million messages a day, so ur probably not gonna remember, but if u remember me, Poodle, the guy with the best friend vs gf problem, the update:


i tried breaking up with my gf, but that didnt work.


cos i missed her, and i realised i took her for granted.


i cant go out with the other girl, if i was still in love with my gf right?


so yeah. finally letting go of my feelings for my best friend. tryin to make it work this time.


the choices we must make in life eh? =)

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but seriously Tony, ur comment:


"Masturbation is really meant for those times when a partner is not available."


what if the partner is there, but wont go the whole hog?


Whatever floats your boat is fine. Whatever two consenting adults do together is just fine. The masturbation I was refering to in my post below is the kind that takes place in excess when you're all by yourself, without a partner around. The kind that takes place when you're looking at sexy pictures on the Internet, magazines, or sexy movies. Hope that clarifies that point.


As for your other situation, life can be a real bxtch sometimes. Good luck with making your relationship work for both of you. Let us know if you need a hand with anything.

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