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Someone Make Sense of this for Me?

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OK, this girl I work with gets flirty, I flirt back. This goes on for months. She then invites me out with her friends and says she wants us to be good friends. So I oblige. We text as friends, meet up as friends pretty normal. She then gets obsessive with her texting saying are you OK etc constantly blah blah. Eventually it's clear we both have feelings we won't admit to.


I say look we're not friends really we both have feelings let's just admit it. We both admit we do. We start acting more close for a while cuddling and stuff and she says we need to talk outside work. I agree. Next day she doesn't meet. I ask why, thought we were gonna talk about how we feel. She's acts like it never happened, we're just mates. So I say OK, we both admitted feelings for each other to each others faces but now it never happened. WTF!?!


Anyway, told her we're not mates now and to leave me alone as she's clearly...strange lol. And she's now saying she doesn't have feelings and making out I taking things the wrong way. But now keeps texting saying she wants us to be mates and hang out as mates. I just blank her now, it's all too strange.


Can someone make sense as to what on earth is going on here? I'm not dwelling on her but curious as to what she trying to do exactly. She clearly doesn't live on earth.

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I agree with you - that's very odd behaviour.


Honestly, I think you're doing the right thing by backing away. I may be wrong, but it sounds like she's just screwing you over.

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Yeah, I think she is but not sure if it's intentional. She is with someone but they're over just live together as he cheated 6 times. She has a bad past, as in abuse and her dad being a lover of kids in the wrong way.


I am blanking her, say hello as I work in the same place but I don't think it will be the last time she starts coming on to me again. It's all so...odd lol.

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Nope, it's not strange. She was very clear you're only "friendzone" material from the very beginning. It went it's normal cycle.


If you want to get laid in life; don't waste your time being friends with women.

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Gotta agree scared and confused sounds like her. I think you hit the nail on the head there.


Nope, it's not strange. She was very clear you're only "friendzone" material from the very beginning. It went it's normal cycle.


If you want to get laid in life; don't waste your time being friends with women.


We were always friends. It was her who started texting obsessivily and she admitted she had feelings that went deeper. I was happy in the friend zone with her, if she never admitted feelings then I would never have thought twice about anything more.


EDIT: Though I admit I did bring up the "we clearly have feelings" thing with her. I'm dating someone else now anyway but guess in the back of my mind will always wonder what on earth this girl was trying to achieve with me.

Edited by Bsham
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Bsham sounds like all is well. Females are pretty simply. They don't know what they want until they see what another female has... and it's always changing. ; )

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