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Commitment Phobic

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I now realize what type of man I loved for 5 years and what he has been doing to me (our relationship)... commitment phobic personalities are sick persons needing therapy, a hypnotist, and possibly a plane ticket to an island far away from the opposite sex! In some ways I feel robbed of this relationship when I could have had a truthful lover.. but "It's better to have loved and lost then to have not loved at all"

I have already posted an article in Infidelity.. and the answers I got did upset me. I went to my computer, found the answer.. that fit him to a T.


I'm venting... I feel like a fool. I have never been through this type of relationship till him. Even though I'm hurt, angry, and feel empty... I will find true love. I had my doubts when I first submitted the first article.

He is 64 and a Commitment-Phobic.

They are said to not be BAD people. They are like claustrophobia people afraid of elevators , tight spots, etc.

(but they are bad when they ruin another persons perspective of life)


happiness to all......Kari

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of course they're not bad people-if they were, we wouldn't love them and it wouldn't hurt.


it's always hard when relationships end, and i think it's worse when it's not about you or your relationship.


things will get better.


keep smiling, keep busy, and keep us posted :)

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