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i have been dating the same guy(bill) for almost 6 months. Saturday night he called and wanted to hang out later on with me, so i said yes. i ended up getting into a car accident a little earlier, and called him to tell him that I was going to be late but that I still wanted to go out. So anyway we made plans, and he said that he would pick me up at 8:00. I couple minutes past 8 he called on his cell phone to tell me that he couldn't come because he was going to have his car towed and his sister was going to pick him up. But we could hang out Sunday. Anyway, I thought that it didn't sound like he was telling the truth. So I thought that I would call his house to see if it had really happened. But to my surprise his sister answered and thought that he was with me. So he lied so that he could get out of hanging out with me. I am not sure what to do, he didn't call yesterday at all, and i haven't seen him today. So I just forget about him? Ask him about what happened and what he really did? Should I never see him again or what? I am so hurt and confused. Please someone help me.

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I think you should approach him with a straightforward question about exactly what he was doing that night. You can tell him that his sister thought he was with you. He may get angry that you were checking up on him, but I still think you should try to get the facts before you write him off completely.

i have been dating the same guy(bill) for almost 6 months. Saturday night he called and wanted to hang out later on with me, so i said yes. i ended up getting into a car accident a little earlier, and called him to tell him that I was going to be late but that I still wanted to go out. So anyway we made plans, and he said that he would pick me up at 8:00. I couple minutes past 8 he called on his cell phone to tell me that he couldn't come because he was going to have his car towed and his sister was going to pick him up. But we could hang out Sunday. Anyway, I thought that it didn't sound like he was telling the truth. So I thought that I would call his house to see if it had really happened. But to my surprise his sister answered and thought that he was with me. So he lied so that he could get out of hanging out with me. I am not sure what to do, he didn't call yesterday at all, and i haven't seen him today. So I just forget about him? Ask him about what happened and what he really did? Should I never see him again or what? I am so hurt and confused. Please someone help me.
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Wow, that's a lot to digest all in one day!


I am sorry that he did this to you, but has he done these kinds of things before? I mean I wouldn't break up with him over something like that maybe he was just doing it to spare your feelings, knowing that you would be upset/hurt/disappointed. You never can tell what's going on in a man's head. Trust me. heh


As for what to do with him. I would tell him straight out that he felt a little cheated that he said those things to you and you weren't sure he was telling the truth. I am sure he will confess. If he loves you, he will.


My $0.02.


Kimber :p

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YOU were in a car accident but HE had to have his car towed. That's a neat trick.


I am a guy and if my girlfriend had been in an automobile accident, even one that was not serious, I know that she would be just a bit upset and that I should be there for her.


She is a no good, rotten, scumbag idiot for not being absolutely sure he was there to be certain you were OK and to lend you support. I don't care how minor the accident was, that's the time people who care about each other show their true colors.


Not only was he not there for you, but he lied to avoid being there for you. Wow, this guy sounds like true husband material. Go for it, babe!!!

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