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What do I do?!

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Here it goes...


So me and this guy R we'll call him. We've been dating for 8 months. Now, I've always wanted to marry young. But only marry when I know it's right. I've never had the feeling of wanting to marry anyone until this guy came along. He's so incredible! He treats me just like how every woman should be treated. I've been thinking a lot lately. and I really want to marry him! I've asked him to marry me and he said to me. No, not now. In a couple years. I don't want to wait a couple years! :(


What should I do!!

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You'll either have to wait a couple of years and hope he decides he wants to marry you, or move on and find someone who wants to get married now.


You can't force him to want to get married now, so you have to choose HIM or MARRIAGE. Which do you want more?

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Why is it so important to get married right away? You're likely still in the honeymoon stage and true compatibility is still a bit clouded until you can look at one another without the rose colored glasses. Getting married during the honeymoon period tends to lead to a lot of divorces.

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