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In love with gay man


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I wrote a while back about the boyfriend with the reddish bikini underwear with the little bow.


I am so confused about this man. We are on the friends level right now but the truth


is I love him. He is not forthcoming about being gay, I have asked him and he says he likes women.


I have had very little experience with gay men. Do they say they like women but really don't? Do they want sex with women and men? Is bisexual different from being gay. sorry I am so naive about this subject.


He is not a young man he is in his 50, I think the way he was brought up keeps him from admitting he likes men that way. I don't know I am just confused. today he was telling me how upset he was because he had called one of his male friends and that friend didn't call him back all day, Oh gee, If I don't call him back he could care less. It is so obvious.


If there are any gay men out there please give me some insight. I need help...

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I am not at all gay, but I can tell you one thing...this man is GAY. He might really want to be heterosexual, but he is GAY.


Besides, how would you explain it to your children when they saw their daddy's reddish bikini underwear with the pink bows in the hopper for washing?

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My sister loves a gay man and it has brought her nothing but heartache. He really only likes guys and even makes snide remarks about women. He does not make her feel like a desirable, beautiful woman. She is competing with men with beards and hair on their chests.


Before you pin your hopes on this guy, look into the future and see what life would be like with him. He may always prefer men and put you in second place.

I am not at all gay, but I can tell you one thing...this man is GAY. He might really want to be heterosexual, but he is GAY. Besides, how would you explain it to your children when they saw their daddy's reddish bikini underwear with the pink bows in the hopper for washing?
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I agree TOTALLY with Deejette. If this guy is gay, he is gay. While he may "like" women, when it comes to anything else he is gay. I have a friend (honest!) who was very attracted to a guy.. they got pretty close but nothing ever went any farther than what she termed "passionate kisses". She subsequently found out that he is gay and went through a lot of heartache getting over him. We still don't know what lead him to even bother with her and don't really care at this point, but the point is, he was gay and wasn't going change.

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