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Why do older guys go for the much younger girl?


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Disenchantedly Yours
I skipped to the end of this thread so I missed those posts.

I'm sure their there.


But all I can say from reading just the last page is a lot of women are butt-hurt over men going for younger women.


Get over it.


stop trying to shame those men or younger women into dating who YOU think they should date.




If a hot little number in her 20's wants a summer fling i'm damn well going to take it. (if she isn't to annoying & the sex is good).


U mad?

yeah, u mad. :lmao:


Not mad. Just confused. Don't you always talk about how you really like women your own age more??

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Disenchantedly Yours
I agree that there is no problem if it's in the sense of "WE are getting really old and WE feel it" because it then conveys a message of "we are in the same boat".

If it is however a guy my age complaining about him not being able to find a date with 10-year younger women, I find it kind of rude. Because on a date I hope to meet a man who at least in theory can consider me as a possible partner for a relationship. Why else does he want a date with me? To have a talk with a kind of motherfigure who will comfort him because he can't find dates with his unrealistic expectations?


Couldn't agree more. Which is why I keep saying it's important to know how a man thinks about a woman's age, no matter her age. What's funny to me is instead of guys acknowledging this logically, because it is a pretty logical think to look at, they come up with attempts to be purposefully flammatory like "I like younger women because they are x,y and z" and gems like, "you're just old jealous women.." or the likes of that. NO one is saying they can't date younger women. All that is being said that it's important for any woman to pay close to attention to how men view their age. Because even for men that go for younger women for whatever reason they make up, these younger women will one day age and no woman on this earth wants to waste time or spend time on a man that says stuff like, "well younger women are just better because they are more fun, light hearted, loving.." and the other bull men tell themselves while bemoaning how bitter women are but sounding pretty bitter themselves in the process.


Here is the lesson guys, just as with a woman that sees your money as a commodity to your worth. Just as woman sees your money that makes you more fun to be with, a man that does the same regarding a woman's age is no better a partner then a woman of the same vein. And whether you like it or not, it's important for women of all ages to be aware of how men, specifically older men that go specifically for younger women, see them. Because even they won't be young forever. And there is really no point for a younger woman who is looking for more then life then someone that sees her that way to waste time on a man with that mentality. Simple reality. Men don't want to be used for their money and women don't want to be used for their looks. Keep making cute little comments about jusitifying why you specifically go for younger women and don't be surprised if women only value you in return for the money you provide. But open your own hearts to women in different ways, and you might find yourself surprised.

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Logically yes. Younger women know the man is older. However as you get older, you tend to see life differently. You grow (hopefully) emotionally.


How old is the woman you are talking about? And why does she date older men? What is it that she likes?


She's in her early-mid twenties, and dates older men - specifically Caucasian expatriates who are considered very 'rich' in her country - because she likes the sort of lifestyle that they can afford her.

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Sometimes younger girls are more outgoing, open, more innocent, more daring, willing to take certain risks, willing to love more, capable of living longer, more likely to love oatmeal like I do, cuter, smarter, cooler, fresher, nicer, hotter, more open to ideas & things, & with less baggage.

Statistics say, men in general die at an earlier age than women. So why the need to find someone who will have even more years ahead of her while you are dead?


Guys should date older women so both will die at roughly the same time.


I guess, guys who think they can get these great young women should go for it, but I so doubt that the young girls will find the boring old farts to be particulary attractive. :lmao: On the dating site, I so often saw guys my age who strongly prefered someone younger, while I often thought, "Ew, not even I am interested. Do you really think you can get some younger hot chick who has plenty of options?" Not all guys my age who want to date younger women suck, which is kind of sad :o but from what I have seen I can predict that most of the other guys can wait an awfully long time until they find someone and even more if they want someone younger.

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If a man wants to date younger women why does that bother some people? Just decide he is not the man for you and move on.


Why do I get the feeling that if this were a man complaining about cougars some of these same women would be calling him insecure and telling him to get over it.

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I guess, guys who think they can get these great young women should go for it, but I so doubt that the young girls will find the boring old farts to be particulary attractive. :lmao: On the dating site, I so often saw guys my age who strongly prefered someone younger, while I often thought, "Ew, not even I am interested. Do you really think you can get some younger hot chick who has plenty of options?" Not all guys my age who want to date younger women suck, which is kind of sad :o but from what I have seen I can predict that most of the other guys can wait an awfully long time until they find someone and even more if they want someone younger.


Oh PlumPrincess to me you are a young girl. Such fire in you in all your posts I wonder if you bring that to the bedroom.

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I guess it makes things better for me if I ever end up single again. I like women my own age (I'm 38). Young girls come with too much drama and immaturity.

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Oh PlumPrincess to me you are a young girl. Such fire in you in all your posts I wonder if you bring that to the bedroom.

Are you trying to assimilate me into your harem? Heeelp! :p

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If a man wants to date younger women why does that bother some people? Just decide he is not the man for you and move on.


Why do I get the feeling that if this were a man complaining about cougars some of these same women would be calling him insecure and telling him to get over it.

It always stings when you get rejected, but what adds to the irritation is that many of the guys who prefer younger women don't have much to offer themselves. They are not good-looking, rich, very smart, sexy, these are just very regular dudes who still believe they are better than a woman their age. I envy their freaking self-confidence! :bunny: But in the end, you're right. Why waste time on people you don't want to date. It's better to concentrate on the kind of people you do want to date. :)

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I guess it makes things better for me if I ever end up single again. I like women my own age (I'm 38). Young girls come with too much drama and immaturity.


You're greek life is drama haha.


Are you trying to assimilate me into your harem? Heeelp! :p


I want to get some dust all over you. You're a really smart one though!

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Are you trying to assimilate me into your harem? Heeelp! :p


Join the harem! There's free food. :) And back massages.

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They are not good-looking, rich, very smart, sexy, these are just very regular dudes who still believe they are better than a woman their age.


Problem solved so, why would you want to date these "losers"?

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I want to get some dust all over you. You're a really smart one though!

That's because I'm older and have more experience. :cool: I admit though, one of my favorit saying is from a friend - you think you have experience until you get even more... :o Hehehe. :laugh:

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This is true that there are men who don't offer much but demand the sun moon and stars but the same happens in reverse. There are women who don't offer much or if they do it is only looks and they have impossible standards talking about how they won't settle. I agree that people in general should offer the same things they demand of others.

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Join the harem! There's free food. :) And back massages.


Look how fun you are that must be why I want to have 20 year old join my harem.


But just one guy and I don't like sharing. :cool:


Well I was planning on sharing Thieves with you. I'm sure you two would look beautiful togather and then we could both be getting the younger girl!


That's because I'm older and have more experience. :cool: I admit though, one of my favorit saying is from a friend - you think you have experience until you get even more... :o Hehehe. :laugh:


If it felt like you older then me I wouldn't enjoy you. Think is you have a youthful air about you. Like when argue with guys about if they have six packs thats so funny. Now on the other hand if you were more mature in certain ways that would be good I mean Thieves is only 20 and she seems more mature then me in ways even if I feel almost 10 years older catch my drift. Its complicated I know but just understand you don't have more experience then me. Now experiencing you is something I don't have though!


I'm glad you haven't ruled me out because I like younger women too!

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Not mad. Just confused. Don't you always talk about how you really like women your own age more??


so I should develop carpel tunnel & tennis elbow punching my munchkin because only a younger woman wants to have sex with me and only sex & that's "wrong"?


Sheeawww. Maybe on Bizzarro world.

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Oh goodness. Get over yourself. No one jumped on you. It's called a discussion. You don't like it? Then don't have it.


It wasn't meant to be serious I will put lol next time then maybe you will get it

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To be hoenst 123, I am having a hard time understanding what you are saying. Because on one hand you talk about how most of the women you dated where younger yet you treat younger and older women the same. If that was the case, then you would have jsut as many younger women you dated as older.


When I listed the ages of the women I've been dating the last bit, those were not the sum total of all my dates, those were the ages of women I've had significant relationships with, gotten to know pretty well, and in general spent time with. On a lot of first dates I have only a general idea of what the womans age even is; it's not like I have an application form they have to fill out before I ask for their number.


So first dates with me do not have an age filter on them, and are pretty random age-wise, although I don't date unattractive women either and it is my experience that younger women tend to be more attractive. There are a lot of nice looking older women out there too, of course, and I've dated some.


When I say I date now the same as I ever have, that is also true; I've always dated from legal-40ish, and even a few older.


Essentially, when I am dating I will go out with any woman who seems attractive. I will only continue to date her as long as she still seems attractive, and drama, attitude, and so on will end her dating career with me by making her unattractive.

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Disenchantedly Yours
so I should develop carpel tunnel & tennis elbow punching my munchkin because only a younger woman wants to have sex with me and only sex & that's "wrong"?


Sheeawww. Maybe on Bizzarro world.


I never heard of a guy developing tennis elbow and carpel tunnel from masturbating.


Have sex with whoever you want. But your comment was strange because you talk about how you like women your own age, yet your comments kind of alluded to putting older women down in favor of "hot little 20 year olds".

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Disenchantedly Yours
It wasn't meant to be serious I will put lol next time then maybe you will get it


I think you are very serious about the points you made. And now I think you are contradicting yourself with this comment above. Put in as many "lol" as you want, you really think what you say.


Now someone like Dust? He clearly just has a good time. But you? You clearly mean what you say. And "lol" doesn't change that in your case most of the time.

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I never heard of a guy developing tennis elbow and carpel tunnel from masturbating.


Have sex with whoever you want. But your comment was strange because you talk about how you like women your own age, yet your comments kind of alluded to putting older women down in favor of "hot little 20 year olds".


I'm ok with guys talking like that, to some extent. Which woman hasn't thought about taking the young stud for a run? Me included ;)


To the extent that some men here overestimate their 'worth', trash women their own age while turning a blind eye to their own flaws, and fail to disclose their true intentions with younger ones... THAT is my gripe.


It is also my gripe that these same men seem to turn to younger women to avoid dealing with their personal issues. As if younger women are there to fix them/heal them... usually at the woman's expense.


I'm sorry. These guys need to take a good long look in the mirror and start taking responsibility for their part in things and how they got to where they are in life... not using another human being... is how I see it.

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Disenchantedly Yours
When I listed the ages of the women I've been dating the last bit, those were not the sum total of all my dates, those were the ages of women I've had significant relationships with, gotten to know pretty well, and in general spent time with. On a lot of first dates I have only a general idea of what the womans age even is; it's not like I have an application form they have to fill out before I ask for their number.


So first dates with me do not have an age filter on them, and are pretty random age-wise, although I don't date unattractive women either and it is my experience that younger women tend to be more attractive. There are a lot of nice looking older women out there too, of course, and I've dated some.


When I say I date now the same as I ever have, that is also true; I've always dated from legal-40ish, and even a few older.


Essentially, when I am dating I will go out with any woman who seems attractive. I will only continue to date her as long as she still seems attractive, and drama, attitude, and so on will end her dating career with me by making her unattractive.


Everything I said still stands. Nothing above of what you said really addresses anything I've said. Neither is it new. You've said it all before. I am not sure what you think you are explaining. If you keep finding yourself in relationships with younger women, it's because that's who you pick. You are the common denominator. It's not because younger women are fantasitic and older women aren't cruel mean monsters.


By the way, you never defined what "drama" was. This is often a word men throw around but seem unable to ever define. Life happens. I doubt you are a perfect person 123. I bet you come with your own amount of issues into any relationship. But I guess that's okay right?


You men go on and on about all the things women need to do to make you happy. Yet some of things don't even matter because ulimately what you care about, despite your own aging bodies, is getting a younger woman. Which is why even younger women should be aware of how you think and feel about it. You don't really even care or respect the younger woman. You just care about the outside package. And you try to act like the reason you pick younger women is because whats on the inside. And it's not. You tell women to do x,y and z. But none of that matters if at the end of the day, you just go for the younger woman. Do you know what it teaches women? Not to count on men. And that the things men claim they care about in women is bullcrap because the thing men really want is nothing women can complete with since all women get older. We get it. Congrats. We are interchanagable. You can all tout how much better men you are while you keep on saying how much better younger women are and keep discounting the entire population of women for the fact that they age. Then wonder why women are bitter toward you when the thing you prize about women is something like age. Wonder why women think men aren't nice people when you say the crap you said above.


From all these age discussions I have discovered that most men do not really like women. They only like young women. And that men think women are worthless and that men think their worth is better then womens. Which is why older guys keep making up justifications for dating younger women. I also learned that you can't count on men because a woman will always age, there will always be someone younger, and it's more likely that a man will chase the younger woman then be invested and committed to one woman. That's what men from this thread have taught me about men. And I actually think it makes guys happy on here to think of wome nas worthless. So I am just going to give you guys what you want. Men are better. Women are worthless. YOu win. Women are pieces of crap that don't deserve to be cared about. Yay for everyone!

Edited by Disenchantedly Yours
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