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My wife and I got married 3 years go. I was 22 at the time and she was 30. She asked me the other night if I had any regrets, like a fool I responded with "one regret." She asked and I told her that I wish I had been with an Indian woman. Surprisingly she encouraged me to go find and sleep with one, she even offered to help me on the search.


Is this the road to marital problems or should I not look a gift horse in the mouth?

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Do you want to go and find an Indian women? If not, be sure to make that clear.


If it's just a superficial feeling that you do not fantasize all day about then make that clear. If you want her to consider role playing, then make that clear. Communication is the key. It definitely does not have to be a road to marital problems - if you work through this it may actually strengthen the relationship.


Maybe asking her a similar question would help? Maybe ask her if she'd rather you lie to her face when asked questions like that? If you can't be open and honest about your feelings and not jump to conclusions and get overly critical, then that is a bad sign and the trust between you two should be worked on.


It all takes work. Don't ignore that and don't quit just because you'd rather take the lazy route. Chances are, if you do that, you will regret a WHOLE LOT more in life.

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Are you ready for her to find herself another man, OP? She may well be clicking her heels. She's thinking you'll both get to have your cake. If you can't handle that, then I'd say it's best not to go off looking outside the marriage.

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Some of these posts are just too troll-like for me to take them seriously. Seems to be a lot of that lately. :(

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