brokenTom Posted March 30, 2012 Share Posted March 30, 2012 Healthy women come in all body types. +1 Also, health is not just about the body, but also the mind and spirit. Link to post Share on other sites
Disenchantedly Yours Posted March 30, 2012 Share Posted March 30, 2012 You'd be surprised what people think - only cause no1 tells you of this isn't my problem, and besides, I said 12-16, that's teenager range, not kids. Actually, 12 year olds are kids. 12 year olds might have their periods but they are far from womanly. And while 16 year olds are more developed then 12 year olds, they are a far cry from a fully developed woman either. Yes, not kids, but not a woman either. Ususally women like men that are attracted to women. Not little girls. And yes, I would probably be suprised about what people think. However, usually what people think comes out in small ways if you pay attention to what they pay attention to and what they talk about. This is actually how I weed out good guys from bad guys. While some people may not be so obvious, if you spend enough time with them, you will eventually discover what they are about through their actions and words. And usually men are eventually let things slip at some point that give you a key into how they think. When I begin dating a man, I pay very close attention to all things about him. Included in how he talks about women and girls, the references he makes, if he makes sexualized comments too much, where his eyes go...all these thigns are important to me in picking and weeding out what I consider a good man vs not a good man. This is one thing I have learned through my experiences with men. Again, I don't think petite women look anywhere near my idle woman, sorry, but being small, breast-less and skinny just makes me think of kids when I see one. And it's your issue if you see something wrong with me, cause it certainly isn't mine. Ummm.. how many times have I said to you that there is nothing wrong with liking the body type you like. Where did I suggest there was something wrong with you? I don't even get this response to the thing you qouted me saying. Do I need to say it again? I see nothing wrong in you not liking a particular body type. Need I say it again? I think it's fine and healthy to be attracted to women with big breasts. But you are rather confusing. At first you said you wouldn't think of me as kid, now you are saying you would. What I find strange is that YOU see to think there is something wrong with someone being attracted to a woman with a slighter body type. And you attribute them to being cloes to a pedophile if that's the case..yet above you almost defend your friends right to ogle and sexualize 12 year olds. Seriously, you are rather confusing and seem to be all over the place in your opinion. I have no such issue with whatever body type you like as long as you liek grown adult women. I do think it's strange how strange you are actually being on this topic Prof X. As you wish. Well it was honest. You are particularly pinpointing me to use in your examples and boarding on making it sound like the only way a man could be attracted to my body type was if he liked little girls. Sorry but that's not exactly full of not trying to be partially offensive. I do think you are purposely being flammatory and offensive. Strangely so. Have I ever asked for your respect? I never have nor do I want it - cause I honestly don't care. Seeing as you stoop down to personal attacks, I think we haven't got anything else to discuss about. Do grow up, thanks. P.S. Tune down the patronizing, I saw your threads, you got plenty of issues I was just being as honest as you were being. You made some comments I could take as personal attacks about my body type and how you would ignore me or see me as a child. Funny how you think it's okay to say such things, and you don't seey ourself as stooping down to a level while you lecture on "growing up". How is any worse to tell you I wouldn't have respect for a man such as yourself if you can tell me the things you have using me as an example about what you like and don't like? They are practically the same things. By the way, I am glad you see my threads! I post so people read. We all got something to say. And yes! I do have issues. I am a human being prone to not being perfect! I can fully and freely admit that. I work to be better everday. But I also know what I knwo about others. I am not embarressed or ashamed to admit that I got my faults. Thank you for giving me the chance to let others know that I know myself enough to be open about myself and all my humaness and imperfections and my desire to want to work on myself. I wonder if you could say the same. I am not ashamed of the fact that I have things I need to work on. I know every single person here does. And if you were honest, you would admit that about yourself as well. Link to post Share on other sites
Professor X Posted March 30, 2012 Share Posted March 30, 2012 You made some comments I could take as personal attacks about my body type and how you would ignore me or see me as a child. You could of, even though I said time and again I'm speaking here in general, but I think I said it enough times that it wasn't personal, moreover, I did no point a specific finger towards you as you did. All in all, it wouldn't matter if you where my physical type or not at this point. Since we are being so honest. I couldn't respect a man that knowingly had male friends that was sexually attracted to underage young teen girls. P.S. I never said I am perfect, I am fully aware of the many flaws I got. Link to post Share on other sites
Necris Posted March 30, 2012 Share Posted March 30, 2012 (edited) I don't care if it's the Pope "dating" 14 or 15 year olds! That IS strange. And gross. After all, all those priests where molesting children. And now we are going to make the argument that hinking about molesting children is okay? Umm okay. Strange again. Someone in college dating someone 14 or 15 IS strange. He could be the most friendly guy in the world. It doesn't matter. I can't respect a man like that. Most people don't. I also disagree that humans are attracted to "healthy" ideals about the body. Infact, I think we are culturally attracted to non-healty ideals. The ideal body type in today's culture is not healthy. Which is basically tiny thin women with big breasts and big butts. Breasts are fat. Usually when a woman has big breasts, she is more shapely all around. Thicker all around. Yes, there are those cases of women with naturally big breasts that are tiny. But that isn't the norm. So I am not inclined to believe what men find attractive today is about healthy ideas of the female body. Especially when you read about the huge amount of women in the spot light and what they have to do to maintain their "healthy" bodies. which usually require strict diets and exercise and alot of them talk about having eating disorders or denying themselves food. That's not healthy. Healthy women come in all body types. From very thin, to chunky, to whatever. There is no body types that signifies health. Someone thicker can be very healthy over someone thinner and vice versa. And peope seem to foget that women are biologically and naturally more "fatty" then men. Why? Because women need the extra padding for babies. However, in today's culture, this is unacceptable. Sorry but no. Today's ideals about women's body types are not about health. You might be attracted to them. But it does not mean it's because it's so "healthy". .."normal and overweight girls (if her weight is in the right places)"...such as the breasts and butt. please don't tell me it's all about "health" to you. It's about an over idealized and barbie-esque version of womanhood being popular in media and men who have sine the age of 12, have been sitting infront of their tvs, magazines and other movies over idealizing suped up version of womanhood. Women having to diet and exercize 24/7 and having to get breast implants to compensate for whatever society tells them they must compensate for is not about health. Once again, a woman with bigger breasts or butt can be very healthy. But the obession with our culture about the sizes of women, how they are to be very thin with large breasts, has very little to do with having heathly ideas about female health. Am I ever going to get this post finished twice LS ate it and it was good stuff too. Let's try this again for the third time its definitely going to suck now. Anyway as for the college guy dating a 15 year old at first I was like WTF but then I was okay with it, its not like he is a 40 year old man chasing 12 year olds, he seems to really love the girl also he even wants to marry her but first he needs to wait for her to get out of highschool and besides he was a pretty good friend, and its pretty rare to for me to even have friends. Now with that said in no way do I condone pedophilia its sick and disturbing and anyone who thinks about or has sex with children need to be (I forgot the word). As for my attraction to skinny girls and girls who have "fat in the right places" (fat in the breasts, hips, buttocks, a little in the stomach, softer more rounded faces, basically curvy women) what's wrong with that. Fat distribution is important for health. Studies have shown most men are attracted to curvier (more specifically with that coveted hourglass figure) women unlike what the media tells people. Personally I find women who have a nice distribution of fat more attractive than simply skinny women but I also feel that skinner women are alot more attractive than women who have a poor distribution of fat (fat unhealthily concentrated in the gut region or just simply way more fat than their bodies can normally handle). The barbie doll look I find actually unattractive if a girl is super skinny she actually looks better being natural than getting a boob job and now looking funny. Fat in all the wrong places- unattractive:( Fat in all the right places- super sexy:) I don't even know what to say:( Also what I meant by beauty = health think of it this way we know despite what the media might say the hourglass figure is usually considered the most beautiful by most men. Studies have shown women with this figure tend to be healthier than average, fat or skinny women and their children tend to be healthier. Also for men most women seem to prefer younger more muscular athletic looking men rather than skinny, weak, or fat men studies have shown athletic men tend to be healthy. Edited March 30, 2012 by Necris Link to post Share on other sites
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