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ok so i know this girl that ive known since junior high but didnt really talk to her untill now. the problem is that i started liking her...and i think she likes me too..but i didnt really realized she liked me till its the end of the school year. im not really in any of her classes because she is more organized and stuff then me but this year i was in just one of her classes somehow, so now its summer and i have one chance to see her again before we go on vacation.., i dont really feel like doing anything because i wont be seeing her again for the rest of the summer and i probably wont be in any of her classes next year so that means i wont be seeing her anymore for a while or even talk to her.. im feeling really bad i dont feel like even getting up in the morning because i cant her off my frikin mind..what should i do for these two months to get me to stop thinking about her because i know it is impossible to go out with her now, since shes going to summer school she will just forget about me i bet, but i cant forget about her and i need something to get my mind off her now.

but the worst part of this is that on the last day that i saw her i know she wanted to ask me something but she was to shy or something and i was to scared to ask for her phonenumber, she was flirting with me alot that day also but before we knew it the day was over and as she left on the bus i saw her one last time and i felt like crap the rest of the day. i dont know what to do and i really need help or im afraid i might do something stupid to myself. im feling really stupid for not asking her out when i had the chance..ive thought of getting a job to get my mind off her for the summer but im not in the mood to go look for one..what do you suggest i do? btw im a 16 year old male in high school with not so great grades and the girl i like is very dedicated to her school work so ill probably never be in one of her classes. i find listening to music helps me but i cant keep avoiding this for the whole summer i just feel like beating someone up or doing something to myself for being stupid but i wont because it would make things worse, what should i do this summer to forget about her? o and sorry if my writing kinda sux, im having to much of a headache right now to write properly..Its been a living hell since i havent seen her and its only been about a week so i dont thik i can last 2 months without doing somethign stupid .. plz help

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You don't need to be in the girl's class to ask for her phone number or even to ask her out. So don't let that mess you up. If she was ever attracted to you then she will not forget about you over the summer. I once met a girl in class and we were so obviously attracted to each other, but I was too shy to ask her out. She saw me the next school year (this was two semesters later, so like 6 or 7 months) and she gave me her number and told me to call her........ the funniest part is, she had a boyfriend. But apparently she liked me better?


You know, if you want to win this girl over you can start now by finding a job(girls like guys with $$$ right?), going to the gym (burns time and fat at the same time! not to mention relieves stress) or something else that will keep you busy. I mention these because they will not only keep you busy but make you more appealing as well.


I know you don't feel like it... I've been through it before. But look at it as the first step.

Change your attitude and thank God for giving you two months to prepare before you have to take this girl on a date :p Because if you use your time wisely you'll have even more to offer.


In the process of doing so, you might meet someone else! Or you might forget about the girl completely. Or something else that is really cool can come from it.

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thanks for the reply, i think i will go to a gym and get a job during the summer to get my mind off her, and when i said that i aint in any of her classes its because i dont really see her much any other time o.O (big school) so i wouldnt really have time to see her any other time..i dont want to forget her i just want to concentrate on something else so i wont feel as bad lol

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