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In love with ex-boyfriend's best friend


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I dated this guy for about 3 months. He didn't treat me the way I felt I should be treated. He never paid me any attention and his fraternity brothers talked to me more than he did. 5 months after we broke up I started hanging out with his best friend. We helped each other with our problems and built a pretty good friendship. We decided to start seeing each other and have been now for 7 months. We are in love and are enjoying our relationship. Problem is, he never told his friend the extent of our new relationship and his friend wants to fight him now that he knows the truth. They had a long talk and now he (my boyfriend) feels like in order to work on his relationship with his friend, he may need to just "be friends" with me. I don't want to loose him. We love each other very much and feel that our relationship could eventually lead to marriage. I need him, but I don't want to come between him and his friend. This feels like the movie "The Best Man."

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Your guy ought to tell his "best friend" to stick it in his ear.


Your ex did not treat you well and obviously did not want a relationship with you. It's been a very long time since the two of you were together. If he was true friends with your current guy, he would be very happy for him. He is an immature jerk and you should be lauded for dumping him.


Your current guy needs to understand that your ex is not a friend at all. If he was, he would want his best friend, your guy, to have all the happiness possible. I'm sure your boyfriend explained to your ex that this relationship evolved over time and got to this serious point. If your ex can't understand that, he is an immature worm.


Your current guy obviously thinks more of his image around campus and amongst his fraternity brothers than he does of you. I want to puke.


Compromise. Have a talk with your current guy and let him have a little time for things to cool. It shouldn't take long for that to happen. Then you get back together. But the agreement is that neither of you date other people during the period, say one month. Your little baby ex should get over his tantrum in one month and things should be fine.


If your current won't go along with that, tell him to take the friends thing with him and go jump in a lake. He is your boyfriend and you love him, you don't want him for a buddy. If that's all he wants to be with you just to save his little image on campus, he isn't worth it. You need a man who will stick with you and not think more about his public persona.


You would be a lot better off dating men with a little more depth than the guys in Ima Dumba Wimpa Fraternity.

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