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Is there a difference in how black guys approach women vs white guys?


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I have some female friends who say they like the way they get approached by black guys but I don't see a difference unless they just like black guys anyway.

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I think they just want the BBC. Women like sex. One of their big concerns is wasting time dating a guy with a small wiener. If you got a big dick, walk around with it hanging out or wear really tight grape smuggler pants so they can see that you're equipped to rail them into orgasmic bliss.


Just joking
























Actually, kinda serious.

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Sometimes black guys just appear more comfortable in their own skin when they approach. You should see the way the African dudes in London approach women so aggressively :laugh:. The Jamaicans too, although they're a lot cooler.


I wouldn't say there is difference though, I know white guys who get girls by the hour. Plenty Asians do well too. The only ones who do poorly with women are the ones who are **** scared of women and being rejected, as well as the ones with underlying issues yet to be addressed, as they manifest in ones behavior. The irony is that they underestimate people's ability to pick up on this.

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There is really no difference. The main thing is confidence and what Wholigan said about them being comfortable in their own skin. Those thing apply to any race of men.

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Its not a race thing, its a cultural thing. At least in America, hip hop culture is all about a guy having "game" and "swag" i.e. charisma. The guys in that sub culture are generally less insecure when it comes to women since machismo is highly touted.


Ive seen asian, white, latino, and black dudes all run game on chicks in a similar way. The thing they all had in common was that they were hip hop heads(dudes into rap culture). Look at an r&b video and see how suave some of the dudes act around their women. Then look at a rock video and see how different it is.


Again, its cultural.


EDIT: And dont listen to the guy talking about penis size. Blacks are not statistically super larger than white dudes.

Edited by kaylan
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There is a difference, but it's not due to race it's because everyone's different. :p



lol, as you can see I don't care so much for generalities like these. I agree it's more of a cultural thing.


As for the "size" difference, some probably realize that it's not the size that counts, it's how you use it. Those haven't realized this... well, I kinda feel sorry for you :laugh:

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Its not a race thing, its a cultural thing. At least in America, hip hop culture is all about a guy having "game" and "swag" i.e. charisma. The guys in that sub culture are generally less insecure when it comes to women since machismo is highly touted.


Ive seen asian, white, latino, and black dudes all run game on chicks in a similar way. The thing they all had in common was that they were hip hop heads(dudes into rap culture). Look at an r&b video and see how suave some of the dudes act around their women. Then look at a rock video and see how different it is.


Again, its cultural.


EDIT: And dont listen to the guy talking about penis size. Blacks are not statistically super larger than white dudes.

Kaylan's post is true, but I think that now, in the 21st Century, it has become fashionable to date Black guys. When I was in college, it was a lot harder for guys like me (black, mixed race) to get dates with white gals , but I never seemed to have any problem, because I approached ALL women , the same, and was an athlete.
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As for the "size" difference, some probably realize that it's not the size that counts, it's how you use it. Those haven't realized this... well, I kinda feel sorry for you :laugh:


Size makes a difference. Don't kid yourself. Knowing what you're doing makes a difference as well, no doubt about it. Knowing what you're doing and having a good size cock is perferable. Don't delude yourself into thinking guys with big cocks don't know what their doing because they think size is all that matters. Thats right up there with good looking people never develope a good inner personality becaue they never needed anything else but good looks to attract other people.


True, you have to work with what you have, but if you have more, then you have more to work with....to a point. Also, women like sucking and holding cock. This has very little to do with you knowing what you're doing. If you got a cock that will really fill up their mouth and offer them something to grab on to, than this will benefit you and not with just the actual sex part, but in attracting them. If women around you think you got a good cock for fullfilling their sexual needs, than a pretty big check mark in their list of creteria that many will probably never admit to is going to get marked off and your chances with them has drastically improved. Girls talk about your penis size to each other. I have casual sex with one girl and next thing I know many of her friends approach me offerring blow jobs or a ****.


Whether it's true or not, many people think black guys have big dicks and asian guys have small dicks. In the US and other very multi-cultural countries, how many old virgin black guys do you think there are compared to old virgin asians?

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I have some female friends who say they like the way they get approached by black guys but I don't see a difference unless they just like black guys anyway.


I've just found that black guys approach me more often! It might be their "confidence level" or it could be my ass. Who knows :)


Hispanic men too though.


But white guys seem to be more timid in their approaches to me.


I don't know really, I agree it's probably a culture thing more than a race thing, I'm just not sure why haha.

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I've just found that black guys approach me more often! It might be their "confidence level" or it could be my ass. Who knows :)


Hispanic men too though.


But white guys seem to be more timid in their approaches to me.


I don't know really, I agree it's probably a culture thing more than a race thing, I'm just not sure why haha.

Possibly , it's because you are cute, if your avie is any indication. Nice smile!!
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IME, black guys just have...balls. They are way more confident and forward, and even if you brutally rebuff them really quickly, they take it like a champ and thank you for your time. Haha!


White guys? Not so much.

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Ruby Slippers

I live in Chicago, a very diverse city, so I cross paths with more black and Latino guys than I ever have. They hit on me all the time, and honestly, I vastly prefer their come-on style to that of most white guys. In general, it tends to be much more straightforward, sensual, and a little old-fashioned. It's this interesting blend of old and new world.


They make NO mistake what they think of you, make it very clear they want you. They show you with their body language that you turn them on. And I'm talking a guy in his Bulls hoodie or a guy in a sharp suit. It's so primal and hot! I feel like white guys tend to be a little more... repressed? I don't know what it is. It's like they're not being as honest.


Anyway, I have a date tomorrow night with this cute Latino guy who has been after me for months. On a whim, I said, OK, let's do it. He has already told me that he hopes he gets a kiss. So now he's got me thinking about it, you see? :D

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Anyway, I have a date tomorrow night with this cute Latino guy who has been after me for months. On a whim, I said, OK, let's do it. He has already told me that he hopes he gets a kiss. So now he's got me thinking about it, you see? :D


Haha, I feel like I'm more okay with hispanic or black guys being forward with me too though... I've been on one date with a hispanic guy and he told me pretty soon into it that he loved my thighs and ass in the leggings I was wearing, and had me spin around.. really funny, and not at all awkward, he was just really smooth and funny about it. From a white guy I can't imagine that would work! But from him? I don't know why but I was totally okay with it. Haha.. I'm not at all sure why that would make a difference! White guys just don't have game? I don't know :laugh: .. kidding!

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Ruby Slippers
Haha, I feel like I'm more okay with hispanic or black guys being forward with me too though... I've been on one date with a hispanic guy and he told me pretty soon into it that he loved my thighs and ass in the leggings I was wearing, and had me spin around.. really funny, and not at all awkward, he was just really smooth and funny about it. From a white guy I can't imagine that would work! But from him? I don't know why but I was totally okay with it. Haha.. I'm not at all sure why that would make a difference! White guys just don't have game? I don't know :laugh: .. kidding!

No, they do. My last boyfriend (white) had that non-white boy swagger. He was respectfully brazen all the time. We were out having dinner one night, and he said, "I'm sorry, I can't concentrate on what you're saying because I can't stop staring at your breasts in that shirt." We got out of there fast and just had our way with each other all night. :love:


I have to say that is another good thing about black and Latino guys - in my experiences - they love the booty and curves and really know how to appreciate a woman's body.

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A white female friends told me that black guys let you know what they want right away with no pressure so you feel more ease at having sex. She said white guys beat around the bush and put a lot of effort into it almost like you're dating just to get laid.

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I've just found that black guys approach me more often! It might be their "confidence level" or it could be my ass. Who knows :)


Hispanic men too though.


But white guys seem to be more timid in their approaches to me.


I don't know really, I agree it's probably a culture thing more than a race thing, I'm just not sure why haha.


Exact same for me. I get approached/hit on by so many more black guys than white.


I've always wondered if it's them, or if it's me.

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Exact same for me. I get approached/hit on by so many more black guys than white.


I've always wondered if it's them, or if it's me.


I would say it's a cultural thing. Black guys have nothing to lose so they just do what they feel also. White guys seem to culturally be more careful. Not less confident, just careful.

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Interesting read.


Things like "smooth talk" and "swag" used to get me going in HS, but now both just set my bs-o-meter off like a fire alarm. Growing up in predominately black and hispanic environments, I'm more than use to the talk and the game, so there's not much of a wow factor in it for me. I actually prefer the less aggressive/more laid back approach white men tend to have. It puts me at ease and makes for a more relaxing pick-up overall, imo.

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Maybe it's because I'm older, butteruh, I find that men are basically men and there aren't many differences.


The man that approaches me with respect and confidence, I have time for, whatever his race is. The man that approaches me like he's doing me a favor? He can kick rocks.


Don't get me wrong, the words may not be exactly the same, but the attitude, the feeling, that is exactly the same.

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Interesting read.


Things like "smooth talk" and "swag" used to get me going in HS, but now both just set my bs-o-meter off like a fire alarm. Growing up in predominately black and hispanic environments, I'm more than use to the talk and the game, so there's not much of a wow factor in it for me. I actually prefer the less aggressive/more laid back approach white men tend to have. It puts me at ease and makes for a more relaxing pick-up overall, imo.

Interesting perspective. I too think that white women fall for "swag" because it's new and unfamiliar to them. Also, as one female poster admitted earlier in this thread, white women seem to hold ethnic men to a lower standard in terms of what's considered respectful behavior (i.e. a black or hispanic man is "allowed" to be sexually agressive to the point of being obnoxious, while a white man could never "get away" with that).


It's like women have these stereotypes of what you are supposed to be based on your race. If you are black, you better be a 'gangsta' with swag. If you are hispanic, you are supposed to be a suave, salsa dancing, greasy haired dude. If you are white, you are expected to be reserved. If you are asian, you are supposed to be able to fix her computer. It's all really dumb if you think about it.

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Quiet Storm

My opinion (though I'm married and been out of the dating game for years) is that black men are more direct.


They don't seem to overthink things and seem more confident in their approach. I have talked to my friends about this difference, too. I remember one of them saying "A white guy will look like he wants to kiss you, but he'll seem too afraid or he'll actually ask "Can I kiss you?", while a black guy will just do it without hesitation." My husband did exactly that and hooked me at fifteen with an unexpected kiss in weight training class. The surprise of it and the determined look on his face made it seem very passionate and exciting for me.


I think white men are more likely to take a cautious approach, which makes them seem less passionate, and is probably why some get "friend zoned". Note that I didn't say they were less passionate, just that there approach can make it seem like that.


I think it is cultural, because I can see the cultural differences between my husband's (who is black) family and my family (one side is Irish/Catholic heritage, one side is Cherokee). My family is much more concerned about "appearances" and what other people think. There are invisible boundaries about what you can & can't say to people. They are less likely to call people out on their BS. They have the "if you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all" approach, which spares hurt feelings, but can be viewed as "being phony".


With my husband's family, they are much more direct. It is not always a good thing as sometimes too much honesty can hurt feelings. They aren't very worried about what people think and aren't too concerned if they "impose" on people. They put their feelings out there and say what's on their mind. So I think many black men are raised to be more honest about feelings, while white men are more veiled about their feelings. If a black man feels very attracted to a woman, his behavior reflects that. They aren't in their heads thinking of the approach, what to say, how to act, what might go wrong, etc. They just say what they feel and let go of the outcome.


I am not trying to generalize and say that these differences apply to all people. I am just saying that this has been my experience. I know there are direct white guys and shy black guys, but overall, this has been my observation in many instances.

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Interesting perspective. I too think that white women fall for "swag" because it's new and unfamiliar to them. Also, as one female poster admitted earlier in this thread, white women seem to hold ethnic men to a lower standard in terms of what's considered respectful behavior (i.e. a black or hispanic man is "allowed" to be sexually agressive to the point of being obnoxious, while a white man could never "get away" with that).


It's like women have these stereotypes of what you are supposed to be based on your race. If you are black, you better be a 'gangsta' with swag. If you are hispanic, you are supposed to be a suave, salsa dancing, greasy haired dude. If you are white, you are expected to be reserved. If you are asian, you are supposed to be able to fix her computer. It's all really dumb if you think about it.



Well, I can't speak for other women, but I would think (hope, anyway) that it's not so much a matter of "lowering standards" for acceptable behavior as it is just preference for a certain style. I think any woman who likes "swag" in black men would like it in white men as well; they just might not experience it as often. Just like I happen to haaaaaaate that smooth talking crap, full stop & regardless of the skin color of the person doing the speaking.


Any guy who wants to talk to me -successfully - has gotta come at me the right way, bottom line. What's "right" for me is boring for another woman and vice versa. All preference.

Edited by LexiB
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Ive seen some black dudes with the most over the top ways to hit on women wheter its whistling and saying shorty come here while she walks by or almost groping strangers


Thing is 9 times out of 10 it doesnt work and the women look like they want to slap the guy in the face.


It eventually works because alot of black guys dont fear reejction they know eventually some women will eat up what theyre doing even if its over the top but if u play the numbers game then any method will evnetually work with somebody


Plus it depends how good looking you are,if youre really good looking u can get away with a over the top diect approach if youre not youll just get an angry look from the girl

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