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You met online. Will it last?


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My mom met the guy she was married to for over a decade through the newspaper personal ads. What's the real difference between that and online dating?

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That article was presented by match.com, a dating site. So the article has an obvious agenda to make dating sites appealing.


I don't really see how it seems salesy. The article doesn't suggest that all or even most couples who met online stayed together----it just studies some basic trends. Sure, it could have a bias, but not towards/against what it's studying, which are which trends signify staying together after meeting on an OLD and which do not.

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The website says you need a match.com account to read it.


Really? I followed the link yesterday and did not need one.

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prune juice
Lord have mercy! You are quite an eclectic new member! Threesomes, getting ready to have a baby, and a master of statistics! All in one girl!


he's never had sex. i don't think hes ever touched a girl.

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prune juice
You absolutely do not need more than 90 people to make statistical inferences. Your sample size depends almost 100% on your effect size (I say almost because you can choose to set a different alpha-level, but never would).


If you have an effect that is so small that you need a sample size larger than 90 to detect it, your effect is basically nonexistent and not worth exploring.


females don't like that crap. they like guys who know how to perform in bed.

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Yep. The website probably figured that I don't have a match account yet. I dislike personalized content. Google does it too with it's searches and with Youtube. Different people get different results when they search for the same thing, it creates a bubble for each person, it blocks them from certain content and only shows what those companies think is relevant to you personally.


I know about the internet bubble, but I don't have a Match account, nor have I had one in years and years (not since I had my current email addys or computers so there's no way for Google to "know" it). Perhaps it's a browser difference. I use Chrome fwiw.

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Either way, I'm not going to sign up just to read an article.

Just google Andrea Baker online relationships and there is a lot of information. This seems to be an area of research for her. The article link I posted is just a summary of her research.

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Either way, I'm not going to sign up just to read an article.


No, I wouldn't suggest you did. I'm just baffled, because it's not a secured link. Sorry, just being a nerd and wondering how your version could be a secured link and the one I'm clicking is not.

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you need more than 90 couples to say anything at all worthwhile about general OLD trends.




Ahem, not in this case you don't, for as the OP stated, they are mere "common sense"... and we already know them as "general OLD trends", which serves as additional suggestion that they are accurate.


There are simply far too many people out there in cyberspace who are entirely unwilling to put forth the effort to know OLD results of the sorts implied by the linked article.


While I would admit that for most, a first real-life meeting at the residence of one or the other is a terrible idea, the additional details suggested in the story underscore why the trends are what they are.


Maybe we're going to evolve in many years to a point where we say: "If you're meeting for the first time at the food court in the mall, then you simply haven't done enough research and taken enough true interest in one another to gain anything meaningful from an online intro".


Until then, it would remain wise of people follow their misguided instincts and continue to meet at Starbucks after those first 45 bliss-filled minutes since first encountering one another on the internet.

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I can read it. I'm on Chrome.


Another who can read it and has never had a match account. Chrome too.


Thank you girls for thinking of my nerdy curiosity. I did try it on IE and it worked. Not sure if the other browsers are having an issue or what.

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I can read it, have never had a match account, and am also on Chrome, for the record.


I also met my husband on OkC 7 years ago.

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I just read another story about a couple who met online but because they were long distance decided to just be friends. They emailed and talked on the phone for two years. In that time, they each had boyfriends and girlfriends come and go. They decided to meet and it was instant attraction. They are both 34 and engaged to be married.

Here is the article. You might have to zoom in with your browser.

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One of my best friends met his wife on Match. They dated 8-9 months before becoming engaged, married last July and didn't hesitate. Had their first child a couple weeks ago.


I met my current GF on OKC after MONTHS of trying. I gave up several times and took breaks from it. I live in a small area and decided to give it one last shot. She was the only new profile I was even interested in and messaged. She'd only been on there a week. We celebrated 4 months yesterday and it's only getting better. We're presently surprised to say the least... It all comes down to luck in finding the right person. Real life is no different.

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