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See? You're still talking as though your view/opinion is fact. It isn't. You're mislabeling.


I could just as easily describe someone who leaves their kids at daycare, as abandoning their kids and leaving them with complete strangers, just to make it sound bad.

I expressed my opinion. You obviously have a different one. I specifically said it was my opinion. That is what we all do here--express our opinions and points of view. I don't know what else you expect me to do.

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Ross MwcFan
I expressed my opinion. You obviously have a different one. I specifically said it was my opinion. That is what we all do here--express our opinions and points of view. I don't know what else you expect me to do.


It just comes across as though you were saying it as fact. Sorry if I got the wrong impression.

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So what do women want then, apathetic sissies that stick their own dick up their ass because certain people walk around waiting to get offended? That's the doormat women are always complaining about, and even if that was what women wanted I'm not going to be that.


Regardless of anything, my political views have nothing to do with anything. There are some opinionated women out there, but by and large most women just cheerlead whatever views their boyfriend has.


All of this is irrelevant. If you hear me talk about something that offends you by the 3rd date, fine, I respect you not liking me. But I don't ever have to deal with that issue, since women don't even let me get a foot in the door. Yet when I was much more of a "troublemaker" who was "HOT" they were kicking my door down!


I have news for you: A. Wyatt Mann uses a pseudonym for a reason. Aggressive attitudes are meant to distract from a basic fear. You are frightened of feeling inferior -- I'd say, of facing feelings within you that you don't like yourself. As long as you continue to avoid this, you're going to be stuck with the sane unhappiness, and you're going to try to fill it with the same feigned solidarity and sophistry that hate has to offer.

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I'm not unreasonably unattractive. Any normal, open minded female who has seen my picture will say I'm atleast average looking. So why do I need to work out 2 hours a day to have a relationship with an average looking girl? It's the game, those are the rules, but it doesn't make it any less inane or disillusioning.


I'm not asking people to go out with some fat slob who has nothing interesting to say, no sense of humor, and does nothing but sit around and fart hot dog. Ironically if that guy filled whatever quirky physical fetish like above average height or steroid-trapezius' you have, you'd have no issue with that either.


I don't care about how big some girls tits are, or how her ass is shaped, I don't even care about her age (within reason) or college degrees or hair color, or how good she sucks my cock, I can let so many physical things slide for a woman who stimulates my mind and shows me love and loyalty. Yet, women never extend that same courtesy out to me, which is why I don't understand the awful view of love women have, and don't want to either.

Edited by AIDsFan1488
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I have news for you: A. Wyatt Mann uses a pseudonym for a reason. Aggressive attitudes are meant to distract from a basic fear. You are frightened of feeling inferior -- I'd say, of facing feelings within you that you don't like yourself. As long as you continue to avoid this, you're going to be stuck with the sane unhappiness, and you're going to try to fill it with the same feigned solidarity and sophistry that hate has to offer.


Some of the people here like Johan are beginning to understand me. But you're way off.


I think some of this advice about irrational hate and aggressive attitudes would be better off dispensed at Jewish people, not me. :lmao:

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So what do women want then, apathetic sissies that stick their own dick up their ass because certain people walk around waiting to get offended? That's the doormat women are always complaining about, and even if that was what women wanted I'm not going to be that.

See, you're doing it again. You are only able to see things in black and white. It is not always necessary to express one's opinion. It is not always necessary to do it in a "I-don't-give-a-f*cking-****-what-you-think"-way. You are eloquent and you use words like weapons to bring your opponent down. I used to have a friend who was a lot smarter than me. Arguing with him was always like getting run down by a train. Passion is fine, but you sometimes resemble more someone who is running amok and not able to control himself.


All of this is irrelevant. If you hear me talk about something that offends you by the 3rd date, fine, I respect you not liking me. But I don't ever have to deal with that issue, since women don't even let me get a foot in the door. Yet when I was much more of a "troublemaker" who was "HOT" they were kicking my door down!

When you were hot, you could attract a certain group of women that are no longer interested in you. But the women you can't have now, but do want to date, you probably were not able to get either when you were hot. You should ask yourself what kind of woman you want to attract and how she would react to a guy like you.

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I'm not unreasonably unattractive. Any normal, open minded female who has seen my picture will say I'm atleast average looking.

I note the words normal & open minded to me that suggests if a gal finds you unattractive she's not normal and open minded.


You don't need to work out you can work out. Why?

Perhaps because your opinion of your physical appearance may not be agreeable to many or the average gals you're pursuing. As well as exercise is often recommended.


Egh to me the rules are subjective as I met & know plenty of ugly guy/attractive gal, ugly guy/average gal, and average guy/average gal couples. Well it's subjective for guys.


Understandable to me to let those that fill fetishes slide on things as the guy fulfills a fetish and many gals/guys tend to prioritize fetishes as they tend to be what they're most or mainly attracted to.


If you're including body part size, age, degrees, hair color, oral performance as the many physical things you'd let slide many gals will often do similar things.


Many gals will let physical things slide such as how big his stick is, his age, college degrees, hair color, or how good or a lay he is. Many people will let body part size, education, hair color, and sexual performance slide for mental stimulation and love/loyalty.


Will you let face, body shape, and body weight slide? If not to me that's what you're letting slide while many as in amount doesn't seem to be out of the norm in dating.


As for awful view of love women have- it's awful to want to be attracted to your partner?

Edited by udolipixie
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Some of the people here like Johan are beginning to understand me. But you're way off.


I think some of this advice about irrational hate and aggressive attitudes would be better off dispensed at Jewish people, not me. :lmao:

Please tell me what kind of sweet loving woman would want to date a guy who distributes racial slurs and hatred? If this is what you believe in, maybe you should join one of these Nazi groups and date one of their women (they're usually lovely from what I have seen on pictures). That would also ensure that the race stays clean and sane. :rolleyes:

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When you were hot, you could attract a certain group of women that are no longer interested in you. But the women you can't have now, but do want to date, you probably were not able to get either when you were hot. You should ask yourself what kind of woman you want to attract and how she would react to a guy like you.


That isn't true, and you know it. When a woman doesn't like how you look, they always say it's for completely bogus reasons.


The women I could attract that no longer want me, are just hotter with more options versions of women who don't want me now and pick much better or wealthier guys over me.


I note the words normal & open minded to me that suggests if a gal finds you unattractive she's not normal and open minded.


You don't need to work out you can work out. Why?

Perhaps because your opinion of your physical appearance may not be agreeable to many or the average gals you're pursuing. As well as exercise is often recommended.


Egh to me the rules are subjective as I met & know plenty of ugly guy/attractive gal, ugly guy/average gal, and average guy/average gal couples. Well it's subjective for guys.


Understandable to me to let those that fill fetishes slide on things as the guy fulfills a fetish and many gals/guys tend to prioritize fetishes as they tend to be what they're most or mainly attracted to.


If you're including body part size, age, degrees, hair color, oral performance as the many physical things you'd let slide many gals will often do similar things.


Many gals will let physical things slide such as how big his stick is, his age, college degrees, hair color, or how good or a lay he is. Many people will let body part size, education, hair color, and sexual performance slide for mental stimulation and love/loyalty.


Will you let face, body shape, and body weight slide? If not to me that's what you're letting slide while many as in amount doesn't seem to be out of the norm in dating.


As for awful view of love women have- it's awful to want to be attracted to your partner? [/Quote]


The body weight issue is a tough one, but for a woman who I hit it off with I would consider it. Body weight is also something in your power, it's not natural to be as overweight as some of the women I see, it's a deformity you choose. Just like the 8-pack the teenage werewolf heartthrob from Twilight is a deformity of his body, all so women will buy movie tickets.


If you're a woman and think I am such an ugly guy, then yes, you are insane. I don't think I'm a great looking guy who stands out in the crowd, but I do think women are just extreme in their judgement. You yourself think any man no matter what, is unattractive if he's 5'9 instead of 5'10 :rolleyes: Yes, you are insane and deserve noone if your dating criteria is that mechanical.

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I think you should make your primary goal to fix the isolation. Getting a woman is easier after that. Dealing with the time when you don't have one is also easier. Your problem isn't your height or your looks.

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Please tell me what kind of sweet loving woman would want to date a guy who distributes racial slurs and hatred? If this is what you believe in, maybe you should join one of these Nazi groups and date one of their women (they're usually lovely from what I have seen on pictures). That would also ensure that the race stays clean and sane. :rolleyes:



What did I say that was so hateful or a slur? I didn't. Simply said that the average Jew is full of more hate for other people than I am. I'm not even a "Racist", in the bigotted sense. I treat people as individuals.


What I have a problem with is people like ReallyHotGuy who were insinuating that because I criticize or question things Jewish people do, that I am "full of hate". I find it funny when people say that, because the same Jewish people who declare certain ideas "extreme" or "full of hate" will turn around and support a food and medicine blockade on the women and children of the Gaza Strip.


I don't wear my politics on my sleeve, by the way. So no, this has nothing to do with why women don't like me.

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Egh they may not necessarily think you're such an ugly guy just an ugly guy.


Many women and many men are extreme in their judgement. This women are extreme in their judgement/any women who thinks unattractive is insane seems like deflecting/protection of any opinion that deems you unattractive or a guy she's not attracted to you.


My thinking to me is no different than a guy who thinks any gal no matter what such as how pretty her face is is unattractive if she's overweight or obese.


My thinking is not indicative of all, most, or the majority of women. One or a few woman showing what you deem extreme in judgement doesn't showcase the general population.


Egh what I deserve is subjective. I enjoy with the hotties I entertain/amuse myself with.

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I think you should make your primary goal to fix the isolation. Getting a woman is easier after that. Dealing with the time when you don't have one is also easier. Your problem isn't your height or your looks.


I've always had friends. I have a few really close friends instead of 1,000 friends on facebook, but I choose that, I prefer quality over quantity. I make friends wherever I go, some people think I am funny and interesting and hang on my every word. The issue is that the only people who are open to getting to know me...are male. It's not because I wear a shirt that says "I HATE WOMEN", it's because women are only interested in getting to know guys they are very attracted to not guys who have things to talk about or a clever sense of humor.


Any time I try to talk or get to know a female, try to get her to open up to me... it's always me doing all the talking.

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That isn't true, and you know it. When a woman doesn't like how you look, they always say it's for completely bogus reasons.


The women I could attract that no longer want me, are just hotter with more options versions of women who don't want me now and pick much better or wealthier guys over me.

So did I get it right, the hot women you were able to attract when you were hot, were nice women you really wanted to have a relationship with? Or were they shallow and stupid? Because if they were, then what I said before still holds true - you have never been able to attract the women you want. Nice women don't like jerks, no matter how hot they are. What's so difficult to understand about it?

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It's not because I wear a shirt that says "I HATE WOMEN", it's because women are only interested in getting to know guys they are very attracted to not guys who have things to talk about or a clever sense of humor.

You don't have to wear a tshirt for some women to get that vibe.


From my experiences/observations generally women are interested in:

getting to know/having sex with guys they are attracted to

getting to know as friends guys who are conversational/funny

getting to know as romantic parters guys how they are attracted to that are conversational/funny


Any time I try to talk or get to know a female, try to get her to open up to me... it's always me doing all the talking.

Seems more like women you encounter aren't interested in getting to know you or as want you as a romantic partner.

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Egh they may not necessarily think you're such an ugly guy just an ugly guy.


Many women and many men are extreme in their judgement. This women are extreme in their judgement/any women who thinks unattractive is insane seems like deflecting/protection of any opinion that deems you unattractive or a guy she's not attracted to you.


My thinking to me is no different than a guy who thinks any gal no matter what such as how pretty her face is is unattractive if she's overweight or obese.


My thinking is not indicative of all, most, or the majority of women. One or a few woman showing what you deem extreme in judgement doesn't showcase the general population.


Egh what I deserve is subjective. I enjoy with the hotties I entertain/amuse myself with.



Um most women think 9 out of 10 men are ugly or not good enough for them, doesn't make it so, it just means they are warped and spoiled by a population of men who do everything in their power to be what women like to look at or be seen with. If you lived in rural Pakistan, you'd be ecstatic to get with a guy who had all his teeth and didn't loose his virginity to his sheep. :lmao:


Have fun amusing yourself with all those hotties. Just hope you don't plan on ever having kids, all those abortions and STD's give your uterine lining a beating.

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I've always had friends. I have a few really close friends instead of 1,000 friends on facebook, but I choose that, I prefer quality over quantity. I make friends wherever I go, some people think I am funny and interesting and hang on my every word. The issue is that the only people who are open to getting to know me...are male. It's not because I wear a shirt that says "I HATE WOMEN", it's because women are only interested in getting to know guys they are very attracted to not guys who have things to talk about or a clever sense of humor.


Any time I try to talk or get to know a female, try to get her to open up to me... it's always me doing all the talking.

Just off your posts, you remind me so much of a close friend of mine, it's funny :laugh:.


He's a quite brilliant guy, the smartest I know. Quick witted, intellectual, extremely knowledgeable about a variety of topics. He's probably one of the few people I clicked with on a purely intellectual level. His problem? His intensity. It borders on bi-polar at times. There are days when he's the coolest guy in the world, and others where he will absolutely bring your whole day down. People who have that kind of intensity tend to have an extremely magnetic aura, especially to other guys who see that person as a great ally. The problem is when that person is having an off-day. It's like being in a storm.


He's always been pretty attractive to girls at first glance, and has had his fair share of encounters, but he's kind of like the Devil's advocate when it comes to discussions. He turns the most inconsequential thing into a debate and it becomes a raging argument. Sometimes I think he does it for his own amusement, but other times he gets MAD to the point of rage.


Right now he's in a place of anger really, pissed off at the world. He's not worried about women because he could probably get one if he really really wanted, but I'd imagine it will be harder for him now because his anger hangs over him like a cloud even on a sunny day. A change of scenery would do him good I feel, or just a change in outlook, but that requires a great deal of introspection. He's done so, but he told me he doesn't like the person he sees when he looks inside himself. I was heartbroken to hear him say that. Aidsfan, when you look inside yourself, what do you really see, unbiased??



As for the last sentence, I have experienced that many times, autistic brain :laugh:, I can ramble on forever. I find the way to balance that out is simply to talk much less. I ask women certain open-ended questions and just add little ad-libs in the conversation. It requires a level of skill that took me AGES to get to, but it's worthwhile learning to do active listening, even if she could be talking about some bull**** :laugh:

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Do tell where is the factual evidence for what most women think as you claim?


While it doesn't make it so it does tend to make it that they may not want to date a guy they find ugly or no good enough for them.


Different experiences on what guys do.


Many guys attest to that physical appearance don't matter to women and take women are less visual to mean women are blind.


I have yet to see many guys do anything much less everything in their power to be what women like to look at or be seen with. I've seen some do the norm of working out & grooming and a few who do everything in their power.


I have seen many guys do everything in their power to use psychology & neurolinguistic programming and that's not to be what women like to look at but how to manipulate/sway mindsets.


As for this rural Pakistan bit:

Whether I loved the guy or was attracted to him would be up for question.

Whether this was a transactional thing would also be up for question.


Perhaps it's best suited for you to go to places where women have no to low "no" responses or would be ecstatic with such arrangements.


I do and I will have fun amusing myself with all these hotties. ;)


Nice ASSumptions on the abortions/STDs. I'm a virgin *.


I define virginity as not engaging in manual, oral, anal, and vaginal sex.

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So did I get it right, the hot women you were able to attract when you were hot, were nice women you really wanted to have a relationship with? Or were they shallow and stupid? Because if they were, then what I said before still holds true - you have never been able to attract the women you want. Nice women don't like jerks, no matter how hot they are. What's so difficult to understand about it?



Actually some of them were "nice girls". One girl who I deflowered was really sweet and innocent and the only girl around my age I know who went to church every sunday. Not brilliant, but she wasn't dumb either. She threw her virginity away on me instead of all her male church-going Christian friends who were all in love with her, I never called her back once I got what I wanted.


Nice girls want the same exact guys the broads with the tramp stamps want, the end. Atleast during their 20's, when money becomes important they all just look for the "well-established" to build a nest.

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What did I say that was so hateful or a slur? I didn't. Simply said that the average Jew is full of more hate for other people than I am. I'm not even a "Racist", in the bigotted sense. I treat people as individuals.


What I have a problem with is people like ReallyHotGuy who were insinuating that because I criticize or question things Jewish people do, that I am "full of hate". I find it funny when people say that, because the same Jewish people who declare certain ideas "extreme" or "full of hate" will turn around and support a food and medicine blockade on the women and children of the Gaza Strip.


I don't wear my politics on my sleeve, by the way. So no, this has nothing to do with why women don't like me.

And that is what? :rolleyes: If you wanted to make an unbiased political statement that is not aimed at demonizing a whole people, then you would word it differently. You claim that you are interested in the welfare of women and children in the Gaza Strip, but you use Nazi pictures and symbols in your profile. If I wanted to express hatred, I'd go for this. If you want to be a racist, have the guts and own it at least or you will look stupid and like a coward.

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She threw her virginity away on me instead of all her male church-going Christian friends who were all in love with her, I never called her back once I got what I wanted.

Perhaps you see it as throwing away and she say it as having sex with a guy she was attracted to versus having sex with a guy she's not attracted to and may not have feelings for irregardless of whether he loves her or not.


Perhaps she may have regretted it if she expected commitment or equated you having sex with her means you loved her.


Whether she would have regretted having sex with a guy she wasn't attracted to or had feelings for because he's nice and loves her is up to question. Just as whether they were nice or loved her.


Some nice gals want the same type of guys. Generally humans tend to want a partner they're attracted to and use others if they can't get that.

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And that is what? :rolleyes: If you wanted to make an unbiased political statement that is not aimed at demonizing a whole people, then you would word it differently. You claim that you are interested in the welfare of women and children in the Gaza Strip, but you use Nazi pictures and symbols in your profile. If I wanted to express hatred, I'd go for this. If you want to be a racist, have the guts and own it at least or you will look stupid and like a coward.

One can identify with a set of ideologies and not be a racist. I identify with lots of ideologies tied to Black Nationalism, but I'm not racist. I'm not particularly keen on the whole Nazi thing either because it was based on hate rather than an amorality. I also have read information that would suggest that it was a handful of Jews who funded WWII and indeed the Nazis themselves, so it may prove Aidsfan right, but it would also throw into contention his alignment with the Nazis when they were in fact aided by Jews. At least that's what I've read concerning Occultist literature as well as Illuminati/Freemasons.


But again, information is not always fact, you make your own theory at the end of the day.

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Actually some of them were "nice girls". One girl who I deflowered was really sweet and innocent and the only girl around my age I know who went to church every sunday. Not brilliant, but she wasn't dumb either. She threw her virginity away on me instead of all her male church-going Christian friends who were all in love with her, I never called her back once I got what I wanted.


Nice girls want the same exact guys the broads with the tramp stamps want, the end. Atleast during their 20's, when money becomes important they all just look for the "well-established" to build a nest.

I should have said nice and smart girls. She probably thought you were a jerk outside and inside you were a really sweet guy who was waiting to get rescued by true (Christian) love. It sounds you were a jerk who got his punishment now. I guess, you f*cked up. There was a nice girl who liked you and you turned her down and now you're complaining that you can't find anyone. If that is not ironic.

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And that is what? :rolleyes: If you wanted to make an unbiased political statement that is not aimed at demonizing a whole people, then you would word it differently. You claim that you are interested in the welfare of women and children in the Gaza Strip, but you use Nazi pictures and symbols in your profile. If I wanted to express hatred, I'd go for this. If you want to be a racist, have the guts and own it at least or you will look stupid and like a coward.



I demonized the Jewish community no more than you demonize the Nazi community. Just like there are some Jewish people who are good and caring, there are some Nazis who are the same. :lmao: I can play too!


I have friends from all races and criticize white people in America probably more than anyone else. It's only "racist" and "nazi" if you criticize some members of the new aristocracy.



Perhaps you see it as throwing away and she say it as having sex with a guy she was attracted to versus having sex with a guy she's not attracted to and may not have feelings for irregardless of whether he loves her or not.


Perhaps she may have regretted it if she expected commitment or equated you having sex with her means you loved her.


Whether she would have regretted having sex with a guy she wasn't attracted to or had feelings for because he's nice and loves her is up to question. Just as whether they were nice or loved her.


Some nice gals want the same type of guys. Generally humans tend to want a partner they're attracted to and use others if they can't get that. [/Quote]



It's unfortunate how most women are soulless like you. I really regret taking that girls virginity, especially since it's something special to some people. I took advantage of her weak will and horrible criteria for who she has sex with (ironically now that I'm deserving, the girl would probably laugh at me). Libertardians like you think objects like property are sacred, but treating others ethically isn't even if you don't legally have to . Women are children and we need to guide them in the right direction :laugh:

Edited by AIDsFan1488
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Do tell how you got soulless from:

  • you seeing it as she threw her virginity may not be how she viewed it
  • she may have regretted it if she expected commitment/love
  • she may have regretted having sex with a guy she isn't attracted to or have feelings for
  • whether the guys were nice or loved her is up for question


As for you now ironically being deserving you and the gal may have different opinions on what's deserving.


Libertardians like you think objects like property are sacred, but treating others ethically isn't even if you don't legally have to isn't. Women are children and we need to guide them in the right direction :laugh:

This suggests a lot to me.


Lighting weights will most likely do wonders as it seems you may be the type of guy who has issues gals overlook if he's attractive. I've known plenty like a guy who ran in a sh*storm when he lost his 6 pack.

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