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Friends becoming Gf ?? when ?? how ?? plz help me with this one thx !!!

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Hi everyone im a 16 year old teenage boy

i know this must happen regulary but i need some help...

i have a friend whos a girl ,15 years old and had been friends for 4 years + but i recently got to know her more this year.. and one day she wantd to share chrush ... she said that she had a hardout crush on me abt a month ago .. and funny thing i feel the same thing... then after a week from then i duno why but i told her if she wantd to go out with me !!

her reply was : wat wuld happen between u n me if things dont work out ?? i want good things to last but duno when to start ? are u being serious abt this gf/ bf thing ?? friendship is more important to me than anything else...


and i was speechless i duno wat to do !??! i didnt even think b4 i told her abt going out !!! can anyone tell me wats gna happen or wat shuld i do ??? im totally clueless ... and culd it b possible for me to go out with her in later years ??

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: i dont want u 3 get the wrong idea but ive really liked u 4 a while now and da last thing i wanna do is not go out with u .. bt if it dont work out hows is it gna b between us ? i value our friendship more than anything else n i dun think i culd stand it if we weren't good mates .. but i dun no how serious u r abt me being yr gf . Will this b a implulsive thing ? how far r u willin 2 go ?? its like u want something good to last but not sure if u wanna start it now ...... ( she wants to talk to me abt it .. but im clueless ) pls help

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from her message, she likes you, wants to go out with you, but doesn't want to ruin the friendship you guys have there. She wants to keep what you have, but also wants to take it a step or two farther. How important is your friendship to you? Its very important to her - and she doesn't want to lose it, but it sounds like she also doesn't want to miss any chance she has at going out with you.

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sounds to me like she only wants to date you if you're serious about it.


Because so many relationships go bad, and often times when people seperate it's not on good terms.


She would rather not have a relationship if it's going to be a "bad" one, because that will taint the great friendship that you guys have.


So basically if you just like her for shallow reasons then it's probably better not to date. But if you're really, deeply into this girl for who she is, then go for it.


If you choose to date her, assure her that you are not into her for shallow reasons. Of course, you have to mean it :p

Tell her that you think it can last forever(and that you want it to last forever), because of how well you can get along as friends. Or you know....whatever hehe


She just wants assurances that it will not be a "fling" and that it will not ultimately ruin the friendship that she has come to value. But from what I gather, she very much wants to date you.

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hi guys thx for being so helpful but i got a few questions to ask...

what if we both decided on staying friends ...... then later in the years i fall in love with her again ...... do u think its possible for us to get together later in the years like when i turn 20 or get a job??? cos i dont want to let her go but i dont wanna start going out with her when im still young ( 16 ) .. what u guys think ?

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16, hmmm


Young romance, simply let the butterfly go and if she flutters back to you in a few years then go for it!! Remember Love is patient and love is kind. What's the rush?

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I agree


you're young.

Why rush it?


I think that she will respect that too.


I would suggest that you properly communicate your reasoning for her, though, so that she doesn't just think you're not attracted to her or something. That is, if your intention truly is to leave this possibility open for a later date when you are both more mature(that is to say, better able to create a long and healthy relationship).

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hay guys im back again.. yea i made the right choice... i told her to jst stay freinds and see if we're still in love in later years again.... but then she mention a quote on her msn nick name ... it says Someday, if ever you love me you'd say, "It's ok


does anyone know what does tat mean ??

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Emmm hi guys .. yea

shes my closes friend now ... and yea we've agree to stay just friends but we both know that we deperately need each other but we're still young at the moment ..

SO ..... b4 i knew tat i liked her .. i used to flirt with other girls ... givin them nice commments ... thrugh txt msgs ... but im over that stage now where i say to myself "what was i thinking " ...and YESTERDAY she found out abt it b4 i can erase my past .. she read my txts..


i told her it was all jst a joke .. becos it rly was .. and it didnt mean anything but she lost her trust in me now.and doesnt know what to think .. she's all black and said tat she felt betrayed but shuld be mad at me cos we're mates and not bf/gf .. i knew tat inside her was a hurt mad and angry person .. but she doesnt want to rlease it ..


guys please help me out here .. im stuck // i dont know what to even do now ... !! help me


take care guys !!


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well nice story,as above,she wants to go out,be gf and still be friends,she used charming words to make you serously in love with her,so you should hit back,use some deep words about how you feel.


ex:"well ................,i was really amazed by what you said that day,i just wanted to make it simple,i wanted to tell you how i feel about you,and i know you feel the same way too,i know we are very close friends,but there is something further,being someone i could tell my problems freely,someone to make me happy again when im sad,someone to make me feel free when im bored,isnt that worth it???"



good luck!!!



ps:where are you from??

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hay black mirage .. im born in malaysia but now im living in New Zealand .. yea .. hay btw do u have msn ?? if u do can u add me ? [email protected]

hahha i think ur advice r pretty good .. need more .. hahha

anyways talk to u later bro.. btw my names edwin

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Originally posted by eddieboy

hi guys thx for being so helpful but i got a few questions to ask...

what if we both decided on staying friends ...... then later in the years i fall in love with her again ...... do u think its possible for us to get together later in the years like when i turn 20 or get a job??? cos i dont want to let her go but i dont wanna start going out with her when im still young ( 16 ) .. what u guys think ?

eddie u bellend get in there my son u cud have it on tap
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eddie u bellend get in there my son u cud have it on tap = hay what does this mean ?

im confused here with the term bellend ...

pls explain further



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I just want to know that when you are older, there is always a chance. I am 25 and my best friend of over ten years are still both madly in love with eachother. We have been through high school together, through different colleges and now we have reached the "real" life. We never really talked much in college, but we were always a phone call away. In high school, we never tried anything, in case it ruined the friendship. We are now mature enough to realize that we are capable of a real lasting relationship. I honestly believe that it would never have worked out if we actually dated in high school.

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