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What to send him as birthday present?

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So here's my problem.. I can't be there on this birthday and that -beeps-. So I want to send him something tiny but original. We're gonna sell our birthdays together so it doesn't have to cost a lot. Maybe a small necklace or something but not sure if he will like it. (Yeah of course cause it's from me but wearing it? I dunno)


So I allready have a bar of chocolate for him yet I also wan't to send him something really original. Letters pictures yada yada isn't original anymore.:lmao: Haha hard question huh? Any ideas? BRING IT ON.. also thought about something really personal but what?!.

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A good way to personalize something is to have it engraved with a message from you. Ive done this before with watches and the like.


Also, you could possibly pay for an activity that you two could share sometime down the road. Like a pass to the shooting range for example? Not sure if he is into that sort of thing or not.

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Yes good one! I will have to wait for some months till I see him :lmao: so the gift will just something tiny to make the pain a bit easier on his birthday.


Got to stay positive :love:


But yes VERY good! Something else? :p

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We don't know what his personality or his interests/likes are?? So it's impossible to say what he might like :D

Not sure what this means? >We're gonna sell our birthdays together so it doesn't have to cost a lot<

What sort of things does he like?

Edited by HeavenOrHell
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OH LOL celebrate!! I don't know why I typed sell ;p Well we're long distance so in July we will celebrate both our birthdays. Just want to send him something small now :) that I can put in a big envelope.


I think I might allready have an idea but thnx for helping. ^^

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Look online for a photo company that will make a puzzle from any photo or piece of artwork you send them. Wal-mart even does them for about 12 bucks.


Send your bf a piece of the puzzle one at a time except for the last and give it to him when the two of you see each other. If you like, on the back side of each piece you could write a one-or two-word hint to keep him guessing about what his "real present" is that he'll receive when the two of you are finally together and can celebrate your birthdays properly.


Doesn't cost an arm and a leg, doesn't cost much to mail, and gives the two of you something else to look forward to and have fun doing while you endure the wait until you can see each other again.




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A good way to personalize something is to have it engraved with a message from you. Ive done this before with watches and the like.


I ordered a flask (his name engraved on it) for him (came as a kit with a little funnel & small cups) last year, and this year I sent him an expensive fountain pen with his name engraved on it. He tells me he enjoys the flask a lot more.


I find that giving gifts that he makes actual "use" out of is well more worth it. Especially if it was meant to be just "a little something something" anyways. ;)


Good luck in your search!

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You can send anything to him on his birthday which depicts your love and care to him in beautiful manner. I will suggest you to send him a collage of pictures .This is a original gift of one's love for another.

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Not long ago I was in your situation, and I was trying hard to think of what to buy my girlfriend. I knew she liked antiques, but I also knew that she had already been to every antique store in the local area, so nothing I bought would be new or interesting to her. So I decided to go online and find her a gift. I sat down and thought of variations of antiques that I thought she would find interesting. After I had that idea of a gift (and it didn't come fast), I went on Amazon and found something pretty close to what I had imagined. She ended up loving the gift, and the fact that I went through all that trouble to get her something different from the norm made her really happy. And also, it doesn't need to be expensive to be good. Originality is all it takes to make a good gift.


My point is to not have the "candy and a card" mindset. Think about his interests, and use that knowledge to find him a good gift. It could even be funny if you want to go that route, as long as it relates to what he likes and shows that you are thinking about him.


Hope that helps!

LDR Nation

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