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She says she doesn't believe in m/f friendships but...

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Don't know what to make of this comment. I have known this girl for 3 years now but have become really good friends this past year. I have fallen madly for her. I have not told her anything because she is in a relationship. I have heard her say that she doesn't believe in opposite sex friendships. Where in the heck does that leave me? Yes I know I should have asked her on the spot but I chickened out. I don't want to sound like "poor me" but I am not the most attractive guy. Maybe she doesn't see me as a threat at all. I guess I just wanted to hang on to some hope.

Then a buddy of mine says that she is interested in me because she is breaking her own "rule" on me. I know that is far fetched but I've got hope. What do you all think?

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I think that she just doesn't trust herself with you. If you two were to be friends then it would leave her confused and she might do things with you that she might regret later (being that she is currently seeing someone else) Just respect her wishes and let her be.

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