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Am I just over-reacting??

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Hello folks, I just want to get your opinion on something which my ex GF recently did...


My GF of 1 year broke up with me 3 months ago because according to her, there was no spark in our relationship. A month ago, I chanced upon an ad she placed over the internet selling the mobile phone which I gave her as a gift last Christmas 2003. This hurt me deeply and I wanted to contact her and scream at her for doing such an insensitive thing. We have not been in contact for more than a month now.


Am I just overreacting here, or do I have a valid reason to be upset?


Thanks for your time!

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Completely overreacting.


She could wipe her ass with that phone if she wanted to, what does it matter?

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I think it's ok to be upset in a sad way, since that is probably not the happiest thing in the world to find out. It's a reminder that she no longer feels the same way about you or your gifts you gave her. But it's not ok to be upset with her...since you two are separate now and it is her possession, she can do with it as she pleases.

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Well, understandably it would come as a blow. First she dumped you for a reason that can be taken very personally and now she's ridding herself of physical reminders of your relationship. But, what she does with that phone is her business. Maybe if you sell some of the things she gave you, you will feel better. Don't worry, you will find someone new who will cherish your thoughtful gifts.

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I can understand you are hurting.... I would be upset too.

Unfortunately, as the other posters said, it's her business what she does with the telephone.

Don't contact her, let alone scream.

Finding out she is selling the phone should insted one more sign that you should NOT contact her, since she obviously does not want to get back with you.

If she still cared about you and was thinking about getting back together, it is unlikely she'd have sold the phone.

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