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ok I'm new to this, this is my first time on here, but I have a big problem and need advise. there is this guy bryan and I am in love with him but we aren't together, we have been "talking" for about 7 months off and on but mostly on, cause we have had a lot of problems cause he is a popular guy and lots of girls jock him. I lost my virginity to him at a party one night but it was my decision and i don't regret it, i have had sex with him once more since then. I found out about a month ago that he had sex with my friend the night before i lost my "v" to him but we became friends the night after at the party. i asked him and he admitted it. um there is so much to tell he is constatly flirting with other girls but says he thinks he loves me I have told him that i want a relationship but he says that it would wind up being serious and then he is going to be leaving for college out of state and would probably never see me again and that would really hurt him. i have during this 7 months found out about many girls that he has messed with and i feel cheated on because he gets extremely mad if i do that and it did happen once but its like he can do that and i can't. Last night i found out that he had sex with this other girl that i asked him about and he denied. but two or three days ago i told him i couldn't talk to him anymore but i have done that many times before and have never really had the strength to go through with it. cause i end up missing him so much, i am so confused what should i do? i need advise in a hurry cause i am supposed to see him today to give him something. Help and thanks.

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love yourself enough to turn away from him and tell him it's you or nothing. Everytime you give yourself to him you lose a part of yourself. You need to gain the strenght to tell him he isn't worth your time. He needs to commit or go. If he flips out, he wasn't right for you. Anyone that doesn't respect you isn;t right for you. I hate to say it, but that isn't love either. Those are words he is saying so that he can confuse you and trap you. Love, true love, means respect and honesty, neither of which you guys seem to have. Rather, neither of which he has for you. Move on, it will seem so hard at first but you will be such a stronger person. If you don't love yourself, no one else can. Love yourself enough to leave.

ok I'm new to this, this is my first time on here, but I have a big problem and need advise. there is this guy bryan and I am in love with him but we aren't together, we have been "talking" for about 7 months off and on but mostly on, cause we have had a lot of problems cause he is a popular guy and lots of girls jock him. I lost my virginity to him at a party one night but it was my decision and i don't regret it, i have had sex with him once more since then. I found out about a month ago that he had sex with my friend the night before i lost my "v" to him but we became friends the night after at the party. i asked him and he admitted it. um there is so much to tell he is constatly flirting with other girls but says he thinks he loves me I have told him that i want a relationship but he says that it would wind up being serious and then he is going to be leaving for college out of state and would probably never see me again and that would really hurt him. i have during this 7 months found out about many girls that he has messed with and i feel cheated on because he gets extremely mad if i do that and it did happen once but its like he can do that and i can't. Last night i found out that he had sex with this other girl that i asked him about and he denied. but two or three days ago i told him i couldn't talk to him anymore but i have done that many times before and have never really had the strength to go through with it. cause i end up missing him so much, i am so confused what should i do? i need advise in a hurry cause i am supposed to see him today to give him something. Help and thanks.
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I have to say that I totally agree with Lee.


This guy seems like a xerox copy of my ex. Girl, just get out of it. I was stupid enough to hang on to my ex when he begged me and I ended up in an emotional hell as well as a severe low self-esteem that I'm still trying to recover from...My ex and I broke up in 1996!


The one thing you should know about these low life losers is that they would do anything to keep the women in their lives until they dump them. It's an ego boost for their own low self-esteem, which is their problem not yours. The tears in his eyes was his ego that was hurt and he's not gonna let that happen and that's why he's hanging on to you. But do you want to be that sacrifice?


So don't look back and save yourself. You deserve much more and don't let any man treat you like he is treating you. Others will love you the way you love yourself.

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You know what I have thought about that and i think that is exactly it. so thaks for confirming it for me. And i am going to try my best to get past this.

I have to say that I totally agree with Lee. This guy seems like a xerox copy of my ex. Girl, just get out of it. I was stupid enough to hang on to my ex when he begged me and I ended up in an emotional hell as well as a severe low self-esteem that I'm still trying to recover from...My ex and I broke up in 1996! The one thing you should know about these low life losers is that they would do anything to keep the women in their lives until they dump them. It's an ego boost for their own low self-esteem, which is their problem not yours. The tears in his eyes was his ego that was hurt and he's not gonna let that happen and that's why he's hanging on to you. But do you want to be that sacrifice?


So don't look back and save yourself. You deserve much more and don't let any man treat you like he is treating you. Others will love you the way you love yourself.

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Nothing is worth your own self-respect. He is using you, and you're playing along with it. Leave him alone. If he really respects you the way you think, he wouldn't do any of the things he's doing. He is a womanizer and a CHEAT, and may be an AIDS candidate very soon, and you and your "so-called friends" will be also. All of you are having sex with one another, because once he's slept with you and slept with someone else, you're all sharing the same bond. RESPECT yourself and BE CAREFUL!!!!! Lose the looser and become a winner by gaining your self-esteem and pride in yourself.

ok I'm new to this, this is my first time on here, but I have a big problem and need advise. there is this guy bryan and I am in love with him but we aren't together, we have been "talking" for about 7 months off and on but mostly on, cause we have had a lot of problems cause he is a popular guy and lots of girls jock him. I lost my virginity to him at a party one night but it was my decision and i don't regret it, i have had sex with him once more since then. I found out about a month ago that he had sex with my friend the night before i lost my "v" to him but we became friends the night after at the party. i asked him and he admitted it. um there is so much to tell he is constatly flirting with other girls but says he thinks he loves me I have told him that i want a relationship but he says that it would wind up being serious and then he is going to be leaving for college out of state and would probably never see me again and that would really hurt him. i have during this 7 months found out about many girls that he has messed with and i feel cheated on because he gets extremely mad if i do that and it did happen once but its like he can do that and i can't. Last night i found out that he had sex with this other girl that i asked him about and he denied. but two or three days ago i told him i couldn't talk to him anymore but i have done that many times before and have never really had the strength to go through with it. cause i end up missing him so much, i am so confused what should i do? i need advise in a hurry cause i am supposed to see him today to give him something. Help and thanks.
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Hi Candy-


My advice to you is this...first off I understand what your going through. I to am in love with a guy, but you can read my post that I put up today for that info. It sounds like he likes you, but he still wants to be out there with other girls. I don't think he loves you though because if he did he would flirt with everyone, but then again people feel love for some one and still do stupid things with out thinking. He is a dude and they sometimes fall weak and victim to sex espically since you guys only did it once in 7 months. I am not saying that's bad, but still men act like they have to have it all the time. Keep doing what your doing and let him come to you. Trust me it works!

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if you feel that he is not doing what you expect someone that you are in love with to do, then the answer is simple. if you cry more than you laugh, then you are unhappy. you need to reevaluate what it is that you saw in this man when you met him and what you are you getting out of the "relationship" now. if these things don't balance out, then find a new man.

ok I'm new to this, this is my first time on here, but I have a big problem and need advise. there is this guy bryan and I am in love with him but we aren't together, we have been "talking" for about 7 months off and on but mostly on, cause we have had a lot of problems cause he is a popular guy and lots of girls jock him. I lost my virginity to him at a party one night but it was my decision and i don't regret it, i have had sex with him once more since then. I found out about a month ago that he had sex with my friend the night before i lost my "v" to him but we became friends the night after at the party. i asked him and he admitted it. um there is so much to tell he is constatly flirting with other girls but says he thinks he loves me I have told him that i want a relationship but he says that it would wind up being serious and then he is going to be leaving for college out of state and would probably never see me again and that would really hurt him. i have during this 7 months found out about many girls that he has messed with and i feel cheated on because he gets extremely mad if i do that and it did happen once but its like he can do that and i can't. Last night i found out that he had sex with this other girl that i asked him about and he denied. but two or three days ago i told him i couldn't talk to him anymore but i have done that many times before and have never really had the strength to go through with it. cause i end up missing him so much, i am so confused what should i do? i need advise in a hurry cause i am supposed to see him today to give him something. Help and thanks.
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Tender heart
ok I'm new to this, this is my first time on here, but I have a big problem and need advise. there is this guy bryan and I am in love with him but we aren't together, we have been "talking" for about 7 months off and on but mostly on, cause we have had a lot of problems cause he is a popular guy and lots of girls jock him. I lost my virginity to him at a party one night but it was my decision and i don't regret it, i have had sex with him once more since then. I found out about a month ago that he had sex with my friend the night before i lost my "v" to him but we became friends the night after at the party. i asked him and he admitted it. um there is so much to tell he is constatly flirting with other girls but says he thinks he loves me I have told him that i want a relationship but he says that it would wind up being serious and then he is going to be leaving for college out of state and would probably never see me again and that would really hurt him. i have during this 7 months found out about many girls that he has messed with and i feel cheated on because he gets extremely mad if i do that and it did happen once but its like he can do that and i can't. Last night i found out that he had sex with this other girl that i asked him about and he denied. but two or three days ago i told him i couldn't talk to him anymore but i have done that many times before and have never really had the strength to go through with it. cause i end up missing him so much, i am so confused what should i do? i need advise in a hurry cause i am supposed to see him today to give him something. Help and thanks.

this is a though one but i know what yuo're going through.first of all just ask yourself this. what makes you think that if you guys were together he would actually be faithful to you?he seems like he doesn't want a commitment,like he just wants to sample around..i'm recently going thru something very very similar.i love my guy too,but just like yours he never seemed to make what we had official.we never actually went out,but i felt like any minute he was going to tell me he loved me(well...he actually did tell me that ,but i don't know if i believe him).after a while he told me he just wanted to be friends,but at the same time the ass gave me so many mixed signals,that drove me so confused.we continually messed around,but we never went all the way,but at the same time he would have god knows how many girlfriends.i love him so much, that i was willing to do anything and everything for him,that's probably how you feel about your guy... but on the real ...they are playing mind games with both of us...you don't know how hard it is for me to accept that,but i have no choice.still today i would take,him back,no doubt about that one,but things will never be the way i want them to be.i think it's the same for you...ofcourse he's gonna say "i luv u",you gave it up to him!the truth is that wjhen we girls get guys that are so popular,and good looking,there are mad hoochies and chikenheads up their stick,if you're not ready to play theplayers' game,stay out of the field,otherwise you're gonna get really hurt,just lke i did.as hard as it sounds try to forget about him,the more attention you pay to him,the more he's gonna ignore you,may be if you play hard to get ,he'll be on your #####.but most of all watch out for your ouw back,cause nobody else is gonna do that one for you.and becareful with what you do,it sounds like he sleeps around,makesure that a dew moments of pleasure don't put you in the trisk of catching something or getting pregnant.i know how it feels ,you're not alone!i'm going thru it,just keep you're head above the tears you have shed and go on,move on and tell him to ##### himself! bye,peace!

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