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I called the wrong #, got a man who might be my French tutor


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Yesterday I was looking for my doctor in the phone book and accidentally I called a wrong number and got another man with an heavy French accent.


Upon hearing the accent I immediately switched from English to French because I am always more than eager to practice speaking foreign languages with people. I told him I was really interested in practicing my conversation skills because I had been studying the language. He seemed delighted, so we exchanged basic personal information (names and numbers) and he told me that if I was lonely and wanted to practice my French to call him. I also offered to help his English in return.


He has only been here a year and his married with children.


About an hour later after I had come home from a walk my mother told me that some Frenchman had called looking for me. I didn't want to call back because I was embarassed and afraid that his wife might answer the phone even though nothing happened and I don't know this guy from Adam! I just sensed some hidden "inuendos" in our previous dialogue.


I would really like to meet this person to practice my French (cheaper than seeing a tutor who isn't a native speaker)but I don't want to meet him alone without his wife.


I'm just afraid to return his call for fear of embarassing him in case he really only wants a girl to hang out with on the side. (Maybe I'm just imagining things that aren't even there)


So, how can I call him, what should I say? If his wife answers should I just introduce myself as the person who got the wrong number and wants to practice French? (She'll probably never believe this)


Why am I making this into such a big dilema when I don't even know the guy from Adam?!!!

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As a practical matter, it is not good to be having a lot of discourse with someone you don't even know. However, since he already knows your number, you may as well call and see what he wants.


If his wife answers, give her your first name. If she asks for more information about you, simple state you are a student and xyz school.


Once he is on the line, or once he returns your call, merely tell him you were returning his call. Should he be calling for the purpose of giving you additional help with your French, let him know how much you appreciate his kind offer and that you will get back with him at your soonest opportunity. Thank him kindly, and be gone.


If he is calling for the purpose of having lunch, coffee or for any other social reason, let him know that you respect marriage too much and it is not your desire to become involved, even in a friendly way, with a complete stranger who is married. Thank him for his time, let him know you are sorry you got his number by accident, and bid him farewell.


The French are known for their flirtations and he may be no different. You don't need to become involved with this man, even if it is in the name of improving your "French."

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Beware of the notion that you can get something for nothing. Just because you want to save money on a tutor, you may get into a situation where you will be this man fling on the side. There are so many ways to learn a language, I would be leery of dealing one-on-one with a stranger.


As an ex-English language teacher myself (to adults in Euroupe) I had many occasions in which, even though I was a paid instructor, a male student would overtly come on to me. They were all married.

As a practical matter, it is not good to be having a lot of discourse with someone you don't even know. However, since he already knows your number, you may as well call and see what he wants. If his wife answers, give her your first name. If she asks for more information about you, simple state you are a student and xyz school.


Once he is on the line, or once he returns your call, merely tell him you were returning his call. Should he be calling for the purpose of giving you additional help with your French, let him know how much you appreciate his kind offer and that you will get back with him at your soonest opportunity. Thank him kindly, and be gone. If he is calling for the purpose of having lunch, coffee or for any other social reason, let him know that you respect marriage too much and it is not your desire to become involved, even in a friendly way, with a complete stranger who is married. Thank him for his time, let him know you are sorry you got his number by accident, and bid him farewell. The French are known for their flirtations and he may be no different. You don't need to become involved with this man, even if it is in the name of improving your "French."


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