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My coach slapped my butt :o


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During softball practice. Could this get him fired because he has always been a creep :mad:


I like your eyes.


Next time you're at practice, throw a fast one at his face.


And yeah, you can get him fired for that.

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Are you in HS or college? If in HS, maybe, if in college, not likely.


Coaches have been smacking athletes' bottoms for most of the history of sports. If you think of yourself as an equal and independent adult, let it drop unless it is accompanied by other behaviors. If OTOH, you want to act like a defenseless, abused child, go ahead and play the harrassment card over having a coach smack your rear.

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Did your coach use his hand or penis to slap your butt? They can both mean very different things on the off chance he used his hand was it a nice firm grab or a slap? If slap then you have nothing to worry about.:)

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Moderator note: The thread starter identifies herself as a high school junior. Decorum, folks.... and read her other posts.

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My coach slapped my butt :o


During softball practice. Could this get him fired because he has always been a creep :mad:


Him slapping your butt is very inappropriate, especially since you're not yet an adult and your coach is in a position of power over you. Having an older man touch you like that is not something you need to just get over and you wouldn't be acting like a defenseless child if you chose to report his behavior.

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Does he also do this to other girls?

Really, it would help to get a more detailed account of his actions, then report to the sporting venue authorities?


where do you want to take this?

And have you told your parents?

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