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Help me start a conversation with a guy I like a lot!

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I think I need some help on starting a conversation with a guy I really like......We went ou ton a date Saturday...and we were suppost to go on another one, but he said he lost his wallet.....On the date SATURDAY, we hardly spoke even one word....and I need some help...someone please help me to start a conversation with him if we ever go on another date.

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Ask him questions about himself, based on what you already know about his life, hobbies, interests. Be responsive to his answers, by asking follow-ups and adding in your own experiences. Nothing opens a guy up like your showing interest in him.


Just be sure by the end of the night you feel like he's been making the same effort to get to know you too.


-- uriel

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You need to find out what he's interested in(by asking him) and then ask him about it. Ask him about his experiences and make sure that he knows that you're paying attention. Also it's a huge help if you have your own experiences to add.


In order for the date to be successful it's gotta be fun, so talking about things that you both like should help a great deal. The amount of things you have in common is not only a good conversational aid but also an indicator on how good your relationship has the potential to be.


I hope you have a lot in common with this guy and I wish you luck.

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  • 2 years later...
I think I need some help on starting a conversation with a guy I really like......We went ou ton a date Saturday...and we were suppost to go on another one, but he said he lost his wallet.....On the date SATURDAY, we hardly spoke even one word....and I need some help...someone please help me to start a conversation with him if we ever go on another date.


hep has come don't try to talk about whether simply approach him by saying, what have you been doing, how's your dog (if any). The simplest things that interests both you and him will start a big conversation!!!

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