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Ok here is the story. I met this girl about a year ago. I met her where she works. I was in another store last week and she recognized me from about a year ago. I had trouble remembering who she was. THen I remembered that when she moved she gave me a bogus number. I didn't say anything about it when she mentioned that she knew me. We were going to go to a Motley Crue concert together. She seemed pretty cool. I just said I remembered her. I think I should go to where she's at now and talk to her and ask her out. But I'm not sure if she would be interested or not. The thing that bugs me about the whole dating thing is. If a woman is only going to go out w/ me once or twice then blow me off, She's wasting my time. What do you all think of this?

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Few women set out from the beginning to just go out with someone once or twice. But if after a few dates her interest doesn't peak, she calls the whole thing off. Better that than to use you, lead you on, and later slice your heart up in little bits. My hat's off to a lady who knows when to walk away politely.


Before even going out, if a lady gives me a bogus phone number, that's an even bigger favor. You don't even have to spend your time or money on a couple of dates. And if she wrote the wrong number by accident, she's likely to bounce lots of checks if you ever married her so you don't need her anyway.


Take the hint and leave this chick alone.

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That's some good info. I'm a frequent shopper there. *L* So all the guys there we are like on a 1st name basis. I'm not asking this girl out again. *L* I'll let her offer if anything comes up but I'm not going to initiate w/ her.


My friend thinks it's funny that I'm 28 almost 29 and that I can't seem to attract a woman over 21. 20 is the cutoff for me. Any younger than that I stay away from them.


Thanks for the advise.

Few women set out from the beginning to just go out with someone once or twice. But if after a few dates her interest doesn't peak, she calls the whole thing off. Better that than to use you, lead you on, and later slice your heart up in little bits. My hat's off to a lady who knows when to walk away politely. Before even going out, if a lady gives me a bogus phone number, that's an even bigger favor. You don't even have to spend your time or money on a couple of dates. And if she wrote the wrong number by accident, she's likely to bounce lots of checks if you ever married her so you don't need her anyway. Take the hint and leave this chick alone.


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It's not that you can't seem to attract women your age, be honest. You aren't attracted to women your age. You go for the young chirpies because you can control them...or think you can...lots better and they will look up to you.


My guess is that you have some issues from your childhood that also contribute to this attraction to younger girls. At any rate, there's nothing wrong with it at all. Enjoy yourself. But be prepared for major pain and heartbreak for a few years. These young ones will crush you almost every time. They are mostly fickle and not nearly ready to settle down.


When you are 35 and dating ladies 28 or so, you'll do just fine.


Be happy!!!

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