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I dont want my boyfriend to break up with me. what to do?

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ok please help me! my boyfriend seems to be losing interest in me and is getting annoyed by me because i keep chickening out on something. i dont know what to do. what could i do to get his interest back? and he is always talking about all these other girls who like him. what to do? he says he loves me, but i get jelous easily.

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ok please help me! my boyfriend seems to be losing interest in me and is getting annoyed by me because i keep chickening out on something.


chickening out on something?? hmm my guess would be you don't want to sleep with him, but maybe i'm wrong on that. If i am right ,then that guy isn't worth it because he won't respect your wishes that you don't want to sleep with him yet.


and he is always talking about all these other girls who like him.


This just means that if your not going to do what you were "chickening out on", then he will go elsewhere to get it. How old are you? I can see how the jealousy thing would drive this guy away, but if you want to keep him interesting then you'll probably have to work on that.

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