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If he makes a pass to make out with me, should I do it?

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Hello, here's my problem...my boyfriend of 7 months just broke up with me about 2 months ago but we are still friends and hang out every weekend with our group of friends together. Lately, I've been seeing him looking at me more when I talk to other guys or male friends. I still like my ex alot and he's the kind of guy that is pretty bold. If soon he makes a pass at me to make out with me, should I do it? I dont know if it would re-kindle things or risk the chance of everythjng being awkward. And would he be more interested in me if I played a little more hard to get? what are your thoughts?

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Yeah keep flirting with other guys and play hard to get. Let him feel what he's lost.

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I think the only one who can answer your question is you. You will have to see how you feel if and when such a situation occurs, and then go with what you are comfortable with.


It does sound as though your ex simply wants to remain in control, as he was the one who broke up with you. Every time he sees you around other guys, he might feel that he is losing that control and is attempting to do something about it. He is your ex, and if you want to go talk to other guys he has no right in stopping you.

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Wow guys i have a whole new perspective on things thanks you so much! this friday i'm goin to a pool party with him and there will be many more guys there, here's my opportunity to figure things out!

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