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Don't understand what I'm feeling.....

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[color=red][/color] :( Hello everyone! Well I dont even know where to start but here goes.. I posted an article about a week ago about how my bf was going on a cruise and I was scared he was going to cheat. Well he's back and according to my sources he was good and nothing happened but I'll never know for sure..

But anyways the reason I'm writing is because I can't explain the way I'm feeling right now and maybe someone can help me out.

Little recap. We recently met through a friend, we've been together about four months now, everything is great except for the fact he leaves to school in two months and his school is 8 hours away from me.

So far everything has been going great! He takes me out, brings me flowers, hes introduced me to his parents and just everything is perfect. But there are little things. I like him a lot I really do but for some reason I catch myself getting scared. Like everything is going to great and I'm not used to that so I want to runaway from it. I catch myself staring at the caller ID when he calls and getting exited but not wanting to pick up sometimes. I cancel dates sometimes and then I regret it. The other thing is he doesnt really share his feelings much with me and I'm the kinda girl that needs that. I need reassurance. We have sat and spoken for hours but we've never spoken about "us". He shows me he cares but has never told me " I like you a lot" or anything.

I don't know if I am a commitment phobic or maybe I'm worrying about not getting attatched because he's going to leave and my last LSD failed. Do u think I sound like a commitment phobic?, do you think Im just overanalyzing everything?, and how can I get him to open up about his feelings towards me?

Please help!

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I don't think you are commitment phobic.. It seems like you want the commitment but you are too scared to get close to him because you are not sure about how he feels in the relationship..


You should ask him straight up about how he feels about the two of you and if he can't say it.. tell him to write it in an email to you.. you seem very insecure about your relationship.. but you also have to realize that you have to open up to him also and tell him how you feel and maybe he will open up to you..


You have to work on your confidence.. You have to realize that you do deserve to be treated this way because if you weren't he wouldn't be doing it.. have you ever thought that because he has a difficult saying how he feels maybe his way of expressing himself is by showing you, which is a really great thing.. because alot of guys aren't like that..


Also I don't know why you don't answer his calls or that you cancel dates.. I don't know how much you guys see each other.. but I doubt its enough times that you don't want to see him..


can i ask you.. if you cancel dates why are you with him? are you cancelling them for logical reasons.. maybe it has to do with your past relationship and that you are scared to have another failed relationship.. you are afraid to lose him so don't push him away..

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Your right bonita I am scared of having another failed relationship i've just been through so much and now I have something good and I keep seeing myself push him away and I can't understand why because when I see him I enjoy his company very much and I enjoy being with him.

I also don't open up because I am scared he doesnt feel the same way. But I have to you know. I think I 'll attempt it tonight and see how it goes. God I hate the fact that another person can have so much control over your emotions. lol Its nutz! Thanks for youe advise:)

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