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Bed Buddies Cont'd! HELP! ASAP!

Need Help NOW in TEXAS!

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Need Help NOW in TEXAS!

Hey Guys,


Tony - I read your advice and think you might be dead on target. I've just got one more quick question for you all to tackle:


Me and the new almost boyf hang out on the weekends, but I rely on Roomie to set up the night's plans. Roomie is going out of town this weekend, so there's no way she can set anything up. Argh! I was counting on her!


What now? Do I call, or would that seem too weird? We've talked on the phone before - once - but I'm really chickening out here.


What should I do? Call, wait for him to call - he might, but who knows?- or just suffer at home with ice cream?


Additional info: he got out of a long relationship in August. It was long, but rocky, and the word on the streets is he wasn't too happy with it. (It was "over" a year before they actually broke up). And another thing, we've never talked about past relationships before, if that detail helps.


Advice, Tone. How do I approach this without freaking him out? I'm super smitten w/this guy. It's crazy!

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Just call to say hello and invite him over to do something over the weekend. Make him dinner. Invite him to a movie. This is be an excellent way for you to explore the situation without interference from the roomie.


I'm really sorry but I can't give you courage over the Internet. You will have to give that to yourself.

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