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Friends, Love? Pain!!

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Hi Everyone,


This is my first time here and I am deep pain. Okay so I really am in love with this guy at my work and I believe he has feelings for me back. But I am fed up!!!!!!! I started working with him back last year and at the time he had a g/f but broke up with back in March and since then we have become good friends but he has showed feelings towards me but somethings changed. Customers have noticed we flirt with another and ect. Even trying to push us to go out. Though I am moving out of state and its stopping us. We have everything in common which is scary, but then he admits back in May because we we're talking about the future (not of us) but what we expect what will come after college and the topic was about marriage and children and he says, "I think I know who it is but I have to see if we're on the same level!" But he was not looking at me while saying he was looking down at his feet but then I responded by saying, "Let God roll the dice and see what happens." So a few weeks passed and three weeks ago his "close female friend" which I am slightly friends with asked if he had a crush on me and he said no but she is like a big sister to him, she is a trouble maker and I am really really religious and I have been talking him about many things and he is beginning to change and I am wondering if she is threatened by me?? I am older than her by three years and I am a lady and I treat him well, and I know she does not have feelings for him, though now latley the guy I care about deeply is treating me coldly since then after that incident. He's been giving me an attitude, and ignoring me sometimes and then he acts normal again. But since that problem everything has stopped. So now when I see him I am so heartbroken and its hurting him to because I think his female friend does not want him by me. Well we all work together!!!!! He comes in on his day off and gives me this look as if I did something wrong and when I spoke with him a few days ago at work he gave me an icy stare and sometimes has a dominant problem I've noticed!! He never was like that a few weeks ago. He cared about me. But when I saw him a few days ago I walked away almost in tears without no one seeing me. I need Jesus' strength for this. I sometimes ignore him to because I don't want to show any weakness but its killing me inside. Every minute I am thinking of him. He's treating me so poorly and I confronted him a few days ago and he siad he was not aware that he was doing it. BULL!!!! What should I do???? Ignore him? Please Help!!! He might be the one I am supposed to be with but his female friend is standing in the way and she knows I'll change him!!!!! And I don't know what to do.

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This has gone on long enough that I think you should cut through the red tape by confessing your feelings. You don't have to go into a fullblown version. I'd keep it simple: I like you, and I want to go out on a date together. If this guy really likes you back, this other woman won't be able to come between you. After all, he ought to know you pretty well by now.


Usually, though, when a guy has opportunity and still doesn't make a move, it means there's some reason he's decided not to. Most likely, it's because you're leaving. It could also be because he doesn't want a girlfriend. Or, you might be mistaken about how much he likes you.


You won't know until you ask. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


-- uriel

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