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Re:I am in love with my doctor


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i hav known this man for more then nine years now. When i first met him i thought ther was an attraction there, but i got better from being in the hospotal, and went on my way and never thought about him again-or about loving him seriously,until i went back to the hospital because he is or was my cardiologist. I change doctors because of the ethics involved,but i still love this man. I am a christian woman, age 51 and never ever thought i would love anyone but my husband. he as, and is always ver good to me.We are not rich ,butlove is not about money, at least i don't think. I just knew when i looked at this man that we were meant to be, he is hiding his feelings because he is married;and things are scary when you are in our position;but i feel he is worth everything i have to go through!!!my health is not the best of health-i have heart problems;a hole in my spine, thoracic spendalosis,and alot more;but you aren't suppose to love someone for health reasons,thei looks, what they've got or whatever.aaaaaaaaHe has hid behind evryone in his office and deniede me;and he won't admit to our love, so my heart is left in limbo-or at least until he decides he wants me!what can i do????

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Depending on the number of patients he has, I would say you would likely have five to ten other competitors for his heart. Doctors are pursued by all sorts of women, nurses, etc. every day...almost all of them. The good looking ones because they are doctors, the ugly ones for their money, the average looking ones because they are away from home a lot and all of them for love.


You are married, he is married, and I would be willing to bet my hard drive that any one of ten women that see him could write a similar post as yours.


During this doctor's career, he has likely had to dismiss dozens of patients because they got attached to him this way. The poor guy has to hide when you come to the office. He denies he knows you. Don't you think he's given you a hint. By his behavior, he has already revealed his decision about you.


Besides, do you have any idea the $$$$$$$ his wife would get if he asked her for a divorce to be with you??? She would wipe him out and get a good percentage of his practice for LIFE. Doctors with extensive practices stand to lose big time so it's highly unlikely he wants his wife's private detective to photograph him with you.


I really don't know what to tell you. You think you are in love with him...you may even know it. But it's just not a happening thing. You'd probably have less complications going for Bill Clinton.


If you are able, confront the doctor directly and ask him just how he feels. Get this out in the open, process it, and do whatever else is necessary so you can move on with your life.


Your own marriage must be very poor. A married who falls in love with a doctor who has very pleasing bedside manners and is gentle with the stethoscope has got a lot of serious problems to deal with.


Are you wanting a doctor for a husband, mate, or lover so you will have medical help close by for an emergency? This is not way to get that.


Heal your marriage or get out of it. Then look for someone who is not married, who is available and who can be supportive of your medical conditions. You are chasing in the wrong direction at present.

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Depending on the number of patients he has, I would say you would likely have five to ten other competitors for his heart. Doctors are pursued by all sorts of women, nurses, etc. every day...almost all of them. The good looking ones because they are doctors, the ugly ones for their money, the average looking ones because they are away from home a lot and all of them for love. You are married, he is married, and I would be willing to bet my hard drive that any one of ten women that see him could write a similar post as yours. During this doctor's career, he has likely had to dismiss dozens of patients because they got attached to him this way. The poor guy has to hide when you come to the office. He denies he knows you. Don't you think he's given you a hint. By his behavior, he has already revealed his decision about you. Besides, do you have any idea the $$$$$$$ his wife would get if he asked her for a divorce to be with you??? She would wipe him out and get a good percentage of his practice for LIFE. Doctors with extensive practices stand to lose big time so it's highly unlikely he wants his wife's private detective to photograph him with you. I really don't know what to tell you. You think you are in love with him...you may even know it. But it's just not a happening thing. You'd probably have less complications going for Bill Clinton. If you are able, confront the doctor directly and ask him just how he feels. Get this out in the open, process it, and do whatever else is necessary so you can move on with your life. Your own marriage must be very poor. A married who falls in love with a doctor who has very pleasing bedside manners and is gentle with the stethoscope has got a lot of serious problems to deal with.


Are you wanting a doctor for a husband, mate, or lover so you will have medical help close by for an emergency? This is not way to get that.


Heal your marriage or get out of it. Then look for someone who is not married, who is available and who can be supportive of your medical conditions. You are chasing in the wrong direction at present.


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i know that i love him,and he loves me!!!!!there is no doubt about this!!!!i do not have serious problems-i did not fall in love with his bedside manner, or his use of his stethescope!!!!!I have seen a phycologist,and i'm normal!!!! I do not care about his money, his house, his cars or whatever-i'd love him if he was poor as a rat!!!!!He is the best man i knnow besides my husband-my husband is really a very nice man.who just happens to understand people alot more than most people-we are all human,and he knows that you can fall for someone,just as anybody else can.We have been married for 32 years;and he is the greatest;but still he is not the man i love.He does not want me to leave because i have so many medical problems and he loves me still, and i do not want this man because he is a doctor-beside a doctor cannot doctor his own family or wife or whatever there would be a conflict of interests there also;so i live wit a man i don't love,and i love a man that i'm crazy about,and cannot be with-all because of money???someone else is putting the importance on the wrong thing here!!!Money shouldn't matter to him if he truly loves me,and he says that he does!!!!!!

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Well, if he loves you and you love him, why aren't you getting together then? If it's not about money and all about love, then you two should be together. Your 32 year marriage, his marriage, wife and kids shouldn't matter. I don't know of any "conflicts" that would arise in a doctor treating a member of his family or his wife - past, present or future but then I'm not in the medical field so I'm not an expert in that area. But if he treated you before, why couldn't he treat you again when you're his wife - what better care could you possibly get?

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Well, if he loves you and you love him, why aren't you getting together then? If it's not about money and all about love, then you two should be together. Your 32 year marriage, his marriage, wife and kids shouldn't matter. I don't know of any "conflicts" that would arise in a doctor treating a member of his family or his wife - past, present or future but then I'm not in the medical field so I'm not an expert in that area. But if he treated you before, why couldn't he treat you again when you're his wife - what better care could you possibly get?
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