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Do Looks Matter?

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What brings about a relationship to start? Is it someone's looks like figure, beautiful eyes, smile etc or it is the personality? Would we refuse to have a relationship with someone if they were fat or not beautiful? I personally belief that looks fade away it is the personality and character traits that we live with, so that would be more imp.


I would love to get some feed back.

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Physical appearance plays a very important role in initial attraction. However, the good news is every person has a different idea of what is attractive. Some people like those who are very skinny, some like very tall, some men go out of their minds for BBWs (big beautiful women), others prefer blondes, brunettes, and on and on.


So while physical appearance plays an important role in the initial attraction of two people, every person in the world is attractive to someone.


Once you get to know a person, personality plays an even more important part. If the most beautiful lady is a bxtch or the most handsome guy is abusive, that attraction can quickly go flat.


On average, there is probably a prototypical man and women that the greatest majority of people would be attracted to in a physical sense and on the basis of personality. People are generally attracted to those who stay in pretty good shape, tend to their general appearance and attire in a conscientious fashion and have a personality that is kind, considerate and courteous.


I will say that many people begin friendships with those they are not physically attracted to and, over time, as they get to know that person better begin to become more physically attracted to them.


I hope others will give you their input on this.


By the way, I found your Email and will reply to it as soon as I can get my program to stay open long enough. Please be patient.

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I agree yet again with tony.


Yes, good looks are initially what get you attracted to the person. But in the end it's the personality that makes it or breaks it.


Some people feel like they have to have just beauty, some just personality. I think that somewhere out there there will be a good mixture of both for each and every one of us.


I pity the people whom just settle. Some people feel like they cant have both or they don't deserve both. That is crap. It may take a little time, but we all can have it.


Happy Hunting.

What brings about a relationship to start? Is it someone's looks like figure, beautiful eyes, smile etc or it is the personality? Would we refuse to have a relationship with someone if they were fat or not beautiful? I personally belief that looks fade away it is the personality and character traits that we live with, so that would be more imp. I would love to get some feed back.
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I just have to say this...when I met my finace' I was attracted basically to his personallity and not his looks. I was attracted to his independance and the way he conducted his self. After we started seeing each other (not seriously I thought I wasn't at all attracted to him physically and I thought I wanted to end it. Then I realized that his good personality and the way he treated me was great so I stayed with it and we have been together for three years. When we started getting serious is when I started being attracted to him physically/sexually. Now I think that he is the most attractive man in the world. I can't even believe that I was once not attracted to his appearance because he is so beautiful to me now.


Just thought I would give some input. Something for everyone to think about. Everyone is different and sometimes physical appearance isn't the intial always.


Thanks for listening.



I agree yet again with tony. Yes, good looks are initially what get you attracted to the person. But in the end it's the personality that makes it or breaks it. Some people feel like they have to have just beauty, some just personality. I think that somewhere out there there will be a good mixture of both for each and every one of us. I pity the people whom just settle. Some people feel like they cant have both or they don't deserve both. That is crap. It may take a little time, but we all can have it. Happy Hunting.
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