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LalaLand = Los Angeles.


Second, your theory is worthless. And it's laughable that you constantly connect many breakups with GIGS. It's honestly a crock of shiite.


You and Gibson, to me, are just predators. Preying on the weak. That's why your theory has so many hits. It's a temporary justification for the newly dumped. You really just can't tell people simply that it's over. Maybe the reason you both are so hung up on GIGS is because you're both still holding on to some false hope as well.


All in all, it's BS.

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LalaLand = Los Angeles.


Second, your theory is worthless. And it's laughable that you constantly connect many breakups with GIGS. It's honestly a crock of shiite.


You and Gibson, to me, are just predators. Preying on the weak. That's why your theory has so many hits. It's a temporary justification for the newly dumped. You really just can't tell people simply that it's over. Maybe the reason you both are so hung up on GIGS is because you're both still holding on to some false hope as well.


All in all, it's BS.


M8 just give up, we will not achieve anything here, he even thought you were supporting GIGS....


Maybe GIGS exists maybe not but applying a black and white formula to each break up is wrong.




I love that Gibson is getting so pissed of with me because he is really a pathetic bloke who manipulates users here and I hope all these posts are been looked up by future and past users and never thought he would find a guy like me to twist the right buttons.


The guy is completely psychotic and delusional and I am sure this forum gives him the will to live as he considers it his own little kingdom.


He is also very childish and dominating, just look at the way he responds, you can see he always likes to finish first but unfortunately he cant do that in the real world so he tries here.



I personally will not bother with this guy, I just hope one day he realises he has some serious attitude adjustments to make but as personality does not change, he will continue to be the same geezer he is now.

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You think G.I.G.S. is crap and don't listen to what I have to say....


So I will ask you again, what is your excuse for still pinning over your Ex? Who forced false hope upon you?


Since I am one to give false hope...


The following thread I created and the content within seems to suggest that one should not make decisions based on HOPE alone:


Really? HOPE alone is your strategy, approach and plan for Dating / Relationships / Break Ups?


Let's see... What else do I think about dating, relationships and break ups...


For Me...


For me...


I want to be with someone who wants to be with me.


For me...


If they are not 100% sure they want to be with me... I do not / am not going to be with them.


For me...


This isn't complicated. Boy mets girl, boy and girl like each other, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl ride off into the sunset.


For me...


I have never had to beg, plead, convince, negotiate, threaten, manipulate, etc. someone to be / want to be with me...


For me...


I am me. They either liked it or they don't.


For me...


If someone does not know who they are or what they want... I do not pursue them, date them, want to enter a relationship with them, marry them.


For me...


I do not pursue EXes who dumped me.


For me...


If an EX that dumped me wants a second chance... It's not MY JOB to get them to want me. It's THEIR JOB to get me to want them.

Below is my take on a break up or the end of a relationship...


Just because I don't like the answer to the question... doesn't mean that I am suppose to take it personal, think it's a reflection of me, my self worth and try to change the answer.


What is the question, you ask?


"Is this the person I want / am going to spend the rest of my life with?"


If either of us decide to stop dating, break up or end a relationship for WHATEVER reason... We both now have the answer to that question and the answer is, NO.


So for me... Rejection, a break up or the end a relationship is not a failure, I view it as a success!


What's the alternative?


To deny myself or the person I was with their own happiness? To take it personal, lose all my self-respect, dignity and chase after someone who doesn't want / deserve me? To forgo all my hopes, wishes and dreams to stay with someone I shouldn't / don't want to be with?


How on earth could anyone view the above a success?




All the links and information I posted above is my advice, outlook, approach to dating, relationships and break ups. If you deem it counterproductive, unhealthy or wrong... For my sake and the sake of the others here, can you share with us where you stand on these matters and what you think is a better way to go?




I directly quote you so how am I manipulating threads and posts?




Oh really? I will be sure to let my GF know that she really isn't my GF.


Do you have a GF? If you do, you should break up because you are still hung up on your Ex.




Finally, something that you and I agree on.




Last time I checked, you are the one hoping, praying and wanting to get back together with your Ex.


So why do you wish, hope and pray to get back together with your Ex?




Again... you and I agree on something.




You want to post a link to the entire post where you got that so everyone can see it in it's full context.




You purposely CHOOSE to be miserable, unhappy and allow your Ex to have total reign and control over you and your life.


Guess the following advice that I say on here often isn't good or what you want to hear either:


Your self-worth, self-respect, validation, approval, identity, etc. should come from within.




As you wish... As you said, you are a lost cause.



Yeah , you are right , so go n crawl back in ur hole :bunny:

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I propose a tug of war, followed by arm wrestling, then finally slapping each other with wet fish to resolve this dispute. Sometimes a good old fashioned FIGHT is the solution.

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I propose a tug of war, followed by arm wrestling, then finally slapping each other with wet fish to resolve this dispute. Sometimes a good old fashioned FIGHT is the solution.


I wish that was achievable........:lmao:

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This is how I know that they're full of it. See, all the newly dumped will come to LS, looking for an answer. And there they'll be. Wilson and Gibson. Spewing their crap about GIGS. Eventually, those noobies will get over it, move on and and think of how utterly useless all that talk of GIGS was from LS.


But then more nubies will come. And Wilson and Gibson will still be here at the front, peddaling their horsecrap GIGS theory to all the newly recyclables.


And I promise you, none of these people will be back days months years later to thank these idiots. And if any of the very few who reconcile do return, trust me, it's not enough to give credit to GIGS. Period.

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This is how I know that they're full of it. See, all the newly dumped will come to LS, looking for an answer. And there they'll be. Wilson and Gibson. Spewing their crap about GIGS. Eventually, those noobies will get over it, move on and and think of how utterly useless all that talk of GIGS was from LS.


But then more nubies will come. And Wilson and Gibson will still be here at the front, peddaling their horsecrap GIGS theory to all the newly recyclables.


And I promise you, none of these people will be back days months years later to thank these idiots. And if any of the very few who reconcile do return, trust me, it's not enough to give credit to GIGS. Period.


Sounds like a disease: Wilson & Gibson, if the GIGS dont get you, they will.....lol

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Spoken by the two idiots who's ex's came back but dont know how to deal with them so you blame the 2 GIGS people who try to help others and you but both of you failed miserably.


Smokey even told you how to get back with your ex and you blew it and ran away lalalandman... grow up


So yea its our fault

Edited by wilsonx
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You still think this is about my ex. That's what you can't get over. The EX. YOU're not helping anybody. You both don't give 2 shiites about anyone. All you care about is the sanctuary where GIGS lies. And you'll protect it with no remorse or thought. You say yOu try to help ppl but i'm constantly watching you both attack ppl on a daily basis.


Stop using your BS theory to try and say you're helping people. Because really, what you're doing is prolonging people's hurt and misery. For a stupid, bullcrap, useless cause.


So go get bent. Both you and Gibson. And stop screwing with people.

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Yes, I want to cuddle with you, and GIGS, so I can shank it with a rusty knife and put it to rest.

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you blame the 2 GIGS people who try to help others and you but both of you failed miserably.


Like I just said. Thanks for repeating it in your own words. I didn't fail, you did

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You're leading everyone down the wrong path everytime GIGS comes out of your mouth. That is true, widespread failure.

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Wilson you are man, just admit it, look at how many threads you are using the same technique over and over again.


I know you are not doing it in purpose but you honestly messing people up more than they are....


Get it in your head, relationships are breathing individuals and not black and white , where we apply a theory that your mentor came up with after a pub crawl....

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You're leading everyone down the wrong path everytime GIGS comes out of your mouth. That is true, widespread failure.


You can call BS all you want.


Simple truth is, a lot of us here on LS know of friends, co-workers, family members, etc. who broke up with someone because of school, focusing on career, immaturity, traveling, "sowing their wild oats", etc. and later (sometimes even years) reunited and some even married.


That's the big giant elephant in the room and I am not afraid to talk about it or admit it. I don't need to lie to myself or stick my fingers in my ears and scream lalalalala (no pun intended) when someone even hints or suggests reconciliations are possibility.


Why is that?


People like you and 69ways have to convince yourself and anyone who will listen that your Ex is evil (if she was so evil, why were you with her for so long?) and reconciliations can't happen.


The reason you do this...


If reconciliation is a possibility... That means each and every day that your Ex doesn't want you back, you feel rejected and dumped by your Ex all over again.


For me...


Although painful and it takes time to get over, a break up / end of a relationship isn't the end of my world. Unlike you two, I didn't need to paint my Ex black and chase after someone who no longer wanted to be. I didn't make her my EVERYTHING so our break up wasn't a reflection of me as a person, what I have to offer, it's not where I get my self-esteem, self-worth, confidence, validation, approval or identity. I get all that from within.


What did I do?


I healed and moved on in a very normal, natural and "healthy" way.


If you don't, you aren't going to be a "healthy" person. If you aren't a "healthy" person you are incapable of having a "healthy" relationship with the next person, much less an Ex should they ever return.


Even though the two of you are going to be compelled to scream and shout this down, I am still going to say it...


If you were with someone for a long period of time (could be short amount of time too), a great BF/GF and had a good relationship... don't be surprised if they want a second chance down the road. My friends and I had this happen throughout our 20's and 30s quite a bit. Some of my friends are happily married to someone they were once in a relationship, broke up, and reunited with several years later. My recent G.I.G.S. Ex of 2+ years ago as my own latest example.


Yeah I am not afraid to say it....


For some of you here, when you least expect it (could be years)... An Ex or two will come back and want a second chance with you, G.I.G.S. or not.


If you CHOOSE to have false hope and if what I just said prevents you from doing what you know you should, you have some deeper issues that you need to address.

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You can call BS all you want.


Simple truth is, a lot of us here on LS know of friends, co-workers, family members, etc. who broke up with someone because of school, focusing on career, immaturity, traveling, "sowing their wild oats", etc. and later (sometimes even years) reunited and some even married.


That's the big giant elephant in the room and I am not afraid to talk about it or admit it. I don't need to lie to myself or stick my fingers in my ears and scream lalalalala (no pun intended) when someone even hints or suggests reconciliations are possibility.


Why is that?


People like you and 69ways have to convince yourself and anyone who will listen that your Ex is evil (if she was so evil, why were you with her for so long?) and reconciliations can't happen.


The reason you do this...


If reconciliation is a possibility... That means each and every day that your Ex doesn't want you back, you feel rejected and dumped by your Ex all over again.


For me...


Although painful and it takes time to get over, a break up / end of a relationship isn't the end of my world. Unlike you two, I didn't need to paint my Ex black and chase after someone who no longer wanted to be. I didn't make her my EVERYTHING so our break up wasn't a reflection of me as a person, what I have to offer, it's not where I get my self-esteem, self-worth, confidence, validation, approval or identity. I get all that from within.


What did I do?


I healed and moved on in a very normal, natural and "healthy" way.


If you don't, you aren't going to be a "healthy" person. If you aren't a "healthy" person you are incapable of having a "healthy" relationship with the next person, much less an Ex should they ever return.


Even though the two of you are going to be compelled to scream and shout this down, I am still going to say it...


If you were with someone for a long period of time (could be short amount of time too), a great BF/GF and had a good relationship... don't be surprised if they want a second chance down the road. My friends and I had this happen throughout our 20's and 30s quite a bit. Some of my friends are happily married to someone they were once in a relationship, broke up, and reunited with several years later. My recent G.I.G.S. Ex of 2+ years ago as my own latest example.


Yeah I am not afraid to say it....


For some of you here, when you least expect it (could be years)... An Ex or two will come back and want a second chance with you, G.I.G.S. or not.


If you CHOOSE to have false hope and if what I just said prevents you from doing what you know you should, you have some deeper issues that you need to address.


And that's the end of conversation there.


GIGS is to help maybe explain the actions of the dumper, not to give false hope.


Maybe Gibson/Wilson should put a disclaimer under GIGS in italics just to say not to use it as false hope.

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Listen dude. I'm not talking about your relationship or mine or anyone elses. I'm talking about how your GIGS theory has evolved into a one size fits all phenomenon on LS, and how you push it to all the new people who come here seeking advice but fall victim to your BS theory. You have no proof to back it up. That's the truth. Your handful of friends and whoever don't count. Especially since they are non-LS members.


So stop nit-picking at everyone just to protect your phony theory. Leave people alone with your cult driven cause. You're not the founder of GIGS. Because it's fake.


You don't care about people. You care about your patent. Get the hell over it.

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If it is fake and you know that you are right, why bother arguing?


Who cares anymore. There is so much more pussy to be had.

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I'm talking about how your GIGS theory has evolved into a one size fits all phenomenon on LS, and how you push it to all the new people who come here seeking advice but fall victim to your BS theory. You have no proof to back it up.


The reasons why G.I.G.S. is so popular and common here is by not fault of it's own...


1. A large majority of the people who come here are between the ages of 18 - 25.


2. Most of the dumpers and dumpees within posts / threads we read are 18 - 25 year olds with little to no life / dating / relationship / break up experience. Not to mention, mental and emotional maturity are in short supply.


3. A large majority of the posts / threads here are people getting dumped by their "first love" or it's their first serious LTR.


4. A large majority of the people that all of sudden have the need / want / desire to "sow their wild oats" / go through their rebellion "phase" (G.I.G.S.) are between the ages of 18 - 25.


5. A large majority of people who have G.I.G.S. do a complete 180. They leave the dumpee with their head spinning not only with this being their first real break up but also wondering WTF just happened to the person they once knew for years.


5. Etc.


Going through a break up / end of a relationship is one of the hardest things people will go through and you take all the factors I listed above...


LS is going to attract a bunch of G.I.G.S. dumpees who are looking for answers, solutions, understanding, etc.


That's the truth. Your handful of friends and whoever don't count. Especially since they are non-LS members.


Strange that I keep seeing thread after thread after thread of people who come here that were dumped by someone around the ages of 18 - 25, have that dumper do a 180 and see them date around, partying, drinking, drugs, whoring it up, etc. Wait, isn't that exactly what happened to your Ex? Interesting...


We have all seen tons of threads / posts where people say / confirm they too went through that "phase" (G.I.G.S.).


Not to mention, most of us have had friends or family members who are going through / have gone that "phase" (G.I.G.S.).


"Sowing your wild oats", "Youth Rebellion", etc. (G.I.G.S.) are common phrases that people my age and older throw around to describe what a lot of kids (18 - 25) go through.


Even your Grandmother who has never even used the internet will know EXACTLY what "Sowing your wild oats", "Youth Rebellion", etc. (G.I.G.S.) is without a single explanation from you.


So if you are out to prove G.I.G.S. doesn't exist...


Start with your grandmother then work your away around to all the other adults in the world, get the phrases "Sowing Your Wild Oats", "Youth Rebellion", "Wanting The College Experience", "Young Dumb and Full of Cum", etc. removed from our lexicon, get Society at Large (Movies, Music, TV, Internet, etc.) to stop promoting being young single wild and free. Then you need to convince all the 18 - 25 year olds to not want to party, drink, drugs, only date people they intend to marry, stop wanting to have lots and lots of sex with more than one partner and to save themselves for marriage. You have to make all the 18 - 25 year olds know who they are, know what they want and get / know what love really is.


This should be enough to get you started. Report back when you get all that accomplished and then we will proceed to the next steps in the G.I.G.S. Eradication mission you have taken on.


Off you go...

Edited by gibson
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69ways and Lalandman, you two are real sour saps. What was the point of this thread? To start an argument? You two are completely ridiculous. Wilson and Gibson are good people, who are only explaining their experiences. I was a master at my craft that I too, call Gigs. Much easier to sum up then explaining it all in detail. People are too focused on that term. Get over it. Obviously you two are so sour over your beak ups. Shame on you two. It is completely disappointing to see such a waste of a thread over this. Grow up, learn from your relationships that failed, and move on.

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First you don't know me. And you're just as arrogant as them for assuming anything about me. Just the way they assume all these breakups are related to a "theory". You all act as if you understand the nuances of everyone's lives because of GIGS. How does that encapsulate the complexities of millions of lives. So get bent for assuming anything about me based on nothing you know of me. You fit in right with them very well. Again, this has nothing to do with my breakup. I've been through many.


The only reason I'm sour is because these high number "LS Guru's" stand at the frontgate waiting for the poor and weak, peddaling their GIGS brochures to people who have different stories and lives. Each are unique. Looking for real help.


They're frauds.

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First you don't know me. And you're just as arrogant as them for assuming anything about me. Just the way they assume all these breakups are related to a "theory". You all act as if you understand the nuances of everyone's lives because of GIGS. How does that encapsulate the complexities of millions of lives. So get bent for assuming anything about me based on nothing you know of me. You fit in right with them very well. Again, this has nothing to do with my breakup. I've been through many.


The only reason I'm sour is because these high number "LS Guru's" stand at the frontgate waiting for the poor and weak, peddaling their GIGS brochures to people who have different stories and lives. Each are unique. Looking for real help.


They're frauds.


You poor thing. So highly confused. I understand the anger you have, all stems from you being rejected by your exes. I hope you find happiness. This energy you waste on anger, you should use on something positive.

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And I feel sorry for you. Acting heighty and passive thinking you're above me. Again. Arrogance.

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And I feel sorry for you. Acting heighty and passive thinking tou're above me. Again. Arrogance.


Nobody is saying that they are better than anybody else. But, thank you, I will take you calling me arrogant as a compliment. Feeds my ego. :)

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