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What should I do?

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I'm seriously in love with my girl-friend. Only thing is she complains and grips about the craziest things. I put a wet washcloth in the dirty clothes. She bithced me out for it and said that was wrong and that is would mildew the clothes. I told her that's how I was taughts to do it. She calls me stupid.


This is just one of my concerns. She is very sarcastic and picks around alot. So much that it just gets on my nerves. We don't have sex because, she is insecure about herself. She believes that she is fat. I tell her everyday she is beautiful. It never seems to help. She always responds with ohh, your just trying to make me feel good! We got into a long discussion tonight while drinking some margaritas at a Mexican Restaurant. She said when she got out of her last relationship she swore that she'd stay single and work out her problems. Within in a month she was with me though. Now she feel like the relationship can't be perfect because, she has some problems that has not been worked out. She says she has to be single to work thim out.


I said fine. We'll be adults about it. I love her so much and we are so close of friends that I dont want to lose her just because, she has some problems to work out. So I say ok you can be single but, I still want to be really good friends. When you get your problem worked out come back to me. I'll always be here waiting for you.


So I'm asking you'll what should I do. Should I stick it out or should I just call it off?



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Her problems are not related to your incompatibilties. Whenever two adults move in together, there will be things each does that the other is not used to. You need to discuss these things, make compromises, have a lot of give and take, and merge your two styles of living into one. People do it every day. It's absolutely no pain whatsoever to find a place other than the dirty clothes hopper to put wet cloths. There is just no good reason to have an argument about something as silly as that.


As far as a separation for her to work out her problems, I never buy that crap. People can work things out just as well with someone as without, as long as there is mutual respect.


Give her what you consider a reasonable time to come around and want to be with you again. If she doesn't meet that timeframe, move on with your life. She may have enough problems it could take her a lifetime to work them out, who knows?

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