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keeping a secret

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I've always felt honesty was real important in a relationship and kept no secrets from my boyfriend, that is until now. You see, I've been trying to get a job with this modeling agency that pays very well and landed an interview. At one point during the interview I was required to take all my cloths off so that the men interviewing me could verify I didn't have any "suprise scares or tattoos". Even though they said I wouldn't be required to model anything revealing if I didn't want to, they said it was required of all the girls to do this. I was shocked at the request, but really wanted the job. I never told my boyfriend about the more humiliating details of the interview. See he's the kind of guy who doesn't even like a guy looking at me when I walk down the street. He would be real upset if he knew I let a couple guys see me naked. Is it better that I keep this one a secret rather then get him upset? Oh by the way, I really enjoy the modeling job.

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I don't think you ought to tell your boyfriend a thing. If I was your boyfriend and I learned of this request to take your clothes off, I would find those guys and deck them, then call for a police investigation.


I have been a photographer for many years. I have five friends who own modeling agencies in Atlanta and in Central Florida. Never in all their days have they ever heard of men at a modeling agency asking ladies to take their clothes off. Call other reputable modeling agencies in your area and see what they say.


Ok, here's the catch. First, they are wicked to want to see you naked. All they had to do was ask you if you had any tattoos. Second, they could have easily had a hidden video or still camera or both recording every minute of this for their own personal edification and for sale over the Internet or on the black market. You will never know.


Call a police agency as soon as possible. Report this episode to them. What those guys did was not illegal but highly unethical. However, should the police find hidden camera equipment in the room, all bets are off.


You will really be in trouble if your boyfriend sees nude pictures of you on an Internet website one day.


I can't believe in my wildest imagination that you would just take your clothes off for two complete adult male strangers just to show them you had no markings on your body. You could have easily worn a bathing suit to show the same thing, since they said you will not be required to pose nude. Those guys made a total and complete fool of you and you should be really pissed.


I'm just afraid if you say something to your boyfriend, if he really cares about you he may go to this agency and make these guys wish they had never been born. I know I would.


Sever all ties with this agency immediately if you value your reputation. Also call your local newspaper, ask for the city desk, and tell them this story. They will jump on it. You will be doing a great service to other girls who could fall for this trap.


Girl, you could have EASILLY been assaulted. For God's sake, be a little more discerning about who you disrobe for and when. I shiver to think what could have happened. In extreme cases, you could have been raped and killed.



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