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Having guy problems. HELP!

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well my story begins last year around this time. i started talking to this guy that i like during highschool. it


started off good. we talked on the phone like every day and i even went over his house a couple of times.


He came over my house once and my mom came home. and she really didnt approve me trying to date


him becuz of my religion. so she talked to him for like 45 mins. Well after that everything went like normal


we talked everyday. But here it is a year later and we are still not together. I have asked him about it but


all he says is i want to be with you but what about your mom. I feel that if he really wanted to be with me he


would. So what should i tell him now. Im getting tired of playin around i feel like i wasted time with him.


What should i tell him?

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After a 45-minute talking-to by your mom, I don't blame him. What will happen if you get together? What did she tell him she'd do? I figure until you're on your own, you may have these problems.

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I really think you should talk to your mom. Tell her that you've been talking to this guy for over a year now and you really want to be with him. I don't think anything should matter if you really like this person. Explain to your mom that you don't expect on marrying him or anything until after you get to know each other better. Because right now I think the first thing that pops in her mind when she thinks of your b/f's is marriage, but it doesn't turn out that way all the time. Come on, your mom needs to open up a little more because she is living in country that has a melting pot of so many different cultures/people/religions/norms/ etc. She's living in the past, and living by her own norms. She doesn't understand the new norms, and she doesn't understand her daughter. If she loved you, she should respect your feelings and respect who you are. Don't let her shut you down. You are your own person. EXplain to her. In a sense, she is discriminating against religions that are not her own and it is not healthy to discriminate against anything. People must understand that they are living in a blended nation, which makes us unique.


If you guys do end up together, it doesn't have to mean that you have to drop your religion and adopt his. You can keep yours and he can keep his, or you guys can practice both at the same time. I have an aunt that has 2 religions. She has no problem with it.

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